7 days

I’m very thankful for my dog. except for the part where I have to take him outside.When I’m bored he keeps me company.
I’m thankful for Basketball.  it keeps me outside and entertained on the weekend. I also like collecting jerseys and watching NBA games.
I’m thankful for this baseball, because my grandpa who passed away gave me it. He was a big memorabilia collector and loved baseball. 
I’m thankful for my computer because it’s how I bond with my friends most days. We play either fortnite or call of duty and it’s always fun
I’m thankful for my Bar mitzvah. it was a defining point of my life and it was great seeing my family and friends come together to celebrate me.
I’m very thankful for music as it gets me through a lot and I enjoy listening to it in my free time.
I’m thankful for football because every Saturday me and my friends play and it’s very fun

7 Days

I am thankful for how much thought and effort my family puts into the holidays and decorations in general. My mom always has everything prepared, and my parents always lead us when setting up decorations, like when we set up our Christmas tree.
I am thankful that my parents can afford a good, large house, with good furniture and other necessities. We have many rooms for any activity we want to do. Our house is also very secure, and I always fell safe when sleeping at night.
I am thankful for the cars that my parents own. My mom takes me to school every morning so that I don’t have to ride the bus, which is always OVERFLOWING in the mornings. My parents are also always able to take us to soccer or swimming or gymnastics or basketball practice. We also go to DC whenever we want on weekends because of these cars. I am also thankful for my after-school bus, which is NOT overflowing, most of the time.
I am thankful for the services my neighborhood provides, like basketball and tennis courts. These courts are free to go to any time someone wants to practice their shooting or tennis. There are also small fields for us to run around, or play soccer. My neighborhood also has a lot of parks, which are a way to find our friends when we are outside, and there are also so many playground games we can play.
I am thankful for the scenery in my community, and, even in winter, the ponds are always a nice place to come to and have lunch or a snack, or just to take some pictures. 
I am thankful for my community. My community is safe and secure, so when I go out, I don’t have to worry about anybody kidnapping me, and I can almost always find one of my friends outside.
I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful that my friends support me and each other. They help me with my school/homework when I ask, and I help them when they ask me.


The difficult was finding people to take the picture and finding the urge to go up to them. people have a brighter personality when they smile. Not only looking for “good looking” people but all types of people to take pictures of. “would you like a photo?” ‘ give me your most naturalist look”   You can see my pictures here.

7 Days

This is a picture of one of the many rivers in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park. This picture shows that I am thankful for water because many people in the world don’t have the surplus amount of water that we have in the U.S.
Though this picture may look confusing, it symbolizes the diversity in our country. The more diversity in our country, the more unique it is. I am thankful for that because everyone can express their personality however they want to. 
This is a picture of the Statue of Liberty. This picture symbolizes my thankfulness for the liberty I get for being in this country. Liberty is not something to take for granted because much of the world doesn’t have it. 
This is a picture of a heart (with candy inside of it). This symbolizes my thankfulness for love. Everyone needs to be appreciated and loved in a certain way. I am thankful that I am loved by my family.
This picture obviously symbolizes my thankfulness for my family. I am thankful that I have a mom and a dad to come home to everyday. Not everyone has a family to come home to, so I am thankful for my family.
This is a picture of a house. I am thankful for having a home that shelters me from the cold and gives me electricity. A house warms me in the winter and provides me a bed to sleep in at night.
This is a picture of food (specifically grapes). This symbolizes my thankfulness for food. Though food is a necessary component in everyone’s life, not everyone has it. I am thankful for food because everyday, I can come home and eat a piping hot meal for dinner.

7 Days

This is my dog River, she is a generally new part to the family so we are just getting used to her. She is a mini bernedoodle and will grow up to about 55lbs, which we are preparing for. I’m am very thankful for being able to take care of a dog like her, because she is so energetic and gives lots of love

This is a picture of my current home. I am very thankful for being able to have a roof over my head, and be there with my family to enjoy it. We have had many treasured and memorable moments here.

My family recently finished building the pool in our backyard, it was long, but worth it. I am very thankful for our pool, because my family has been able to enjoy many memorable moment there so far. It has been a delight so far with our new pool.

I am very thankful for my grandpa because he has supported me during many times in my life, he is a great role model. He is also a great handyman around our house, he is willing to take time out of his day in order to help around the house.

I got this photo of my siblings when we were in Nevada last thanksgiving break. On the topic, I am very thankful for being able to have siblings like mine, in my life. For all my life I have been able to go to my siblings during bad times, and they always know how to cheer me up.
I have been playing piano for about 6 years now, and have loved it most of my life. Just last year my family decided to get a nicer piano, because 4 out of the 5 people in my family had been playing piano by then. I am very thankful for having this great piano, being able to enjoy my music on it, and having it sound even better then our old one.
This is a photo of my mom, one of the most important people in someones life. As you probably know, I am super thankful for her because she has always been there by my side to support me, and has been my guide through life. 

