24 Crayons

For this assignment we had to take pictures of 24 crayons next to colors that matched the crayon color. This showed me all the variety of color we have in this school. Some things that were difficult was finding the oranges and the purples. Find my photos here.

24 Crayons

For our second project we had to take pictures of 24 different colored crayons with object with the same colors. It was easy to find things that were the same color as some of the crayons. It was challenging to make the crayons not move while taking the picture. The rest of my photos are here.

24 Colors

In this project, I had to take 24 pictures of 24 different colored crayons that matched the objects around me. Some challenges of this project if finding the exact color, knowing which angle was best, when and if I want flash, and reaching things that are in high spots or corners. Sometimes, the picture would come out weird if I was taking it next to a window or when I was taking it with a background that was farther away. What I thought was easy was finding things I wanted to take a picture of, and I got ideas easily. I really liked this project because it was really fun and challenging.  You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.

24 Colors

In this project, I took 24 crayons and found objects around me that have the same colors. Some challenges of this project are when I found something I wanted to take a picture of, and finding the right angle to take the picture. Sometimes, it would come out weird, because some objects were in front of windows, making everything in the background dark and hard to see. Another challenge was making sure that similar pictures and colors did not look alike, and making the pictures look interesting. What I found to be easy in this project was taking the actual pictures. I found that part fun too, because I liked looking for cool ways to position the crayons on, in, or next to the objects. I really liked this project, because it was a fun challenge to find 24 objects to match the crayons I had. To see the rest of my pictures, click here

24 Colors

For this project I had to go around the school and take pictures of each crayon with an object that matched its color. A big challenge of this project was posting this . It was hard to get my logo on the two pictures. It was also hard to find some objects that matched the crayon. It was easy to download my pictures on google drive then use them on the computer.
Here are the rest of my pictures! < https://drive.google.com/open?id=1R9ezJc9PDFPIzWuEYGLGsOioVhBnDDp8

my water mark

I get the photos i use from google images. I don’t contact the owner of the photo and I don’t give credit to the owner. I wouldn’t expect anything of the owner. My logo is a colorful camera. The hard part about designing my logo was finding out how to create a square, the easy part was coloring the square

24 Colors

In this assignment we had to use a 24 box of crayons and match it was objects. It was really fun but it got so stressful finding some colors. I went to Micheal with my friend and we spent almost 2 hours finding colors that match the crayons. It was challenging because I would find stuff with the same color but on camera they looked different. Also I kept dropping the crayons and broke a lot of them like I accidentally dropped a box of crayons in a flower pot when I was taking a picture, but luckily I was at Micheal so I just bought a new pack. It was easy to take the pictures and to edit the photo because they didn’t need much editing. Overall, this was a fun project and a good start for this class. HERE

24 Colors

For this assignment we had to use a box of 24 crayons and find something that match each color to take a picture of. The hardest part of this assignment was finding colors that matched all of the blues and oranges as many of them look similar. Another hard part was for one of the orange crayons we had to place it in a space that was over 2 feet above us but we managed to get the crayon up there and take a picture. What was easy about this project was finding time to take all of the photos. Here are my two favorite photos and here is the rest of my photos for this assignment. 

24 crayons

This project was taking 24 pictures off twenty four crayons.We had to pick our two favorite. These are mine. It was easy to find backgrounds for each crayon. But hard to take pictures because of the lighting in the school.

24 Crayons

24 crayons was a project of taking 24 crayons in different places.  In my opinion the hardest part of the project was being creative with all the crayons.  The easiest part of the project was finding places because there is a lot of colors around the school.  Below are my two favorite pictures from the project.  If you want to see all 24 pictures, click here.