rule of thirds!!!!!!!

For this project, we took pictures and you align an object or person on a line the grid. We had to take 4 pictures with people and 4 without. It was easy to align the photos but more difficult to find where to take it. My thoughts didn’t really change because it was easy. We learned that placing a person on one of the lines will create a more interesting photo and show definition. If you put the subject of the photo on one of the grid lines,the persons eye will travel to that subject first. This photo was on the 2nd vertical line and on the 1st horizontal line.

Here’s my 2 favorite photos and a link to the rest.




Photo App Review

 I used Snapchat to take and edit this photo. The app is a social media picture and texting app. That is why I like it. To download this app, you go to the app store and download it.

App Review


My favorite website to use is Fotor. Fotor is a website that allows you to edit your photos. You can edit your photos very easily. With Fotor it allows you to crop and resize photos, change the color, change the brightness,  fix any imperfections of your skin and many more things. Fotor is really cool cause it allows you to get rid of wrinkles, and add blush,  weight loss, whiten your teeth, and much more. You can also add frames and different stickers.  This website is one of my favorite’s because I found it very simple and easy to use. Also, it is super easy to upload and save your photo.

Link to Fotor.


The next website I used is BeFunky. BeFunky is a great website for editing. It allows you to add fun silly stickers, to touch-ups on you,  add frames, textures, photo effects and much more. This website is one of my favorite because it is simple to use, free and I found it very helpful by offering lots of stuff to turn an ordinary picture into something more personal and unique.

Link for BeFunky.




White background

We change the ISO and the shutter speed to but more light in to 1/30 of a second and   we change the ISO to 640. With the change in the camera it put a lot of light in and also with the light in. This is much easier than the black background because we did not need to use too much Photoshop. The difference between a light background  and a black background is how much light the camera takes in. With higher ISO and shutter speed more light will come in.


Here are some of my photos

App Review – VSCO

5/5 stars!

VSCO is definitely the app for all your photography needs. The app features a built-in camera with features you could find on a professional camera. You have a lot of editing options including many filters and unique features. It also serves as a space to post your photos for others to see on your profile. It acts almost as a professional Instagram.

Processed with VSCO with p5 preset
Processed with VSCO with p5 preset

Rule of Thirds!

For this assignment we had to take four photos with human life and 4 photos without while using the rule of thirds. It was much easier to take a picture with a person in it then without. However, using the sky was easy because it took up two thirds of the picture. My thoughts changed from the beginning of the project because the rule of thirds is a little bit different and harder. This is because finding the correct line to put it on is difficult. In the first photo, Mr. G (the goat) is on the left vertical line in the rule of thirds. In my second favorite photo, the sky is taking up two thirds of the rule of thirds horizontally.

To see the rest of my beautiful photos:


Rule of Thirds

The Rule of Thirds is a basic technique used in photography using a three by three grid system.  They use this to align and position the photo to make it flow and have your eye travel in a certain direction.  In this project we had to use this technique to take photos inside and outside, some with people and some without.  The hardest place by far to take photos was inside because there aren’t as many places to take interesting shots and the lighting isn’t the best.  But me and my partner were able to work it out.  The place I liked taking pictures the best was outside my house in Clarksburg. There are some really great sunrises and sunsets outside my house, and I love to capture them on film.  This project helped me take photos in a different way and changed my mindset from the overall look of the photo to the flow of the image.


Check out the rest of my photos!



Rule of Thirds

In this project we had to take photos using the rule of thirds. In the rule of thirds. For the rule of thirds you try to dictate where the eye travels and the point of focus. So some things in this project that were successful were, putting the point of focus on one of the thirds lines. Also, making the second point of focus on a third line too. One thing that didn’t work was ignoring the lines all together. In my photo of Ryan I put the bottom of the horizontal grid at his feet and him on the line furthest to the right. For the soccer one I put the soccer goal post on the furthest left vertical line. Also, the sky is on the top horizontal line. Overall, I enjoyed the rule of thirds project,it taught me how to take a photo with a purpose.

Black Backgrounds

In this project my group and I had to take a photo seeing a black background without a background actually being there. This project had lots of difficulties, there were many shadows in the background, the setting’s weren’t really going how we wanted it to but we still managed to get photos. The challenges in this assignment was the shadows, most of the good photos had shadows but we found a way to get around that.

Rule of thirds

Rule of thirds is when you line an object on a line grid with the third line.  It was easier to take pictures with uncrowded places cause there was no things in the background to distract from the object. It was harder to take pictures outside because people kept on walking into my pictures and that messed up the balance. It was also difficult to put the object perfectly on the third line, if you didn’t it would throw off the whole picture. I liked this project because it taught me to get creative with my photos and how to make a photo have depth.