Light Graffiti

The first thing we did was change the shutter speed. We made it 8 -15 seconds.  We then got our flashlights and made sure to keep the light facing the camera. For our group everything worked but the thing the was the most frustrating was not painting the picture big enough so we had to redo the same picture like 20 times. I think to step this project  you could add more lights and all kinds of color lights.

Light Graffiti

To take these pictures, first we had to set up the camera. The shutter speed had to be about 8 seconds. After that, to take the picture the model had to stand still, someone had to paint the picture, then someone had to use the light to create the “graffiti”. The light graffiti worked, but it was hard for some people to stay still. It was frustrating because sometimes other groups would flash their light into our camera, ruining the picture. If I did this project again, I would create cooler images and have more colored lights.

App Reveiw

Many people today use their phones to edit and prefect their photos and I am no exception.  One of my favorite editing apps on my phone is Pic Collage.  Using this app I am able to create awesome collages with the use of helpful grids and colorful, fun backgrounds.  But the best thing about this app, in my opinion, is the stickers.  They add a little bit of extra flare that helps put your personality into the photo.  Overall, I think the app is user friendly and great for editing photos by adding stickers and putting them into collages.  Another place that I use to edit my photos is an online site known as Fotor.  This site allows you to do more than simply add stickers.  You can add filters and effects like oil painting which changes the look of a photo and the coloration.  If you have a picture of a person you can virtually add makeup or clean it up.  I really like the filters on this site, they are aesthetically pleasing.

This is the link to Fotor if you want to use it!

As well as the photos I edited on Fotor and Pic Collage









App Review!

The app I used was snap chat. Snap chat is an app for many people to take pictures and videos with many types of filters and send them to friends or put it on a story where all of their friends can see. Snap chat is totally my favorite because i like the filters and stickers I can add to a photo.
Here is a photo I took with the app:

My favorite website I used was Polarr. It is a website that you can upload photos and edit them with different filters and settings. I like this website because it had good filters and quality. This is the link to the website:

Here is the photo I edited:


When I visited the newseum I went to the Pulitzer prize  photos.I saw starvation in Sudan by Kevin Carter and Fire escape by Stanley J. Foreman. These photos had a big impact on me to show that not everyone is as fortunate as others. You should be grateful for what you have.I also visited the FBI exhibit where I saw how the FBI handled attacks. Its crazy to see all of the lives they have saved.

App review

Instagram- Instagram is used to post photos on your feed/page, you are able to see other peoples post if you follow them.There is a setting were you can switch your account to private, which allows you to know who sees you photos. There are also filters that you can use on your photos. You can also like and comment on others photos. It is my favorite because it lets me and my friends see each other photos.

Snapchat- Snapchat lets you send pictures to your friends and post on your story for others to see. If you keep sending photos to a person for more than 3 days you get a streak with them and it is your job to keep that streak. Most people have multiple streaks with their friends. You can also save photos to your memories and use one of the many filters they have. This is my favorite app because it allows me to easily communicate with my friends in a fun way.


we went and saw really cool things and photos. the Pulitzer prize photos were really amazing and some were terrifying like this one.

Image result for pulitzer prize photos

Rule of Thirds

Click here to see all of my photos:

     The rule of thirds is when use use a imaginary grid to make your eyes go to one object and then another on the lines. This project was kind of difficult to  align things with the rule of thirds grid.  The easiest part was taking the photo its self once you find the rule of thirds.