Rule of Thirds

In this project, I had to take photos with the rule of thirds where you have a 3 by 3 grid and you put your subject on one of those thirds. The easiest part of this project was taking the photos in rule of thirds. The hardest part was trying to find good photos because our school is plain. I think that the rule of thirds makes your photos more interesting because the subject isn’t right in front of you. I looked at where the third lines were on my phone and I took photos from the side thirds and from the bottom thirds. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Framing Your Subject

For this project, we had to find things around us that could create a frame. It could have been people, shadows, etc. This project was different from the rule of thirds because in the rule of thirds, we had to use the grid to have an object the focus of the photo. However, for this project, we had to use the environment so the object in the picture is the focus. The only challenge of this project was probably the lighting. My favorite frame is the one of the dog because the people because I like how the people in the background helped frame the dog.

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Rule of Thirds

In this project, there were things that were hard, and things that were easy. One thing that worked was standing in the sunlight. It made the pictures more clear, and vibrant. One thing that was hard,and didn’t work was getting the camera to focus on a person or object that was far away from the camera. At the beginning, I thought that the Rule of Thirds was kind of stupid, and pointless, but as the project proceeded, I realized that the Rule of Thirds was very helpful to make all of your pictures look better, and more well put together. The lines we used to take pictures look like a grid of squares. We used them to line up the focus of the image along them so have an “even” picture. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Five shots

For this assignment the challenges were finding the angels he could not have the same angles and five shots of an object as the same position. This assignment was very fun to because I had to find the angels. This assignment helped me learn how to find good angels.

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Framing Subject

Framing Subject is all about creating a frame around your subject essentially. What this does is create a picture of the surrounding of your subject and enhances your image and the frame around your subject. Comparing the rule of thirds to the framing project is very opposite seeing the picture expands with the background while framing creates a frame making the image smaller your focuses your attention on the on frame. And the rule of thirds goes beyond the image itself.

the link

Framing A subject

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In this assignment you have to take a photo of someone and find a frame. This photo is my favorite because its looks unique and the frame looks cool. What was challenging was finding a right and good frame. Overall this assignment was really fun, finding different things and taking pictures.

Frame Your Subject

For this project we had to take pictures of people, or our subject in a “frame”. This frame consisted of objects such as a doorway, window, in between tree branches and more! This project compares to the rule of thirds because they both use lines to force you to focus on the subject. These projects differ because the rule of thirds use imaginary lines while this project uses visible lines to focus on your subject. The biggest challenge of this project was the lighting, sometimes we had really good spots to take pictures but the lighting made the picture invalid.

link to my other photos

Rule Of Thirds

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With this assignment it was a struggle to find where to take to take the pictures but once you have found them it looks easy. And for rule of thirds is when a the main focus on the is not in the center and there is another thing to look at. And the lines made it easy to put a the person or place to balance the picture and put things in places. I thought this was going to be a lot eaier than what it was and once I found it out.

Framing your subject

The role of any rule of composition is to draw the eye into a photograph. Framing refers to using elements of a scene to create a frame within your frame. For example, you might shoot through a doorway, pulled back curtains, branches, fences, tunnels, or arches to highlight your subject. In the rule of thirds, we had to put the subject at the side of the photo, but in this assignment we had to frame the subject using parallel objects. This is my favorite photo because the books are colorful and parallel. The challenge I faced during this assignment was finding something interesting to take a photo of.

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Rule of thirds

for this project, we took photos of random objects or people when taking the picture we had to line up our main object with one of the 4 lines or line intersections on the camera. the main focus can’t be in the middle. what worked was taking pictures in light areas but not too light because it would mess up the picture. what didn’t work was taking a picture in dark areas and areas with too much light. i used the grid for this project and it was really useful it helped to separate the main focus wasn’t in the middle.