Rule of Thirds

       For this project, my group and I changed the settings on our camera to have a grid appear. When we took pictures, we could place the object upon one of the lines on the grid. In these pictures, you’re supposed to give a certain amount of sky and a certain amount of grass and what not. One of the lines on the grid should be aligned with the horizon if you are outside.


Link to rest of photos:

Rule of Thirds

Over the past few days in class, we’ve had to take pictures using the rule of thirds. It was very difficult to find spots inside the school that had enough blankness that you could easily identify the subject of the photo without the photo being boring. It was also hard to align everything in the picture to be on one of the lines used in the rule of thirds. I changed the settings of the camera in my phone to add a grid to make this part easier.

The rest of my photos:

Rule of Thirds

During this project we had to take pictures using grids, so that we follow the Rule of Third. It was hard to find cool/good “landscapes” at school to take pictures of. It was easy to find things to take pictures of outside. At first I thought that the “Rule of Thirds” was very difficult but now I’ve gotten used to it and I will use it in the future when taking pictures. The definition of “Rule of Thirds” is when you align a subject with the lines and their intersection points.



Rule of Thrids

In this project we had to take photos using the technique “Rule of Thirds”. This means that we had to use the lines of the thirds and place the object we wanted the viewer to see the most because this is the spot where people look first. It was hard at first because we had to line the object on the lines without making all the objects in the picture on the same plane. Also, it took multiple times to get it to work . Once I got it to work, it was easy to keep doing it again. Below is my favorite photo and the link to all my photos.

Rule Of Thirds Pictures

This Project was too take pictures on the Thirds in a grid. We turned the thirds Grid on our phones. We tried to get the main focus of the picture on the third to grab the lookers attention. You had to put the lost interesting part of the photo on the line. Also, when taking a scenery picture you would put the more desirable one in two thirds and the less one in the three thirds.  It was hard to get a moving person in frame. Also, you had to keep your hands really still so you could capture the picture in its full beauty. It worked to put something that already stood out in regular life but if you put it in the thirds it would stand out more.




Rule of Thirds

During this project, I learned many things. For example, I learned when using rule of thirds it is very eye catching and draws you in to see certain parts of an image more than others. It helps tell a story and lead the audience into the artwork. This can be very helpful when trying to convey a message or even just showing a beautiful piece of work. Using this rule it makes the image look better. A challenge for this project was trying to figure certain things to take pictures of in the school. This is because it is somewhat boring, but we have to make it interesting and draw the audiences attention. It was easy to take photos outside because there was so much to look at and it is very pretty during this time of year.  In conclusion, this was a very interesting project and very helpful when taking photos.

Here is the link for more photos:

Rule of Thirds

In this “Rule of Thirds” project required us to take pictures using the Rule of Thirds rule. The rule of Thirds is used when the main subject is lined up on one of the three by  three lines, in order to draw attention to other things in the picture. The easy parts of this project was top place a person on the lines. One of the difficulties of this project was finding natural things without people and putting them on the lines. I took about 20 pictures in this project but this was one of my favorites..

. Here is the link to the rest of the photos

Rule of Thirds

For the rule of thirds project we had to have at least four photos. One inside with people, one inside without people, one outside with people, and one outside with out people. For the photo’s in this project to work you have to take a lot of photos. For every one photo that looks good there were 5 bad photos. You had to take a lot of photos and just hope that one looks really good. The main thing that Rule of Thirds is, is that the main part of one photo is on one of the thirds graph where there are nine squares. It didn’t work when you just took one photo of something and left. You had to take each photo from many different angles. I think that this project was very fun but it was also very hard and probably the most hard one so far this year. 

This photo is outside without people. I had the horizon on the top third. The end zone and part of the shadow is on the bottom third. And the goal post is on the bottom left.

Rule of thirds

Rule of thirds was a very difficult project to work on because everything, line, and detail had to be exact. It was easy to find a setting outside on the line but doing it inside was very difficult for me to do.  I liked using a variety of places to take me photos. This definitely was not my favorite project but it was a good challenge! Here is one of my photos:

Google album link:

Rule of Thirds

In class this week we did a project called Rule of Thirds. For this project we were told to take at least one picture inside with people and one without and then one outside without people and one with people. To successfully take a Rule of Thirds picture you have to take a picture where there is something on each line of a grid. Rule of Thirds is when you align an object with the guide line and their intersection points. You then place the horizon on the top of bottom line. After we took all of our pictures we uploaded them to google drive and then downloaded them onto our computer. From there we edited them on Adobe Fireworks and and added our logo so that no one would steal our pictures. Finally, we uploaded the pictures on to google photos and created an album so that everyone can see the pictures that we took.