Action Shots

In this project we had to take photos with our object in motion. An easy way to do this was having a person jump and taking the photo while they are in the air. To take the photo, I used “Burst Mode” which means I held the photo button down so it takes about 10-20 photos, depending on how long you hold the button down. This method made it easier to catch the action. Some tips that I have if you are taking action photos is that if you are taking a photo of someone jumping, bring the camera closer to the ground so the person looks like they are jumping higher. Another tip that I have is to, press on your object(on the screen) before the photo so the camera focuses on that object. If I could, I would love to capture gymnastics. I think it would be amazing if I caught someone dismounting off a beam, bars, or vault. All in all, this has been my favorite project and I love taking photos of people in action.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.


For this project, I had to take photos of people in motion. My subjects had to be doing something that you couldn’t pose, like a ball flying through the air or a jumping human. If you are taking action photos, I suggest that you keep your hands very steady and time your photo right so the subject comes out very clear. I would like to photograph action in football if I could. There is so much movement and contact going on it would be very interesting to photograph. I chose to have a person running down a hill for my stack because there are lots of possible frames and lots of movement. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Catch the Action

In this project we had to take pictures of an object that’s in mid air or in a position that you can’t actually pose for. What helped me to capture the image was taking multiple picture’s and after to choose which one dose it seem the best. For someone taking these type of picture I would recommend to have a lot of patience to take the pictures. If I could choose a sport to take pictures of is diving because you can take a lot of pictures that you can’t pose for.

click here to see all my pictures

Action Photos

In this project, it was my duty to capture motion in a photo. For example, if someone were to be jumping, I’d have to capture them in mid-air as they go up or come down. While my phone doesn’t have specific settings to help capture the action photos, I did use the burst mode. The burst function captures a bundle of photos, compresses it into 1, and you can choose which photo(s) to keep. One tip that I have for anyone who would like to try out this project is to make sure it isn’t staged, so that it isn’t someone faking a run or doing a pose. Make sure the motion is actually happening and it will capture the motion as is. One sport that would be really good to include for this project could be soccer. From heading a soccer ball, kicking it, and punting it, this sport can demonstrate many different forms of motion. To view more photos of this project, go to this link!

Action Photo

In this assignment, students had to take a photo of a subject in motion. During this project, I had a hard time trying to find an interesting motion to take a photo of. I found this assignment pretty easy because the idea was simple and fun. I would love to photograph jet skiing because I think that the effect of water in motion would look really cool. I really liked this photo because it was unique and interesting.

Click here to see more photos

Action shot

During this project I had to take 6 photos of people or objects midway in whatever they were doing. I then had to take a burst of photos of the person or object and the process of them doing it instead of just one part of the process. While the person or object was doing whatever they were during I had to try to get the perfect angle and had to hold down on the button to get the perfect action shot. A tip I would consider is starting at a low angle. I would want to photograph an NBA player about to shoot in the basket.

Here are more photos


For this project, we needed to catch someone in action. For example, someone jumping. On an iPhone, we needed to capture the movement through the burst setting. We then chose one picture from the burst of the person in action. For someone taking action photos, I would tell them to make the picture and movement unique and different from what you normally do. We also needed to take multiple photos and stack them together in Photoshop. I would enjoy taking a picture of someone riding in a 1978, Volkswagen Beetle because I really like that car.

Here is one of my favorite photos.

Click here for more pictures.

Action Photos

During this project, we had to take photos of people and things in motion. It was a very difficult project. I had to be very patient. It took me many tries to get the right photos. It was hard to get the photo at the right timing. There are so many different ways to take theses pictures. It was very easy to find things and people to photograph in action. It may take a couple of tries to get it right, but once you do it looks so good. When taking photos on my phone I used burst mode to capture the right photos.

Click here to see the rest of my photos



In this project we had to frame objects using windows, doorways, stairwells, and frame others by using ourselves. The difference between the rule of thirds project and this one is that, in the rule of thirds we had to use sort off a tick tac toe board to see where our main focus will stand out the most. In this project we had to use something that could make our object framed and when it’s framed you can really tell what the main focus. I feel like the most challenging part of this assignment was finding , in the school what my frame would be. The picture above is my favorite of all which you could see I found you click here

Infinite/Black Background

For my project we had to take photos in font of a white background,  using manual mode and a higher ISO. The pictures when edited and made black and white ended up looking really good. For the black background we needed to master shutter speed and have a lower ISO. For the white we had to do almost the exact same thing except  the shutter speed had to be longer and we could not cast a shadow.  I think the black background was more simple because we didn’t have to worry about the shadows.

Click Here For More Photos