5 Shots

In this project, I had to take pictures of two objects and one person from five different angles. The challenge was finding the perfect lighting on the object. Taking a picture of Anthony was challenging because he had ton stay in the same position. This project helped me realize that there are a lot of different angles you can take photos from.

Here is the link to the rest of my photos:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/gdauBG8se3E5t7Sw1  

5 Shots

For this project, me and my classmates had to take pictures of 3 different objects. For each photo, there had to be a different angle and position. A challenge was getting all 5 photos and making sure that they were different angles. The hardest object to photograph was probably the crayon, because since it was resting on the table, there weren’t that many good and different angles to use. It helped me realize that moving the camera angle is not the same as just moving around and taking different pictures.  

Click here to see all 15 of my photos:



1 Object, 5 Shots

My assignment was to pick 3 objects, 1 of those 3 have to be a person. Then take 5 different photos in different angles. A challenge during the project was finding good angels for the same object without moving the object. The hardest object to photograph was a person, this is because the person was blinking some of the time so I had to time some of the shots. This project helped my take a better looking photo of the same object.

below is my favorite photo from each of my objects and a link to all of the photos:


24 Colors



During this assignment we had to get a box of 24 crayons and find an object that matched the color of the crayon perfectly.  It was hard to find every single color especially the blues and yellows that where similar. It was easy to find the black and white because there are so many objects that are those colors. My 2 favorite photos are the photos below.

5 shots


For this project I had to take 5 pictures in 5 different angles of 2 objects and one person. A challenge of this project was finding  5 different angles. The hardest thing to photograph was my water bottle because each side looked the same. This project helped me know i can take pictures in many different angles.