Getting Close

For this project we had to take a close up and focus on the main subject of the picture. Something that made my project successful was taking the pictures from different angles so that the camera could focus on the raindrops. A difficulty I came across while taking the pictures for this assignment was getting the camera focused on the subject. Or getting the photo to be more clear and not blurry. If I could, I would choose to photograph the stars in the night sky if I had the equipment. Above is my favorite picture out of the other 9 I took, to see the rest click here.

Catch The Action

In this project, we needed to take pictures of something or someone in action. To help capture the images I set the camera Drive Mode to Continuous Shooting. A tip I would recommend anyone taking action photos is to try your best not to move the camera. If I could I would photograph skateboarding because you can get some really cool pictures. Below is one of the photos I took and a stacked one. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Lego Macro Photos

This project included using Lego figures and other small objects to make it like the Lego figures are doing stuff that humans can. We had to take pictures to make it look like like the Lego figures are human size. I used my editing skills as well as the rule of thirds for some other pictures that I took that aren’t going to be shown. It challenged me sometimes to get to the perfect angle for the Lego character and to get to the same level of height as the Lego figure. i would like to photograph something with like a landscape in the background or during a sunset to get a good background.

Captain America about to save more people as always
just taking a stroll through the Jungle. Hoping to see some cool animals.
Just got some serious air time.


With this project, I had to take pictures of Legos and make them look like they were in a normal world, not a giant world. I used skills that I learned from the last macro project. For example, I used the method of making sure that the subject was in focus and the background was not. Another skill I used was making sure that the camera was not too close to the subject, or else the subject will become blurry. If I had to take 5 more pictures, I would do one of a lego riding a bike, a lego reading, a lego walking a dog, a lego playing on a swing set, and legos in school. Here are my photos!

Go Team!
I’m Finally Home!
Me Jane.


For this project, I was assigned to take pictures of people and or things in action. What I did was make my models either jump or run to capture a good image. If you are going to make an action photo, I recommend you capture someone either running, jumping, walking or catching something in order to get a perfect shot. If I could capture a sport it would be cheer leading because cheerleaders do a lot of flips and tricks and that would be a pretty neat picture.

Click here to see more pictures

Lego Stories

For this project, I had to take legos and set them up to look like humans. I had to make the poses realistic and make it so the environment that the characters were in looked like a human environment, from the stuff in the backgrounds to the proportions of lego object to actual object. While I was taking my pictures, I had to use concepts I had learned throughout the year, from framing to rule of thirds. I believe that the most challenging part of this project was making the legos look like they were the right size to fit in the environment they were in. For example, if you wanted your character walking down a side walk, you couldn’t use an actual sidewalk, because that would be much too big for a lego person. You would have to find a much thinner object to place your lego on so that the proportions of lego to sidewalk are the same as a usual human to a sidewalk. If I were to take more pictures of lego characters, I probably would do some unique situations, such as flying in an airplane or jumping off a diving board.

For the rest of my photos, click here.

Lego Pictures

In this project we had to take pictures of Lego people and make them look realistic. We were supposed to take portraits of the Lego’s doing an activity and also have the Lego’s tell a short story. This project was similar to the macro project because we had to focus on the Lego people similar to how we had to focus on objects. Lizzie and I used the different settings on VSCO to focus on the Lego’s. One challenging part of this project was coming up with places to put the Lego’s so that it looked like the things surrounding them were a realistic and proportional size instead of the Lego’s looking very tiny. If I could take more pictures I would take pictures of more Lego’s in the outdoors and come up with more ideas of where to put them.

Going for a Float
Boat in the Grass?
Poisonous Picnic

Lego Photography

In this project we had to take pictures of legos and make it seem as if they are life-sized. The only techniques I used were obviously macro photography, rule of thirds, and angles. If I had to take 5 more pictures I would recreate scenes/battles from Star wars with clone troopers like in the jungle and maybe with ewoks or something.


Lego Portraits

In this photo, I had to get up close to Lego characters and take macro photos of their actions. I had to make sure it was as if the Lego had been in the real world. Like my previous Macro Photos project, we had to take macro photos of the Legos and their actions. The most challenging part of this project would be positioning the Legos into certain actions, as they can’t stand still easily and aren’t flexible. If I had the ability to take more photos in different locations, I would take more photos outdoors with various actions and characters. Maybe even some funny and weird photos.

Grilling the chicken.
The American Dream.
Hanging in there.

Lego Portraits

For this project, we took very close up pictures of Legos, to make them look like they are normal size and not tiny objects. Also, our pictures were supposed to tell a story of something happening. Similarly to the macro pictures, we had to take very close up pictures of objects without them becoming out of focus. Once again, I used the VSCO app to focus my pictures as best as possible.The hardest part of this project for me was to come up with good ideas to take pictures that made sense and were original. Also, I had trouble taking pictures from a good angle. If I were to take 5 more pictures, I would photograph different characters and maybe even more interesting scenes, outdoor and inside.

Going for a Float
Boat in the Grass?
Poisonous Picnic