
This project was very unique. We had to take pictures in front of a completely white background and adjust the camera’s shutter speed and ISO to control how fast the camera lense opened and how much light shown through to the lenses. Later on, we worked on editing the photos to give the illusion of a completely white background that didn’t even look like a background. It was a bit difficult to get the lighting perfect, but using natural light and a dim lamp, the pictures came out great. These are two of my favorite pictures, but you can see the rest of them here

5 Shots

I had to take pictures of another person for my 5 shots 2 objects .The challenge that i had was take 5 pictures of each object.The 5 shot of a person was hard because it was had trying to keep someone in the same place.Learn how to take pictures.You can find the rest of my photos Here.

1 Object, 5 shots

In my assignment I had to take five pictures Of 3 different objects with out moving the object.A challenge I had was getting a shot from the top because of heights. My hardest objects was to get the picture just right. It helped me understand views of pictures.
You can see the rest of my photos here. 


During this project, we had to take photos with a white background and no shadows. The process we used was shinning the light in the correct position. When editing the photos, I cropped the photos and adjusted the white background using the curves button. Shinning the bright higher  up worked more and created less shadows. Shinning the bright lower didn’t work because you could see the shadows but you would have to crop the image a lot more. Click here to see the rest of my photos.


In this project, my group and I had to stand in front of a white background, and shine light at the background while somebody takes the pictures. The shutter had to be open for a longer period of time, so that it can absorb a lot of light. The ISO is the sensitivity to light. We had to put it at a higher level to take the pictures. To edit, we had to go to Photoshop and crop out some parts. We also made sure that the background could be at it’s whitest, so that it would look like we were standing in nothing. What worked was when we shined the light on the background, and not on the person. What did not work was if we only shone light on a certain part of the background, which caused the other parts to be darker and look yellow. To see the rest of my photos, click here.


My group and I had to stand in front of a white sheet of paper, and we had to shine a light on the background. It worked when we were shining the light on the background, but it didn’t work when we were shining the light on the person. We also had to try to get the light to shine everywhere instead of just one place. Our shutter speed was open for a longer period of time, because we had to let a lot of light come in. The ISO is the sensitivity to the light. We edited our pictures in Photoshop to make sure our pictures had a background that looked like nothing. You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.

Light Portraits

  • For this project our group went in front of the white background and we all took turns taking photo’s. Then when we finished we took the photo’s, got Mr. Fitz send the photos to us and then we edited it. What worked? It helped that Mr. Fitz showed us the background with the best lighting.What didn’t? Another group kept complaining that they wanted to use the background and so we let them use the good background and we went to another background. Unfortunately the photo’s we took in front of those did not come out good… so it took a lot of editing

The rest of my pics are here.

White Background

To start off the process first we had to change some settings on the camera by changing the light sensitivity. Having a light on the floor near us would give us the best pictures. But if you had a light at a angle that was above your head it gave you a shadow. Find my photos here.

5 shots

Mr fitz made us take different pictures in different angles.  This project wasn’t challenging. None of it was hard to photograph. This project helped me be stressed and make my blood pressure go up. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13WQ_XLnAxYtXYgKQdg7wvuJc3kXA08Q3  

Portraits with an Infinite Background

For this assignment, we had to take a picture of members of our group with a white background. after that we had to put it in photoshop and make the background all white because there were some spots where it wasn’t. Putting the background into photoshop and making it all white really worked and it was really easy. What didn’t work was taking the photo and it took a while to finally get a good picture. To see the rest of the pictures I took, Click here