My Logo

When I look for photos in my classes I go to the search bar on google and search for the picture I want. When I take a picture I want to use off google I don’t usually give the photographer of the photo credit unless I am asked to by a teacher. I have never contacted the owner of any photo I have used for any project I have done. If someone were to use one of my photos off the internet, I would expect them to give me credit, but if they didn’t that would be fine too. My logo is a camera with the initials of my first and last name creating the camera lens in the middle. The most difficult part of my logo was making up my logo. I could not come up with a creative idea! When I finally came up with one, I could not figure out how to make the m and s in the middle. Once I got through that, I just had to make the outside part of the camera, that was the easiest part.  All in all, creating my logo was challenging but fun!

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Natalie’s Logo

To get photos you need for classes, you can take them with your personal device. If you take a photo from google, you just have to give them credit, you do not have to contact them. You always  have to give credit to the owner. If someone were to use my photo off the internet, I would expect them to give me credit, but if they didn’t that would be fine too. My logo is a colorful camera that has my two initials in the lens of the camera. My logo was easy to make because it was just basic shapes to form a camera. It was difficult to think of what my design was going to be.

~My Logo~

About My Logo

To get photos you need for classes you can either find them off google or take them off your personal device. You do not have to contact there owner but you should always give credit. I expect people to give me full credit for the pictures  and mention my name, if they were using my pictures for a project. My logo was very visible colors. It also has a lot of small details because I think details matter. It was very easy to make the big rectangle because there is a feature to make it for me. It was very hard to make the strap because I had to do it myself. 

My Logo

I normally get my photos off of Google. Also, if I am on a website and see an image that I need for a project will use that. I do not contact the owner of the photo because I don’t know how to find the contact info and I feel like it is not necessary. However, I always give the owner of the photo credit on my projects. As the owner I would expect that the people using my photo give me credit. Luckily, I have a logo so even if they are disrespectful and don’t give me credit people will still know that I made the image. My logo is a series of semi transparent colored boxes that are layered. In the middle of them all it says Sammy Photography in a pretty font. 
It was easy logging on to the computer but making the logo was a challenge. It was hard to find a design I liked and because it was my first time using the site I had a few problems but in the end it turned out really well.