5 Shots

In this project I had to take 15 photos of 3 different objects from 5 different angles. One had to be a person and the other two had to be two different items. The most difficult thing about this project was to find the items to take a picture of there wasn’t much in the school that had inspired me to use as my photo. The hardest picture to take was the one of the book because i had to put it in one position and the pages keep moving and the book was falling and it was set up on the table so there wasn’t a lot of angles. This project challenged me in a good way and helped me explore different angles of objects.

See my photos here.

KENIA’S 5 Shots

in this project all I have to do is take pictures of different 3 objects and of each object I have to take 5 photos. the difficult thing is like having balance so that they come out pretty and interesting. this helped me how to take them well in 5 different ways and good balance. and I think it’s pretty and I love taking pictures. 
you can see the photos by clicking here

5 Shots

During this assignment, we had to take 5 pictures each of three, unmoved objects. It sounds pretty straight forward and simple, however the purpose of the lesson is for each photo to be at a different angle and camera position. This means that each photo has to show a different side or view of the object without moving it, but only moving the camera around. The challenging part of the project was to get the camera into a position so I could take a picture of (mostly the back) of the objects. It was very fun and interesting to see how the background, source of lighting, and position influenced each outcome of the photo. My favorite set of photos are the ones with my sister in it because she is the best person in my life. The assignment helped me know how to make pictures more eye-catching and interesting to look at. I really enjoyed this project and can’t wait to see what I’ll have to do next!                                                                                                             -Marie Valouiski

Here’s the link for my photos.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this project we had to take a picture of 1 person and 4 objects.   Click here to see the rest of my photos. A challenge during this project was making sure I had the right angles and I had to make sure they were good. The object that was the hardest was the bench because it stays in a rectangular form. This project helped me discover new and better angles.

5 Angles

I had to take photos of different things from different angles. I thought that there really weren’t many challenges besides thinking of the different angles to take from. The hardest object to take was the whole computer because you cant move it. It helped me think of new angles to take pictures from

See all of mt photos here.

2 objects (and 1 person), 15 shots (one object, 5 shots)

For this project, we had the 2 objects, and one person, and we have to take them in five different angles. for me, i took shots of bananas, the fan, and myself. (i still cringe when i see that picture) the hard part, finding different angles, and making sure that my shadow doesn’t appear. the easy part,this project helped me to find interesting different angles to take pictures from. you can see the rest of my photos here

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this week’s project we had to find three objects and take 5 shots in different angles.  The challenging part of the project was to find different angles.  The hardest object to photograph was the white board because the white board was hung up and it was huge.  This project helped me learn about different angles I didn’t even know about.    If you want to see the rest of my 15 pictures then click here.

5 Shots – Alexis ~PD 1~

We had to take pictures of 3 objects and one of the objects had to be a person, each of the 5 pictures of that one object had to be of different angles. A challenge was getting good lighting, most of the days last week had been rainy or dark outside so it was a struggle to get a beautiful natural light within the photo. The hardest photo was when I had to take a picture of my niece, she is young so she wouldn’t know any better but to fidget, but, we got it done efficiently in the end. This project helped me learn the special angles we can take pictures from that look very good. You can find my photos here

5 Shots

For my project I was assigned to take pictures of 1 person and three other objects(five photos each).One challenge I faced was taking pictures of the red stairs on the stage in the cafeteria.The difficult part was the lighting and the way I had to position the camera and get angles that looked nice.Also finding interesting objects to take pictures of was also difficult.This project has helped me position my camera in ways that I didn’t even know was considered an angle.Overall this project was generally pretty.I have learned a lot more about cameras.You can find the rest of my photos Here