Black Background Portraits

To take the photos, I had to adjust the shutter speed and to edit, I had to increase the contrast. The difficult part was the editing and a part that didn’t work was when we took the pictures, the light was too close to the camera. A part that worked was when we took the pictures, we had the right shutter speeds.


The process it took to take these photos was to change the shutter speed, the ISO, and the F stop. to edit these photos i had to change the brightness and crop out any unwanted background. the thing that worked was getting clean and nice photos. The thing that did not work was making sure that there was no light on the background because that was very difficult. Down below are some photos that show this project.


I had to change the settings in the camera so that the shutter stays open longer so that more light comes in. What worked is having the shutter stay open longer. It didn’t work when we had the shutter open to long and when we had it open for not enough.

See all of my photos here


In this project, we had to take pictures of people with a black background. The pictures should not have a shadow. To make this happen we had to make to shutter speed longer. The hart part was positioning the light so it would’t have a shadow. The easy part was posing for the camera.  You can see the rest of my photos here.

Portraits with an Infinite Background 2

When I took the pictures, we shone the flashlight on the person and lowered the shutter speed so the background is completely dark. The iPhone flashlight didn’t really work that well for us but the lamps did better. 


In this project, my group and I had to stand in front of a black background, and shine light on the person posing for the picture while somebody takes the pictures. The shutter had to be open for a shorter period of time, because we needed to let the minimum amount of light into the camera, to make the black background darker. To edit, we had to go to Photoshop and just tweak the picture by adjusting the darkness and lightness. We also had to make the background the darkest we could get, to make it look like we were standing in an abyss of darkness. What worked was when we shined the light on only the person, and not on the background. What did not work was if we shined light on the person, but also on the background, because that created a shadow of the person on the background. To see the rest of my photos, click here.

Portraits with an Infinite Background

In this project I had to work in a group, and we all had to work together to take 5 photos of each other standing in front of the white backdrop. We also included lighting shined onto the white backdrop to brighten up the picture. What worked out well was catching the off guard moments taking the picture. The thing that was challenging is coming up with 5 different poses to do for our picture. doing this project reminds me of the photos that would be put on for a magazine. Click here to see more photos. 


I changed the ISO and shutter speed to make the background all white. I also shined a light at the white background to take out the shadows. Making the background endless worked, but the colors on the person ended up yellowish orange.  Click here to see all of my photos.

Black Background

For this project, we had to take pictures in front of a black background we had each person take a picture of each other and when one person wasn’t taking a picture they were holding the yellow light. Editing the photos weren’t hard but taking them were the it was either the dark were too dark and you couldn’t see the people or that we couldn’t get the background well and the light was misplaced.

See my photos here

Black Background

The process my group used was to shine the light not too high or low but closer to their face. For editing my photos I made the image darker and the light a little brighter. I cropped the image near the edges and sides. This made my photos have a better quality because there was no natural light coming from the corners. Shinning the light closer to their face worked especially if they had darker hair. This made their hair blend in with the black background and made the picture look darker. Shinning it away from their face didn’t work as much because the middle of their body would be bright while their face was dark. See the rest of my photos here.