Smile Project

This project was pretty difficult because I hate talking to people I don’t know. As the people looked normal, some of them were scary and intimidating. However, once they smiled, that changed, and they looked like new people. If I was a photographer and I didn’t get to know people, then  I could really miss out on meeting a kind new face. I should ask my clients to be themselves when I take their photos. My pictures are here.


I am very thankful for the family and friends I have in El Salvador, even though I have not seen them in 6 years. I love all of them and I have many memories and connections with each and every family member. 

I am very thankful for my dog Max. He always acts like a big, warm, soft baby around me! He keeps me company and is always a great listener when I need to rant about anything at all! I have had him ever since he was 8 months and now he’s 1 year old! I can’t wait for all of the other memories I will make with Max! 

I am very thankful for my Muay Thai gear! My gloves and shin pads protect me from getting hurt while sparring! I don´t know in what condition I would be in without my gear! I always have my gear with me if I´m sparring or just training! Muay Thai is basically kickboxing with more elements of striking and protecting. 

I am very thankful for food! One of my favorite food places in IN-N-OUT! California has the best burgers ever! Burgers from IN-N-OUT have a savory taste and they are always juicy! Shakes and fries are incomparable to other burger places! I am very thankful for this place and the Spread! 

I am very thankful for my baby sister Daira. As of now she is 5 months old, she is very strong, healthy, and big. I am thankful that she was brought into the world in a loving family, who can and will support her in everything and anything. I will do my very best to be a good role model and friend to my baby sister. 

I am very thankful for the experience I had in Los Angeles, California. I went to a detention center where children that have been taken away from there families are kept. These children have crossed the border into the U.S illegally with there families, have been caught by ICE, and separated from their families for no good reason. In my personal views this is inhumane and justice should be served. Therefore I went and protested in front of a detention center, where I saw a sign covered in flowers was put together for the children. 

I am very thankful for chap stick. This amazing products makes sure your lips stay nice and hydrated. I use this morning, afternoon, and night. I always have it on me! Especially in the winter time when most people have ashy, cracked, and dry lips. I have smooth, moisturized, soft lips! I definitely recommend it! 

7 Days

My cat is important to me, because he is my cat. His name is Bubba.

My Martial Arts are important to me. Specifically Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing. They are important to me not because I like “hurting” people, but because I enjoy physical activities.

Traveling is important to me. I love going places. These are some of the things i’ve collected from places i’ve been.

My Friends are important to me. This is Shrila. She is my friend. Shrila is really weird but she’s still and always will be my friend.

This restaurant is important to me. This is my favorite restaurant. I like to eat the Mahi Mahi Tacos here. They are very delicious.

My family is important to me. My brother is soooo extra but I have to live with him.

Food is important to me. I Enjoy eating. I need food to survive.

My Values

I value God, Jesus and the bible because  I am a proud Christian and it is part of my culture. I don’t mind what others think of me and I know that God is with me at all times.

I value my studies and education because I want to b successful and attend a great college. If I want to be successful in life I have to be successful in my education, it’s a really big part of success.

I value my family because they mean the world to me. Some people out there don’t have families or lose their families and I just love my family no matter how much they annoy me or what they do to me. Without my family I’d be nothing because they are my everything and I rather die if it means saving them.

I value my friends because they are a big part of my life and they help build my character. My friends are really important to me and I love all of them. Even when we have out ups and downs at the end of the dat we still love each other. Friendship is something beautiful and having someone you could smile with is really something amazing.

I value Myself because my life is based on what I want it to be. Without myself what would I be? I am the only one who should affect my life and my choices have consequences which is why I choose to do the right thing and follow the right path.

I value my parent’s wedding and their relationship because I would never abt them to divorce. They raised me with love and taught me all I know. If they give up on each other then what ways should I guide my life? They never had any big arguments or insulted each other and I hope it stays that way.

I value food because food is what I need to survive. Food helps me grow and gain weight which I should probably reconsider but some food are healthy! Food is a good source of every nutrients I need to survive so I need food!

7 Days!

I am very thankful to be getting an education because there are many people in the world who are not as privileged and cannot get an education at all.
I am thankful for nailpolish remover because it helps me get nailpolish off my hands whenI mess up. It is always very fun to smell.
I am so so so so so thankful for my lipgloss. It goes everywhere with me and always makes sure that my lips arent dry or chapped. It also smells great, if there was a smell for christmas it would smell like this lipgloss.
I am thankful for my petroleum jelly. I always use it at home so that my lips don’t get chapped. It also helps a lot in winter when my lips are very very dry and ashy.