
In this project, we had to take pictures of people with a natural “frame” (like a picture frame) surrounding them. This project was similar to the Rule of Thirds in the sense that both required you to focus on your subject while taking the picture. This composition was sometimes hard, as there aren’t a lot of natural frames in the school.

This is my favorite picture I took. I can’t add my logo because my computer is glitching.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.


This project was pretty simple, in my opinion. My objective was to find objects to frame the border of the photo, but still have the main object visible. In the photo I provided, the railing of the stairs frames the photo, and still gives me a clear view of my friend Ela. This project is much different from my Rule of Thirds project. The Rule of Thirds project was based off of getting things to either take up one-third or two-thirds of the photo using the grid lines. This project didn’t use the grid lines, but they still could have been useful. This photo I attached is my favorite, mainly because it catches the details of the railing and my friend. The railing is in the perfect position, and so is Ela, so it was a clear shot. One major challenge I had faced within this project had to of had been making sure the photo actually had a frame, and that it wasn’t just something on two sides. To view more framed photos, visit this link. I have cropped a few so that other objects do not intercept with them.

rule of thirds

Getting pictures worked but finding things to take didn’t work or at least wasn’t easy. I thought the rule of thirds was pointless but now I know what it is used for. You have to line up the lines to the picture so that everything will be even.

Click here to see all my photos

Framing your Subject

In this project we needed to take pictures of people or objects with an outline/frame. This is kind of like rule of thirds because to take a good picture you have to use rule of thirds in the picture, however it has to have a frame. This is my favorite photo because it is very interesting and took a lot of effort to get. There were not many challenges but the main challenge was finding cool/different angles for all of the pictures.

Click Here to see the rest of my pictures

Framing Your Subject

In this project we used frames, so basically we got an object with a whole and took a picture of someone or something through it. The rule of thirds is similar because you have an object but it’s not the focus, just like this project. The challenging part of taking the photos was finding a good object inside the school. Click here to see photos.

Black Background

In this assignment we set the camera to be less sensitive to light to make the black background look like it wasn’t there. We also shined a light onto our faces so that our faces would be lit up. Also I used Photoshop to clear up any shadows that appeared behind us. If people moved while we tried to take the picture it was very blurry.

click here for more pictures


In this project, we took pictures through a frame or a space in the object. We took pictures of a person through the object. For example, we took a picture of a friend through two trees. In Rule of Thirds, we were supposed to make the subject be the attention of the project, similar to the Frame project. In the Frame project, we were supposed to put the subject in a frame. Here is my favorite picture.

This picture is my favorite picture because I like how my friend is in the middle of two trees and I really like the nature aspect of it. One thing that I found challenging was finding the frames inside because there are no good frames indoors. Outdoors, there are structures and there is nature so, it was easier.

For more pictures, click here.

Framing Your Subject

For this project, we had to be creative and find different gaps in buildings or breaks in structures to make one main focus in our photos. This helped to make our photos more creative and interesting. This is different from the Rule of Thirds project in many ways. Mainly, the objective is different. In Rule of Thirds, we had to have the main focus of the image on one or two of the thirds lines on our camera. The main idea in Rule of Thirds was to make your eye focus on one thing in the photo. This is similar to Framing, but instead you are using different objects to draw the attention towards the main focus, instead of the thirds lines. Pictured above is my favorite photo from this project, because I was able to create a double-frame to frame Ela. I really like how this picture turned out because Ela is focused between the stair railings, making it a very interesting photo. A challenge I faced when using this type of composition was thinking of creative ways to make frames, not just simple things like doorways.

Click here to see my other photos.

Five Shots

This assignment was lots of fun and some challenges. First reason why this assignment was fun was because I got to stand on tables and go upstairs to take a photo. A reason why it was challenging was because I had to actually find the angles. Finding good angles where hard but fun in the end. This assignment taught me how to take very good angles and that I shouldn’t just take a a picture at the same angle every time.

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