Light Graffiti

To take our pictures we turned off all the lights and used flashlights to draw pictures in the dark. The camera captured the pictures because we set it to Manual and changed the shutter speed to 15 seconds. Everything worked, but It was difficult when we tried to turn the lights off at the end. It usually left a streak of light in the background. We should come up with many more cool things to draw next time. If you want to see more pictures click here.

5 shots

Taniah Tarpley

This project is where you have to take 5 different pictures of one this with 5 different angles. This project was not hard at all because I am good at taking different angles. The keyboards was hard because there were so many letters that it kept blurring out. This project helped me learn that 1 photo can look better with a different angle. 

Light Graffiti

We used settings in our camera to take light graffiti pictures. after that we made designs using our phones it was the best experience that  i ever had because i would never think you can do it.What worked was that we could make anything we want or any design. What didn’t work was that the designs would be hard to make because its invisible at first. 1 frustration i had was to upload and to level this up we should use a lot of glo sticks and try to make movies click here


To take the Graffiti photos my group went to to the gym with the lights turned off, cameras and our phones to use as the lighting the picture. On the camera we made sure to make the shutter 10 seconds longer so we can capture the shape of the light. What worked out well for the picture was having multiple people to draw. The difficult part was coloring yourself in because it was hard trying not to move without the help. Everyone in our group worked together to incorporate different ideas such as using different colored lights to spell out LPMS in a picture. click HERE to see more photos.

Rule of Thirds

What worked out really well in this project is lining up the object or person using the grid. What didn’t work well was not using a grid on the camera to make sure that everything is proportional. My thoughts on rule of thirds is that it makes a difference in having a balance of interesting elements in the image. The grid I used and positioned captured the person and objects interesting focal points. Click HERE to see more photos.

Rule Of Thirds

What worked in our project for Rule of thirds was going outside. I’ve took few picture of both inside and outside but i would recommend to go outside because it had that nice natural lighting to my picture for me i don’t think my pictures came out goof or the way i wanted them to be like. Although my pictures were bad i learned that pictures can be taken better with good quality from the here 

Smile Project

In this project I was asked to take pictures of people at this school or outside of school and ask them if I could take their picture. The point of this was to see the difference in how you view people when you see a friendly smile or a straight face. This was a very cool experience because it made me realize how the first thing I saw impacted the way I perceived them. A challenge I faced was when I gathered enough courage to ask the people if I could take their picture was how awkward it is. I would ask and the people would think I was taking the picture for something other than a school project. Something that was easy was that after I explained what my intention was they let me snap the picture and the process was fast and easy. Overall, this project was a learning experience for me and my classmates.

Click here for more photos. 

Infinite Black Background

For my project I had to take 5 picture and post . These are two of the pictures I took. This project was  fun to take the picture with the black background. For the pictures I took the picture with black and white backgrounds to make the person stand out.

5 Shots

We had to take photos of a person and 3 objects. We need to take multiple photos of the same object or person but with different angles without moving the person or object A challenge was to get certain angles of the object or person depending where it was.The person because he/she couldn’t move, they had to stay in the same place.

Light Graffiti

My group started taking pictures in the dark and used some sort of light object to make design in the picture. First we went in the gym in the dark and made sure there is no other trace of light in the room then the objects. We all decided what design to make with the lights so as a group we did it for about 15 seconds. Then the picture was ready. What worked was the lights to make any design that we thought was easy. What didn’t work was the designs we tried to make. One of the frustration were that when we made a design we would cover up the light but it wouldn’t work and still show up. To have a complete dark room and have better/cooler lights. Click here for the rest of my photos..