Framing Subject

This project included students to use natural frames to frame their subject they are going to take a picture of. This project used a little of the Rule Of Thirds because you need a good picture so for that you need to adjust your subject to a side to fit the frame.

Click here to see more Framing pictures

This picture was my favorite because of the overall look at it. It look so good because of how the background is blurry and Abraham is just so popped out in the picture. The hardest part of this whole project was fitting the subject in the frame to a good position so the picture could then be good.


For this assignment, we had to find a subject to take pictures of, and then use the resources around us to frame them. This includes using the holes in the gates to frame the subject, the stairwell railing, and the door frames. The idea of this project was also to use things that you wouldn’t normally think would frame something and use it to frame whatever you were taking a picture of. The point of framing your subject is so your eye goes directly to where the photagrapher wants you too look.

click here for more pictures

Dark and light photos

The assignment was to take photos of everyone in our groups but take two sets of pictures. One set being light and the other being dark. It had to look like the background was infinite. The most chsllenging thing was manipulating the camera settings so that the background was infinite. The editimg was easy

Click here

Framing A Subject

For this project, we needed to find objects that would make a “frame” shape to take our photos. We used these frames to create a better looking picture. The person or object had to be positioned in the frame. We used different shapes outside and inside the school to take our photos. When creating “Rule of Thirds” it can help frame an image by using the edges. The most challenging part was trying to find unique “frames” throughout the school, we mainly used doors as our frames for our photos. My favorite photo is the one below of my friend, Emily. This is my favorite photo because she was doing this random position while she was talking to my other friends. Her smile also doesn’t seem forced. I also like this picture because it’s very clear and I used the black fence around the turf as a unique frame.

Click here to view my other photos : )

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Framing (r.o.t’s)

In this project, we had to take pictures while framing the main focus with objects in the environment. This project also includes the Rule of Thirds, because for you to get a good picture where the focus is obvious, you must use the Rule of Thirds. This picture is my favorite because it has my BEST FRIEND in it, and the lighting in this picture is very good, and I like how we used the bike rack as the frame. One challenge i faced when doing this was trying to find good objects to use as the frame because they were either too small, or too big, or just awkward looking in the photo. We had limited options. Click here to view the rest of my photos.

Portraits white back ground

In this assignment there we some challenges with this project. Try to not get shadows in the picture and also try not to get the real back ground in the picture. It was not as hard as the dark background.


Infinite background (Black)

During this project, the main goal was to take a picture and make the background look like it disappeared. We made the ISO lower to make the black background even darker. As well as a lamp that someone in each group would hold. A challenge during this project was making sure we had the correct ISO. The easier part of this project was to hold the lamp at the correct angle. Below is a picture of me and a picture I took. Click here to view the rest of the black background portraits.

Infinite Backgrounds

The process I used for this project was to take a picture with someone in a unique pose, set against a completely black or white background, and slightly twerk it in Photoshop to make the person stand out from the image. The pictures originally looked pretty good, and the poses we thought up were new and bold. But many problems came up. The ISO in the photos was either too high or low at times, order for each of the member’s photos was unknown, and the Photoshop turned out to be harder than it appeared.

Click here for my white background photos

Click here for my black background photos.