Portrait Photos

This project was about taking pictures with dark backgrounds. The light was focused on us to reveal our faces in the dark. The pictures were taken up close to get a better picture of our faces up close. The challenges that came with this project were, mostly about the camera focusing on the person’s face. Another challenge that came with the project was that the light had to be at just angle. This project also had some easy parts that went by quickly like when we had to edit the pictures to make us look lighter in the background. 

/Black Portraits/

In this project we did something very similar to my other project “Portraits with an Infinite background”. Except we used a black background; believe it or not this changed everything about our photos. We still used light on our faces and realized later on that light could be both good and bad; because if we did not use light our faces would not be seen. Light also created shadows and beams of light on our black background something we don’t want. We then tried a method of pointing the light away from the model, this created enough light to be seen in the photo but not enough for the light to reach our background. I enjoyed being able to explore the dark side of portraits; I enjoyed it more than the white backgrounds. Click here to see all my other photos! 

Black Background

I had to change the settings in the camera so that the shutter stays open longer so that more light comes in. What worked is having the shutter stay open longer. It didn’t work when we had the shutter open to long and when we had it open for not enough.

See all of ,y photos here

Portraits with Infinity Background 2?

To take my photos I used a camera and a light and a black background. There were three people in my group. We put the camera in front of the person getting the pictures taken of them, shut off all the lights, closed the blinds, and adjusted the shutter speed to take less light in. The person holding the light had to check with the photographer to make sure they were not creating a shadow. The light holder also made sure they were shining the light on the person and not the background, so the picture didn’t look like a really bad night photo from an iPhone. The person getting the picture taken of them was in charge of making scary and/or weird poses and faces. Using one big bright light worked really well and using two small flashlights from two iPhone’s did not work at all. In the end it was a lot of fun and I would probably do it again. You can see the rest of my photo’s here.

Portraits with an Infinite Background

In my group it was hard to get the pictures. It was hard to get the pictures because there was sometimes were the camera was not focusing. Also we had to get rid of the shadows. Another thing is we would get objects in the photos. You can see more of my pictures here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TQrc5fYUb2N7DQYrLW1ftKDFcsbSHi5S


I changed the ISO and shutter speed really too slow to make the background all black. I also shined a light at the the side of the person to take out the shadows. Making the background endless worked, but the colors on the person ended up weird. Click here for more.


For this assignment I had to edit all 6 picture by using adobe photo shoot. i had to make the back ground darker and the person lighter. the quality of the camera worked but some pictures turned out blurry and every time I tried to make the background darker and the person lighter some parts like the eye would not appear and would be black. if you want to see the rest of the picture click here.

Dark Portraits

In this project I had to take a photo using the lowest ISO to make an infinite Black background behind and person. The thing that worked the most for me was the pose of the person and having the light be in the perfect spot. The thing that didn’t work was having the light be to bright or to close or to far, etc… You can find the rest of my photos here.


This assignment we and  to take a picture of the white background with out any shadows or discoloring coming from the camera. What really worked best was having the person stand in front of the light instead of having the light facing them because that would create shadows. What didn’t work was when the light was in front of the person or facing the person directly because that caused discoloring and shadows that we did not want. Also we were told we were not aloud to use Photoshop to get rid of they discoloring or shadows. To see the rest of the groups photos click here 

Black Background Portraits

In this project, we had to make it look like there was an infinite background of darkness for this portrait. In order to get the right lighting, we had to put the light on the person, not behind the person. One thing that didn’t work was taking the picture far away from the person, because it messed up the lighting. one thing that did work was getting very close to the subject, because it made the focus better, as well as the background. 

Find the rest of the pictures here.