Rule of Thirds

When we did this project it was pretty fun and simple to think of thing to include in our rule of thirds photos. I thought it was hard enough though to find a really good place for the object to make it a true rule of thirds photo. When i first started I thought it was going to be super easy to find good locations for the rule of thirds photos. After the project I realized that it was a little harder to find the perfect place for a rule of thirds photo. When i was following the requirements for a rule of thirds photo, I needed to use a grid to show us all the thirds of the picture which ended up really helping. When setting up a shot I had to bring the main object or area, into a third of the photo either horizontally or vertically.

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The Framing project was all about framing or in other words creating a frame out of nothing. For example you can frame things like, trees, columns etc. This photo is my favorite photo because I took it when we were first taking photos back during the crayon age. I like how its double framed and also how the color of the crayons are inverted. A couple challenges I faced during the making of these photos was finding the perfect way to position me, myself, or I in the photos and clearly show the boarder.

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During this project, I took photos of different subjects using different things to frame them. We framed our subjects so that when looking at the picture your eyes go directly to the thing being framed. This is my favorite picture because I took many photos and this is the best one. One challenge I had during this project was finding different frames to take a picture though. Go here to find more…

Framing The Subject

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`This a project was all about the getting frames that you can find out in the open. To add then it would have to use a person or an object in the middle of all of it. This project and rule of thirds go hand and hand to show u what to do and make a picture interesting. This is my favorite photo due to the fact that it shows the frame and is a blurry frame and focus on the object. The composition of the photo has challenge since you have to find a good angle.

Rule Of Thirds

I think that overall what worked and what was easiest for me was aligning the person or the object with the lines. What didn’t work mostly was making the picture look professional and interesting. Before we started the project I thought that rule of thirds really wasn’t needed but near the end of the project I realized that it makes the picture look a lot better quality. I set up the shot with the lines over top of the main subject of my photo.

Here are my photos:–madipDg0d2OzLwFtQFbNU22spqx

5 Shots

In this project, we had to take pictures of 3 different objects in 5 different angles and a picture of a person. the different angles is the hardest part of this project because you have to have the right angle or else it will look bad. The hardest object to photograph was the crayons because there was a limited number of angles I could have done. Now I feel like I’m more creative in taking pictures and I can make my photos more interesting. Go here to find more photos…

Framing Your Subject

For this project we had to incorporate the rule of thirds because we had to use different “frames” that we could find outside or inside the building. We could use anything that could surround the main focus of the picture. This project is similar to the rule of thirds but we had to make an outline to bring more attention to the main object of the picture. This picture right her is my favorite because it uses people as a frame to make the person in the middle (Me) the center of attention. I feel that this one was really creative and it created an original aspect to the picture.

Click Here To See My Photos

Framing your Subject

for this project we had to incorporate the rule of thirds method we learned. We had to make the surroundings focus on the main image, such as trees had to magnify a person or another tree. This project is similar because we had to have a main focus for the image. This picture is my favorite because it has the best focus of the main image. This project was very interesting because it was challenging but in a good way.

Click here to see my photos