24 Colors

24 colors is a project where you take creative pictures with the crayons. The color of the crayon has to blend in with the background. The challenges of the project was finding some colors like peach. A background with peach in it was so hard to find. The common colors were easy to find. These are just some of my pictures. Click here to view all of them.

24 Colors

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

24 Colors, a project that required me to take pictures of 24 crayons that match up with the world around me. Sometimes inspiration was difficult to find because Crayola crayons don’t exactly have the same color as everyday objects. Taking the photos was simple because I know how to angle and focus a photo to my liking. I enjoyed this project very much and hope to do more like this. Plus I got new wallpaper for my iphone!

24 Crayons

With the 24 crayons assignment we have to find different colors that matched with certain crayons. A challenge of this project was having to actually find the color because once it showed up on camera it looked like a different shade then in real life. I found that taking the pictures itself was easy. My two favorite crayon pictures are the indigo and the red violet images (located below). Here are the links to my photos.

24 Colors

The 24 colors assignment is about taking photos of 24 different colors and 24 different photos. each of the colors has to be on something that is the same color as the crayon. The most challenging part of the entire assignment was finding something that would match the color of the crayon. The easiest part was figuring out which color was already taken.

My two favorite photos are shown below. The rest of the photos are shown here.

24 Colors

Overall, the 24 crayons project was a little challenging, but relatively easy. I thought that the project was fun since we had to find an interesting background with the same color as the crayon. The project had some challenges like trying to find a background with the same color. Colors like pink and purple were hard to find. However, the project was easy in some areas such as putting the images into Google Drive. Doing this made uploading the pictures a whole lot easier. This project was a good combination of being challenging yet easy. 2 of my favorite pictures are below. The rest can be found here.

24 crayons PD1

In this project we had to take individual photos of 24 crayons with a matching background. We then had to upload the photos and create this post for them. One of the challenges of this project was finding matching backgrounds. Another challenge was making sure I had all the crayon photo’s. The easy part was taking the photo’s.  Here are 2 of my photo’s. If you would like to see more of my photo’s click here.

24 Colors

In this assignment, I had to use a box of 24 crayons and find backgrounds that matched the crayon colors. One of the challenges of this project was when I lost two crayons. I lost my white one inside of a vent and the other color of the second one I lost is unknown. One thing I found to be easy would be taking pictures of the black and blue crayons. You can see all of my photos here.

24 Crayons

For this project I had a case of 24 crayons and I had to take a photo of each crayon with a background of similar color. This project was not as easy as it seemed. Sometimes it was hard to keep the crayon in place. Other times, the crayons would match perfectly with the object in real life, but when I went to take a photo the colors were different because of lighting. One thing I found to be easy was finding objects similar in color in my everyday life. Below are my 2 favorite photos from this project. You can see the rest of my photos here.

24 Colors Project

For this assignment we had to take pictures of objects that matched with the colors in a classic 24 color crayon box, and then attach our logos to our two favorite photos. The most challenging part of the project was when I got down to a couple of colors left, it was a bit hard to find things in the school that matched these colors. One color that was especially hard to find in the school was violet/purple. It was pretty easy to get all the basic colors done though, like red, green, blue, etc; because those colors are everywhere around the school.

To see the rest of my photos go here