Black Blackround

I shined the light in certain direction, and I also changed the camera settings so that it only took a certain amount of light. Only some angles that you point the light at worked while some angles got the persons shoulders which is incorrect.

Here is the link to all of my photos:

Black background


The first thing we need a dark place so we turned off all the light. Then we messed with the ISO and Shutter Speed to make sure  little to no light could come into the photo. Then we needed three people one for the camera one in the photo and one to hold the light. The things that worked where flashing the light far away for the people. The thing that did not work was holding the light right to his face.

Here are the photo


Black Background

Taking these photos was a lengthy process. First, we needed to go to a place that was dark enough that the background wouldn’t be lit. To help with that  I had to set the ISO, Shutter speed, and F-stop so my camera wouldn’t let in too much light but enough for me to see the object. I had to have someone hold the light so that it lit the object as evenly as possible. Then, I had to take them into Photoshop to mess with the lights and dark so it was a full portrait.  It was pretty hard to light the object enough so that he would be clearly seen in the image. Also, it was hard getting the settings just right for the picture. The last thing that was hard was that we had to shoot most of our photos on the green background. What was easy was when we moved to the black background.

See the rest of my photos here!:



To take pictures for this project we had to change some settings on the camera. I had to change the ISO, F-stop and shutter speed to make sure that too much light wouldn’t be let in. it worked to have a quick shutter speed to make sure that the picture wouldn’t be flooded with light. It didn’t work to have a high ISO because it let in more light.


The rest of the photos are here:

Portraits- Black Background

For this project, we posed in front of a backdrop with the lights off. One person in the group adjusted the camera, to make the ISO and shutter speed appropriate for the lighting. Then we turned out the lights, and someone in the group held a light at an angle in order to make our background seem darker. Then in Photoshop, we edited the color out of the backdrop so the background looked black and infinite. The thing that worked the best was holding a pencil case in front of the light to make it less intense. One thing that didn’t work was having the subject too far from the camera. When we did that, the photos were too dark and there were shadows. You can see my two favorites below, and an album with the others is attached to the link.

My Logo

  • I get the photos I need for my classwork from the google drive I find in my google classroom.
  • Always contact the owner of the photos you use.
  • always give credit to the owner of the photo.
  • If someone was using my images for a class project, I would expect that they ask me first and give credit on their project.
  • My logo was easy to create, although some of the problems were finding the right shapes to recreate a camera.

5 Shots

To see all of my posts, click here:

In this assignment we walked around the building and took photos at 5 different angles. We had to use two objects and one person. One challenge in this assignment was to take photos in high definition at different angles. The hardest to photograph was Laith. He was the hardest because he moved a lot.

5 shots

We had to take 3 objects and take 5 pictures of each of the objects at 5 different angels. Finding creative angles was the most difficult part. Gabriela  was the hardest thing to takes photos of because of the angles were hard to locate. This project helped me be more creative.

Click here to see the rest of my photos:


This assignment was real fun to complete. In my opinion this assignment was easy,  since our school is colorful there were many of the colors to choose from. The hardest colors to find had to be purple,  they are so close together so it was hard too match the colors exactly but I figured out a way to get around the challenge. The easy colors to find were red and blues, it seemed like the colors were everywhere so I got the colors out the way.