1 object, 5 shots

The purpose of this project was to get me, as the photographer, to move around and take the picture of an object with different angles. This project thought me that it’s not always the object that has to move for the picture to be good, sometimes the photographer themselves have to be the one to move and get the perfect angle to make the picture work. Something I found very hard during this project was to figure out the angles that I had to use. While something that was easy was to get my device to put a certain kind of focus on the object to make the background different. This project helped me figure out some angles that I will definitely use to take pictures in life. Below is one of my favorite picture. You could go check out the rest of my pictures here.

My Logo

This is my logo that I made in photography. I made it using Adobe Fireworks. During this project, I realized that when I take pictures off the internet to use in school projects, I don’t ask the owner for permission. So I had fun making this logo knowing that it is mine and I made it my self. The logo is a camera and my initials are in the middle.

5 Shots

For this assignment We had to take pictures of 3 different objects 1 being a person from 5 different angles. The difficult part of this project was getting 5 different angles. The hardest object to take pictures of was my cat because he kept moving. This project helped me to see how one thing can look so different from another angle. You can see the rest of my photos Here

24 Crayon

Our second assignment was to buy a box of 24 crayon and take photos of each individual crayon. I found that finding the colors was easy. My two favorite photos are displayed below. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

24 Colors

My Assignment was to take 24 crayons find the same shade of the crayons and take pictures of it. This is one of the two that I posted 
and also my favorite. One of the hardest parts of taking theses pictures was sometimes were to high and i need to have a friend help me. one of the easiest parts was to find the basic colors.You can see the rest of my photos here.

24 Colors

For the 24 colors project we needed to find things that the color of the crayon matched. We had to find something that matched the color of all 24 crayons in the box which was hard to do but it was a lot of fun. It was challenging to match the color of the crayons to different objects. One thing that was easy was taking the picture of the crayon. It was also easy to place the crayons on the objects to take pictures of them. Click here to see the rest of my pictures.

24 Colors

For this assignment, we had to take pictures of different color crayons, next to something the same color as itself. There’s many colors in this school, so this wasn’t very difficult. if you want to see more pictures, click here.

24 Colors

These are my photos If you want to see more click here. For this project we had to take pictures of 24 crayons. These are my two favorites. The challenge I had was trying to find a background so it will match up with the crayon. The easy part is taking the picture that’s really easy.

My Logo

I found my picture on google and I didn’t give the creator any credit I just feel like it’s a long process just for a picture I also don’t show anyone the author or give any credit

To the author. I would let someone use my logo/post but i would definitely want some credit because it took me time. The easy part of doing my logo is creating my theme of a football because I feel like that my hobby and I want to become a football player. The difficult part was finding a background good enough to match my football logo.

24 Colors

This project was all about matching those 24 colors to something in the building or outside. A thing that was mostly easy about this project was putting those crayons at an angle which would look good. But i had more difficulties than easy things about this project for example finding a color that matched to see if it matched better with one color than another. Another difficult thing about this project was finding colors throughout the building i didn’t want all my pictures to be basic and bland with a same color background so i had to search throughout the building for my pictures.