24 Crayons

The 24 crayons assignment was an assignment where we had to take creative photos of 24 different colored crayons. Most challenging part of the project, was finding a fitting background for each of the crayons, because some were unusual colors, like the colors, apricot, and green-yellow. The easy part was taking the photos, and editing my logo onto the photos I took. My two favorite photos I took were the ones with the scarlet crayon, and the brown crayon (shown below). This is a link to the other pictures I took, 

24 Crayons

Hello my name is Ashley and this is my 24 crayons project.  The project was to get a pack of 24 crayons and takes pictures of the crayons with their matching color.  I would say finding a place to put the crayon was difficult and taking the picture was easy.  Well take a look at my 2 favorite pictures below.  If you want to see all 24 crayons, click here.

24 Colors

24 Colors is where I went around the school. my house, and outside to take pictures of all 24 crayons in the box. The crayons match what color its background is. The challenge of taking the photos is trying not to hold them. I also had a really hard time trying to get the photos to look better than just a picture of a crayon. I found that the color white was easy because there are a lot of white things around here but I still needed to be creative with the photo. 

White Crayon
(One of the orange ones)

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

24 colors

For this project, I took pictures of 24 different colored crayons. Once I took good pictures, I chose two of the best pictures to post as my project. One of the easiest things about this project was that I already had the box of crayons and all I had to do was find good  places to take pictures of them. The harder part was that it could be hard to find good places for every color.

24 Colors

For the 24 colors assignment I had to take pictures of things that match the same color as the crayon. the challenge of this assignment was that i couldn’t fine things that were the same color so some crayons don’t match the object. I think that the most easiest thing was to take picture even though some turned out blurry. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

24 Colors

This assignment was very fun. We had to be observant and look for colors around us, that fit the colors of the crayons, and take pictures. A few colors were very similar, so it was difficult to find objects that fit those colors, but in the end it turned out well. Here are 2 of my favorite photos. You can view the rest of my photos here

24 colors

24 colors

For this assignment we had to get a box of crayons and find the exact same color. The challenges were fining the specific colors of Blue and Purple. There were many colors that looked the same and were harder to find. It was also hard to make sure that my finger did not show up in the picture. Sometimes I would forget to make sure that either the whole Crayola sign should show, or none of the Crayola sign should show. I think the easier colors were the plain colors like White, Black and Grey. I found many pictures of those colors. The Green, Oranges, and Reds were also easy because I found objects to match those colors fast and very easy.  The rest of my photos will be posted here