Black Backgrounds

During Photography we got to mess around and play with the ISO and shutter speed to get black backgrounds on our pictures. Also we had to be in a dark room and take pictures of our group mates and our selves and we had to have on light shining on us while the room is completely dark.

Light Graffiti

   In this project, my group and I used our phone flashlights and colorful papers to make letters. SR are my initials and everyone did their own creative idea. We used my camera to take these pictures. We changed the shutter speed to about 8 seconds and during those 8 seconds we used our lights to make our letters. We had to be careful to not light ourselves up in the pictures so we were unseen.

Light Graffiti


For the past two weeks my group and I had lots of fun working on our light graffiti projects.  Ansh, Jack P., Carter and Me (Jack) were able to create colorful and creative light images.  In order to do this we increases my camera’s shutter speed. The shutter speed variated from picture to picture ranging from 15 to 8 seconds.

The pictures looked good when when the subject was standing still  and 1 or 2 people painted the light.  All of the pictures I have included were created using this methodology.  We tried to incorporate creative ideas that look interest but are not to complicated.

When we tried to have to subject move during the time the shutter was open our product was blury and looked very unprofessional.  We also tried to thow glow sticks away from the camera but not enough light reached the camera to create an image.

I was never frustrated during this project especially since it was so fun. Although it was hard for me to paint the light in some pictures.

In order to make this project even better I think we should be able to use the stage in the all purpose room as the setting of our photographs.  It think the groups should be more spread out between different rooms to avoid light pollution.

This project was such an amusing experience.  light graffiti is a great why to experiment with light.  I will never forget this project and hope to use what I have learned again.

Black Background Portraits

In class this week we had to take pictures of other students and then edit them on Photoshop. On the cameras we used manual setting to make the photos darker and changed the ISO, shutter speed, and F-stop. It was easy to get the image black and white (all you do is click one thing). It was hard to adjust how light or dark to make my photo, because if you make it too dark you can’t see the person, and if you make it too light you can see the green-screen in the background.

The rest of my photos:



White Backgrounds

During photography class we had to use a white background with a bright light shined in our faces and we could pose and do anything like the ones my group and I did below.Also we got to mess around with the ISO and the shutter speed in order to get these pictures.


Light Graffiti

During this project we needed to use lights to make light graffiti. The shutter was opened for 15 seconds so that we could make the drawings with the lights. It was hard to make our drawings because we only had 15 seconds to make them. It was easy to come up with ideas and work with my classmates to make our ideas come to life. It was very frustrating to make really good pictures because my group’s “ghost”  were in the picture all the time and we didn’t have enough time to draw creative ideas in only 15 seconds. If we had more time we could make cool creatures and landscapes.

Light Graffiti

I used a Sony camera to take the photos and used a iPhone 6s or iPhone 7 to use a flashlight.  Something that worked very well was lighting up the person while taking the picture because it made the background really dark. Something that was hard to work with was making sure the light didn’t bounce off the wall because then the picture would look bad and be all messed up. Here is an example of what we did:


White Backgrounds

I used Adobe Photoshop to edit my pictures and to make the pictures look more white in the back.  I also used Adobe Firework to add my logo to the photo.  Using the white background helped work out a lot so it was less editing and making it way to white. Something that still doesn’t really work is making it look like there’s no background. Here are some examples of the pictures I took:

Here is my link:

Rule of Thirds

The RULE OF THIRDS!  I’ll be honest, I thought I was

better at this than I actually am.  I have continued to work on this skill and I have found that I have to think about doing it less now..  I have made a video and included 2 other videos below that will help explain this using actually images.  

This week you need to submit 4 photos. At least one of the photos needs to use leading lines and at least one picture needs to have a person as the subject.


Light Graffiti

In this project we were painting with light. We had to isolated our subject by lighting them up in advance while another member of the group drew designs or patterns around them. In this project the shutter speed was extremely important. The shutter speed determined how much time we had to draw around the person and how much light was taken in. After we used Photoshop to edit the curves and make it more visually appealing. Another important aspect to this project was that the subject must stay completely still. If they were to move they may end up with two heads which no one wants.