Framing a Subject

For this project, we were suppose to find objects and or people to make a “frame”. In order to do so, the object/person were positioned a certain way to get the perfect shot. I also only used specific locations that have a certain shape to frame it. My favorite photo is the one of my friend, Emily, because she is in between the two columns and I feel like this location was good for framing.

Rule Of Thirds

In this project I had to take a picture of a person or an object then have a background behind them that makes the persons eye travel when they look at it. The easy thing about this project was finding an object or a person to take a picture for but the difficult task was finding a good background that displays the rule of thirds. I think this project would have been more important to a photographer but to a middle school student it was absolutely pointless.

White Infinite Background

In my opinion, this project was pretty simple. All I needed to do was use a little bit of lighting a take the picture and later on editing it on photo shop. I had no complications with this project what soever and everything went smoothly.

Rule of Thirds

For this project we had to have a subject in 1/3 the picture and draw the viewers attention to it. You also need to have background that stands out and the subject cannot be on the same plane. Click here to view more pictures

Rule of Thirds

For this project, Charles and I decided to focus on the rule of thirds principle, where certain objects you want more focus on will catch the eyes of the viewer if you position them on 3 horizontal and 3 vertical lines. I was very interested in this project and I would certainly say that it has been my favorite so far. I found it easy to position Charles, and other inanimate objects, in ways to create a clever and intriguing image, but I found it difficult to find the specific locations necessary to take the photo. Before now, I hadn’t thought much about how I could revolutionize my photos by simply matching something with a camera line, but now that I know how, I think I will use this method many, many more times.

For the rest of my photography in this subject, click here.

Framing my Subject

For this project, Charles and I went around the inside and outside of the school, and positioned ourselves so the natural and man-made surroundings almost created a picture frame. This was the idea of framing, to direct focus to your subject, using the things around you. In my last post, I said the Rule of Thirds project was my favorite activity of the quarter. But now, without a shadow of a doubt, this is even better. I took my several great photos, both inside and out, to make this entry very successful. Although it was tough to come up with new framing ideas, it seems to have worked out nicely and I would do this project again, a million times.

For my complete portfolio of framing images, click here

This photograph is my favorite because it is in an interesting location and the bus benches have a nice silver tint that makes the image one of the best I’ve taken.

rule of third

This project was challenging because you have to find good spots for the picture. Its was also hard to get a good picture. I had to make the my thing of the picture into the line.

Rule of Thirds

First walking into this project I thought this would be the hardest project I’d ever have to do in Photography. Little did I know it was not hard at all. During this project I really liked how when somebody sees the picture there’s is this a person or an object that catches the attention of the viewer. My thoughts changed a lot from before and after doing this project, for example my perspective from taking pictures changed a lot. Instead of taking pictures from the standard spot ( in front of your chest). I’m going to start taking pictures from different angles to make the picture look cooler. To help me take the pictures and to make the project a little bit easier I used lines to help me.

Click Here to see more photos !

Framing Your Subject

In this project, we needed to find things indoor or outdoor that could frame your subject. In the project of Rule of Thirds, we had to use grid lines that were given to place your subject. In this project, we had to go out and find the frames. A challenge of using this type of composition is finding a “frame” that is big enough to fit the entire subject. The picture below is my favorite picture because I like the way the bike rack framed Aslyn. As well as the way the sunlight put together the entire picture. Click here to view the rest of the photos.


In this project we had to find a subject and a place to frame that subject. This project was challenging and fun. It was fun because I learned ways to make my pictures look cool and awesome. Some challenges was actually finding a subject and a frame for the subject. Overall this project was a fun learning experience that I would probably use when I take pictures anywhere.

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