Light Graffiti

We took our photos using bulb settings. We took the pictures in the gym. The steps we used was shinning the light on the person first if they wanted to be shown in the photos. Next we drew the whatever art they wanted and ended the photo. Putting the camera on bulb mode worked because we can open and close the shutter whenever we wanted to. It was frustrating when the drawing turned out bad or when there was a trail of light in the corner of the photo. I think to take this project to the next level you can become better at making drawings. You can see the rest of my photos here.

Rule of Thirds

For my project I had to take pictures and make sure they were focus. This project was not hard because there was not much work i need to do. One of the not so easy parts was when i had to get some on to get still. I had fun doing this because I got to take pictures out side. If you want to see more you can click on here 

Light Photos

The objective of this project was to take a picture of a person with a white backround and then edit the photo to make it black and white. The hard part of the the project was to get the lighting just right without any shadows. The easy part was to edit the photos black and white since you just click a button and it will do it for you. The pictures I took and edited are below.

The Rule of Third

for this assignment I thought it was easy because you had to make sure that the object or person was in one side of the grid but the center. At first I thought that the project  would be hard because I didn’t know what it meant but in the end it was easy. The lines in the camera are grids that help you position the object or person. If you want to see the rest of the pictures click here

Rule Of Thirds

For this project what was best was to take pictures of inanimate objects because they were much easier to take pictures of and focus on. What didn’t work was taking pictures just straight up as it was hard to focus on them and it didn’t work to well with the rule of thirds. At the beginning of the projects I believed that taking pictures inside and head-on was best. The rule of thirds project helped me set up and take photos differently then before

You can see other photos here

Light graffiti

My group took pictures by having the camera lens open for 30 seconds and shining the light at the camera to create a image. shining the light away from the camera didn’t work and shining the light towards the camera did work. I was frustrated when one of my group mates ran into the picture and wrote LAMOW  over my image. I could improve my photos by adding colored lights. The rest of my photos are here

Rule Of Thirds

For this project what was best was taking pictures outside because it is much easier to show what the person is doing or looking at. What didn’t work too well was taking a picture head on with it because sometimes you don’t know what is happening or what you are trying to capture. Before this project I didn’t think that rule of thirds was that important but after the project I realized it improves my pictures. The way rule of thirds works is that you have these imaginary lines on your photos. Ideally you want the big object either on one of the lines or where two lines intersect

You can find the rest of my photos here.

Rule of Thirds

What worked for this project was moving the object closer to the left or to the right because that will meet the criteria for Rule of Thirds. What didn’t work was placing the object or person in the center because it wouldn’t be Rule of Thirds. I used the lines because they helped me determine where the object should be through my camera lens. I either put the camera closer to the right or to the left depending on where I want the object to be. You can find my photos here. Below are my two favorite photos.   

Light Graffiti

For this project, we had to make sure we were in a dark setting, and take pictures using flashlights/glow sticks etc. We had to draw something with the light and the person taking the picture had to leave the shutter speed on until the person was done drawing. I tried to use regular glow sticks, but that didn’t work, so I looked up bright color backgrounds and it worked. I used a rainbow background on my phone for the picture above.  It was frustrating at first because we had a certain amount of time to take the picture, but then we learned that we could turn on a bulb setting and control then amount of time the shutter speed is open. We could take this project to the next level by using colorful flashlights and drawing more detailed pictures.  Click Here for the rest of my pictures.

Light Graffiti

For this project I had to hold down a button on the camera and with a light we used it to draw an object around a person when they were done we let go of the button and then looked at how the picture. The colorful light worked better than using the flashlights on our phones the colorful lights gave us a more clear picture than that flashlights did. Some things that were frustrating about this project was that since it was so dark in the gym people used there flashlights which pointed at our pictures which messed up our pictures. An idea that can take our project to the next level is trying to be more neat so the pictures come out more clear.

You can see my photos here