Black Background

During this project, when I took my pictures, I had to adjust the shutter speed and to edit, I had to increase the contrast. The difficult part was the editing and a part that didn’t work was when we took the pictures, the light was too close to the camera. It was very helpful, when the picture turned out well and we did not have to edit it. The picture turned out well when we had thew right shutter speed.

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Black Background

In this project, we got in groups and took photos. After this, we edited photos and put our logos on the photo that we took. Taking photos was challenging because we needed to put enough light to show the person but not enough to show a shadow and we had to mess with the ISO and the shutter speed. Something that worked was just aiming the light at the persons face. Go here to find more photos

Frame your subject

The frame your subject project was a project where you had to use an object or something physical to surround a subject or a person. This compares to the Rule of Thirds project because in R.O.T I used imaginary lines to frame the subject and in the frame your subject I used physical objects (lines) to frame my subject. The challenges that I faced was finding interesting things to frame the person.

Here are my other photos.

Framing Photos

In this project we had to put our object in a frame outlining it. This is like the project rule of thirds because they both make you focus on the object, but the rule of thirds uses imaginary line but in this project we used actual lines. some challenges where finding a creative frame.

Click here to see all my photos.


For this assignment, we had to find different frames outside or inside the building. we had to take pictures if in a person in a frame for example a door way or a fence. For rule of thirds we used invisible lines for framing we used viable lines.Both projects forced you to pick a focal point focus your picture on that. The challenges of this project was lighting because there were many frames around the building but lighting was very hard. The lighting inside is very hard to work with because there are only so many angles you can take a picture. My favorite picture is the one of Judi because the way she is standing. I also like the angle of the picture. The way the stairway frames her makes the picture look very good.

click here to see my other photos

Framing Your Subject

For this project the had to frame a person/object by using other objects to create a focal point in the picture. The reason I liked this project is because of how it is able to create such a magnificent picture. one of the things that I had found challenging about this project is finding a space where you are able to have good lighting and finding a good frame.

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Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds project taught us how to put our subjects or thing they we are taking a picture of in different thirds of the picture so that the things surrounding your subject would lead your eye straight to them. In the beginning I thought that this project may be hard, but once I started I figured out it was easier then I thought it would be. One thing that helped it to be easier is putting a 3×3 grid on the camera. This way I could line my subject up with the line. For the picture of Iverson, I lined him up to where he was in the furthest column to the left. For the picture of the school I lined up the top of the school up with the top line of the bottom row. This made it two-thirds sky and one third school.

click here for more pictures

Framing your subject

For this project we had to take pictures of a object or a subject using the view of an other object. This relates to rule of third because you would put the subject in the middle of the grid instead of the side. What was challenging about this project was trying to find object I could put my subject in.

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Here is my favorite picture.

Framing Your Subject

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For this project we had to frame a person or objects by using objects to create a focal point. this project is very different than the rule of thirds instead of having you subject int he last box on the grid you have you subject in the middle. there were a few challenges, the biggest challenge I faced was finding a good area to take the picture in. This picture is my favorite because it shows the beauty of the flowers and nature.

Framing Your Subject

In this project, the main goal is to frame your subject of the photo using natural objects in the area. We needed to have 5 or more photos of many different objects or subjects, and many different frames. This is a little bit similar to the rule of thirds because you needed to use a line and put the object on that line, perfectly lined up, and in this one your using the world around you to do a similar thing, accept it does not need to be lined up on a grid. Finding a perfect angle that makes it fit better.

Click Here to see all my photos

here is a preview of my favorite photo