Smile Project

For me, the most difficult part of this project was to tell people not to smile. They felt awkward, and didn’t really want to take the picture anymore. Some people looked very different when they smiled. They looked very mean and scary when they made a serious face. Although, once they smiled, they looked like a complete different person. Bias can affect photographers because they might want to take pictures of people, but might ignore some people because they don’t want to bother someone since they look intimidating. If I was taking pictures of people, I would ask them what they’re looking for in the picture. Here is my favorite picture:


Click here to see all of my pictures:

Light Graffiti

For this project we had our camera settings on ISO 100, and on bulb mode. First you want to turn your lights off if your indoors and go to a dark place if your outside. when you are drawing, make sure that your light is pointed towards the camera and not away. If you want the background to be visible you would take your light and point it away from the camera and flood it with light. It could be frustrating if you don’t have bulb mode because you will have to put a timer. Also, if something needs to be perfect but you mess it up will be frustrating.








Light Graffiti

For this project, we had to change the shutter speed to different lengths in order to add more time to the photo and change the ISO to 100. Then, we had to draw or write whatever we wanted with flashlights and the light came up in the photo. The cameras were really easy to use and they worked well. The other lights kept coming into our picture in the gym which was a frustration and we had to edit them out. To take the project to the next level, maybe backgrounds would be cool. Here are my two favorite photos and the link is to the rest of the pics!!!

link to the photos–



During this project, we were asked to take a picture of a person smiling and a picture of the person not smiling. I found it really difficult to do this project cause many people did not like having their photo taken.  Some changes I see are when people are not smiling they seemed rude and annoyed. They also seemed unwelcoming. Though when they smiled they seemed like the friendly warm welcoming person.  Being Bias can affect your job as a photographer because as a photographer you may be thinking is this okay or right to take a picture of this person. When you are talking to a client some questions I would ask is What’s your hobbies,? What your life like? and I would ask them to smile.

Here are the photos I took



To check out more of my photos check out the link down below!

So I Asked Them To Smile


The most difficult part of this project was getting people to make a serious face since everyone always assumes you want them to smile. I saw a lot of big differences, it’s almost scary.  You can tell in peoples eyes how they really feel and it’s cool to see peoples emotions change so fast. Bias can make the difference of whether you take a certain photo or not.  I think it’s important to ignore your personal bias. You should ask a client some background questions to get a good idea of what photos you should take.


The  hard part of the project was that you need to get a person to  photograph. The change on some people are that there look sad or depress up when they smile there look so happy. Bias can affect your job because you can think people don’t like photo or will not look good in a photo. I think the best question what is your background, job and hobbies.

My photo are here 


Light Graffiti

In this project, I left the shutter open to capture all the light shown over a period of time that I could choose. Then I took a flashlight to “draw” different patterns and objects. The more I left the shutter open, the lighter the picture was, and the less dramatic it was. When I painted a curve, I found that the faster I moved my hand, the smoother the line was.

App reveiw

The apps I chose were Vsco and Snapchat. The picture of my dog was taken on snapchat. On snapchat you can use the front and back camera and use the flash along with filters to take pictures.  This is one of my favorite apps to use because its really easy to use and its also a free app. The second app I chose was Vsco. On vsco you can take pictures and apply filters that you make yourself and upload them to your account.

app review

I used snapchat to take these pictures. Snapchat is used for taking pictures of everything and sending them to your friends you can also post it on your story.It is also used for texting with your friends.It is my favorite app because because you can use a lot of different filters and other things.