Up close

For this task we had to take super macro or up close pictures. It worked well to be around 2 inches away and turn up my brightness. This made sure the pictures were in focus and the flowers were really bright. It was hard to find variety in my subjects instead of just plants. If I had everything I needed, I would have taken pictures of people’s eyes.

The rest of my pictures are here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/NLfWxJG7x3tq9LDM2

Up Close

In this project we needed to find a subject to get up close to and take a photo on if you had your phone you just get up close and hope it looks good. The trouble of this project is finding a subject to use also if you use animals to see the animal or stop it from moving. Subject that work are plants like flower, small bug, and objects. If I could take a picture of anything it would be a mantis.

Photo are here

Up close

In this project, we had to take pictures of up close things. What worked well for these pictures was using super macro and taking pictures of a single object. The new thing I tried was taking pictures up close of plants that I would usually just ignore. If I had the ability to go take an up close picture of anything, I would take an up close picture of  drops of water reflecting of of something to make the drop of water colorful.

This is the link to the rest of the photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/GrSE6XV6smPr2iN12


I walked around the school and asked people to smile and not smile. The only difficulty I had was finding unique or different people to take pictures of.  The changes I saw in the person was they looked more happy and less tight when they smile. Bias could affect someones job as a photographer because if someone looks mean or unhappy you would probably not want to take a picture of them. The questions I would ask are what they like to do or if they have any siblings.



For this project, we had to ask a person to smile and then not smile for a picture. It was really cool to see the difference in what people look like when they were smiling and when they were not. I don’t think this project was very difficult because all you had to was take a picture of someone. Although, it was a little difficult to pick and choose which person made the biggest difference. The biggest change I saw was the way a person looked. For example, a kid looked mean and not very friendly when he was not serious, and when he smiled, he looked nice and welcoming. Bias could affect a job as a photographer because if you take a photo of someone without them knowing, you could think they are different then what they actually are. If I was hired as a photographer, I would ask what type of photos they want and a little bit about their background. For example, if I was taking a picture of someone for graduation, i would ask them whether they wanted it to be more like a #scholar or more like a kid who just graduated and barely passed.

To see kool photos go here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BaEUzeo7fJHQZ4dEbM1CzE5SNwuFSwrsYJbPprr_pZM/edit?usp=sharing

Smile Project

For this project we had to take pictures of people and ask them to smile. It was difficult to find people to take pictures of. When the person had a natural face, they typically looked either mean or somewhat happy. But when they smiled, they were a totally different person. Bias could affect your job as a photographer because if someone looks mean or un welcoming, you might not want to take pictures of them. I would ask them about themselves and their background to get to know them more.

My photos are here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fBHee1YdojorGxGGkvmtsI8fTMfGws9r9_Kg2GwvJ_0/edit?usp=sharing

Getting Closer


The project getting closer was required us to get closer to object so we would be able to see the objects smallest detail and so we could observe textures.  What worked well was holding to object up to a solid background like the sky. What I tried new was take photos of flower really close. On some you can see the flakes of pollen.  Some challenges was getting the right angles. You wanted to get the right angle so you would be able to see as much of the texture as possible. A difficult subjects were animals cause they would keep moving and your photo would turn out blurry.  If I had the equipment, time and the ability I would like to photograph a fish swimming in the water. I think it would be cool to see the textures of the fish and their scales.

Here are some of my photos I took. If you want to see more check out the link below!



Up Close

Finding interesting objects worked well. I liked taking pictures of nature and especially animals. It was difficult to take pictures because I didn’t have a phone (MRS YOUNGMAN TOOK IT). I would love to take more pictures of animals and flowers, all nature.



Up Close

Link to Album:


This project we were supposed to take pictures up close as to add a new perspective to our portfolios. I used the camera feature inside VSCO editor and used it’s focusing feature to make sure the objects up close were in perspective. I tried using my rule of thirds skills to frame the photo a little better too. If I used my normal camera, the subjects wouldn’t focus. It was difficult to  find subjects that other people hadn’t already used. If I had the right equipment, I would take pictures of my cat’s eyes up close. 



App Review

The top picture is the camera roll app. This is my favorite app because I don’t have to upload the picture anywhere and there are a lot of different filters. The second picture is the google photos app on the computer. This is my favorite because there are also a lot of different filters and you can change the transparency and the opacity.