Lego Shots

What I and Carmelo did was take macro pictures of Lego figures in various scenarios and made them look realistic. We used skills from the other macro project, making sure that the objects weren’t blurred. Thinking about places to do the project was difficult.

Catch the Action

In this project we had to do what the title says catch someone in an action that can’t be a pose. I had to plan each photo before it happens since it needs to be done in a certain way. And you have to get a good angle since the photo needs to be have a nice motion that would explain the image. If someone takes a image like this or a one in action find something interesting for the person to do. As you see the subject in this photo is sliding down a rail on the stairs which is very different.

Click here for my photos

Close up

For this project we needed to take pictures up close. What worked well for this project was making sure you could see the object clearly and that the back round blurred out. The challenge for this project was making sure I had 10 photos. I didn’t have any issues with the cameras or taking any of the pictures. I would like to take a picture of eyes or raindrops.

my photos


This project was all about taking close up photos of Lego people, and making it look like they are the size of a human to create a scene. One skill I have is taking close up photos, because the project Macro Photography. It was challenging trying to find an area perfect for the scene, such as the photo I used as my favorite photo, the storm trooper in the jungle photo. If I were to take 5 more photos, I would take more organized, more quality photos and take more time to make better photos.

Click Here to see my photos

trooper in the forest

Catch The Action

For this assignment, we had to take a picture of someone doing something that you could’t pose. For example someone jumping or running. You were not aloud to move the camera they had to come in and out of frame. I used burst so that I could get the right picture. The tip I have is never move the camera. I would take a picture of water falling off something.

click here for the rest of my photos.

Close Up Shots

This project is a task where I focused my camera very close to a certain object. What worked well for this project was making my camera focus on a certain object, also making it focus. To make my camera focus better I used VSCO to take the photos. No issues with the camera but it was difficult to find subjects because I started to get less creative. I would like to photograph water close up.

Here is my favorite photo.

Here is the link to my drive folder with all my pictures:

Action Photos

While I was taking the photos I always put my phone in burst mode. This helped me capture the certain moments of a photo that I want. My tip is try to keep the camera very still and time the photo. I would like to photograph a swimmer, about to appear from the surface of the water.

Here is my stacked photo:

Here is the link to my action photos folder, called, “motion shots”:

I put a setting on my phone so that every time I take a picture it captures several shots at the same time. One main piece of advice I have is to always use the burst option. I would love to photograph a wave crashing onto the shore.

Close Up Photos

In this project I had to go outside and take a picture of an object close up with obvious details. The picture I chose to do a close up of some bricks on the hill. I chose this photo because it unfocused twice like a sand. The picture I chose to do was a close up picture of the bricks on the hill. I did this because the hill had cool close up details and they are full of detail.

Macro Portraits (playing with Legos)

Posts should include:

+ Explanation of the project

+ What skills do you use from previous projects?

+ What parts of the project challenged you?

+ If you had to take 5 more pictures what would you like to photograph? Scenes, places, characters?

+ Include all of your photos in your post. In the captions, explain or give a clue about the story in your photo. All photos must be ready for publishing in a gallery or professional environment. Cropped, color correct, edited. If is isn’t fantastic, don’t post it.

+ Category “Lego Stories”


Getting Close

Well, I think the only thing that worked for me was just to take the photos because it was really hard to focus the obejct. I did not try something knew this time. The only challenge for me was to find a cool object and to focus the camera. I think the thing I would like to take a photo of would be for a fish swimming but with a special type of camera.

Click Here To See My Photos