Portraits (white background)

To take photos for this assignment, it was very similar to the process of taking the black background photos. We had to change the IOS, so a shadow wouldn’t show up on the white background. In photoshop, we also changed the brightness to help erase shadows.The white background was easier with natural lighting to erase shadows. Overall, this project was one of my favorites so far!

click here to see the rest of my photos.

Rule of Thirds

The objective of this project was to take a picture and make the object in the center of attention by putting it on the intercept of the thirds grid. The difficult part was to align the picture so it looks centered at the same time putting the object on the intercept. The easy part was finding places to take the picture. This is because you could take a picture of anything anywhere.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!

Framing Your Subject

In this project, we used many different things as the frame of our photo. In this project it was difficult to position the object we were using as our frame with the outer edge of our photo. You had to keep moving around to make the photo look right. This was pretty similar to the rule of thirds project because you had to align objects with certain parts of the photo. In rule of thirds, we aligned our subject with the rule of thirds lines. In this we aligned our frame with the edge of our picture. Here is link to all my pictures. Below is my favorite photo. I liked this one because the tree was a very different frame than the ones everyone else was using.

Rule of Thirds

For this project, we took pictures of just about anything. We had to line up our main object with one of the 4 rule of third lines or line intersections on the camera screen. The main focus of the picture could not be in the center. This was a very easy project. There was almost no challenges. The easiest part of this assignment was positioning our camera properly so our main subject was not in the center. Here is a link to all my photos. Below is my favorite picture.

5 shots

For this project, we had to take five pictures of something from 5 different angles. In this project was hard to come up with five angles. After taking a couple of photos, you had to get creative to find the rest of the angles for your photos. The hardest item to photograph was Gage because he is taller than me. It was difficult to get the photos I too above his head. This project helped me find more interesting angles to take pictures at to make them look better. Here is link to all my photos. Below is my favorite picture.

Framing project

For our framing we had to take a photo using different things to frame the picture like door frames, fences, door ways, etc. Some challenges to this project were finding the proper frames.


For this project I had to use natural frames to make my subject stand out in my photos. It was difficult to find multiple different things to place my subject between. I also was able to use the rule of thirds for this project. By aligning my subject on the imaginary grid lines I was able to dictate where the viewer’s eye’s went. I found it very hard to also fill up all of the space inside of the frame only using a person. I like this photo the most because the frame is found in nature and has a very cool angle. You can click here to see the rest of my photos.

Rule of Thirds

This project was very simple and it wasn’t that difficult but it was difficult making the lines right with the main focus. I feel that this project was very helpful especially for future pictures and it got more difficult because we needed to take a variety of pictures with different lines. I mostly used the left and right lines and if it was a landscape I would use the top line and bottom line.

Click Here To See My Photos


During this project I took photos of different subjects using different things to frame them. We framed our subjects so that when looking at the picture your eyes go directly to the thing being framed. This is similar to the rule of thirds, because in both projects we were using different techniques so that the person looking at the picture would look directly to the subject. They are different though, because rule of thirds we used lines to bring your attention to the subject and framing we used different resources to frame and bring your attention to the subject. This is my favorite picture because I took many photos and in this photo Lizzie is caught of guard. One challenge I had during this project was finding different frames to take a picture through.

Click here for more awesome pics