7 Days

The first thing I am thankful for is my parents (and the rest of my family; and extended family.) I am thankful for my parents because they take care of me. They give me a bed to sleep in, food to eat, help with my homework and always help me to strive to do my best. I don’t know what I would do without my mom and dad. I love them both very much and I am very thankful for them both. 

The second thing I am thankful for are both my sisters. I am very thankful to have two people who are older, and have more experience to give me good advice, share clothes with, do each other’s hair, etc. Without my sisters family vacations and everyday life wouldn’t be nearly as fun. I love them very much and am thankful for them. 

The next thing, I am thankful for is all my friends. Without them my life would be incredibly boring. I can always laugh with them until I cry, even when nothing is funny. I can always hang out with them and do something fun, and I can always count on them to make me feel better when I am sad. I love them all so much and I am incredibly thankful for them. 

Another thing I am thankful for is my dog, Bentley. I love him so much and I get excited whenever I go home because I can see him. I love taking him on long walks until he sits down and refuses to walk anymore and playing fetch.  He’s the cutest dog and I love when he falls asleep in my lap. I’m so glad I have him as my dog.

The fifth thing I am thankful for is the beach. I love going to the beach in the summer.My favorite part is probably going on beach walks at sunrise/sunset and seeing all the pinks,purples, blues,oranges and yellows in the sky or going to the beach all day and staying out in the ocean the whole time.  Every year my family goes to Outer Banks, NC and it is so much fun. 

Considering it is almost December, I am very thankful for Christmas. It is by far my favorite holiday. I love watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music. All the Christmas lights are beautiful and so are Christmas trees with their brightly colored ornaments. I especially love Christmas because you spend it with your  friends and family; you also give gifts and receive them. Which is very fun, and this is why I am thankful for Christmas. 

Lastly, I am thankful for the sport I play; lacrosse. I am thankful for lacrosse because it is very fun and I get to see my friends there. I love going to tournaments with friends and hanging out between the games and just the carpool rides going to lacrosse. 

7 days

I am thankful for being able to have free education. There are a lot of countries were education is limited, in other places children are exposed to so many bad things like drugs, crime and so many other things. 
I am thankful for my religion. I believe that a persons religion reflects their values and beliefs. I consider myself very religious, most of the time when I make a choice or decision I always make sure it follows the guidelines or my religion.
I am thankful for books. I enjoy reading a lot, most people take literature for granted. There are a lot of places were its hard to find books or anything like that. I enjoy reading because you can forget all the stress and problems that you have while reading.
I am thankful for plants. Plants are the symbol of peace and purity in man cultures. We also eat plants and use them for clothes. Without plants the amount of oxygen would decrease a lot and well that would be a problem. A large majority of all the products in the world need a certain plant for there creation. 
I am thankful for water. There are a lot of places were drinking the water there could kill you or at least make you sick. Water is used in almost all products in the world, whether it be drinks, food, medicine or so many other things.
I am thankful for medicine. Without it so many people I know would be dead. Medicine can bring someone back from the brink of death. Medicine can cure someone of depression or help people sleep. Without medicine the world would be a lot worse.

7 Days

The number 1 thing im Thankfulful for is family. Thay always have my back when I need them and even if I dont they are always there.  I also love how we care for eachother, how we always help someone else out when going through rough times or even when we need the little things. They are important in my life as well as I am in theirs. I am thankful for family and always will be.

7 Days

Day 1
My first photo is a picture of my dad. I’m am thankful for my pass family members. My dad died of brain cancer. He helped me get where I am today. I am forever grateful.
Day 2
My second photo is a picture of my dog CJ. When I was little I had two rhodision ridgeback names Togo and Keta. They both die when I was little. My moms boyfriend named Larry had a dog named CJ. He is one of the sweetest dog ever. All my dogs have helped me through thick and thin. I will always be thankful for them. I love him so much!
Day 3
My third photo is a picture of my sister and my grandma. My grandma has helped me learn my Vietnamese culture and taught me a few skills in life that will be helpful when I’m older. My sister has helped me with many things, most importantly she helped me find purpose in life and helped me create an identity. I am so thankful for them. I owe them the world.
Day 4 
My fourth photo is a picture of my family and friends. This weekend we traveled to Deep Creek to celebrate my birthday. I am so thankful for my family and friends for staying by my side throw dark and bright times. I am forever in their debt.
Day 5
My fifth photo is a picture of my two family friends. Jade on the right is one of my closest friends. She is like a sister to me. She helps me with my problems and binges shows with me. Nic on the left is one of my favorite person ever. He is so funny and such a kind person. I am so thankful for them.
Day 6
My sixth photo is a picture of my two best friends. Sometimes they can get on my nerves but I love both of them to the moon and back. They’ve helped me through so much like school work. They both make me die of laughter and for them I am thankful.
Day 7
My last photo is a picture of one of my teammates. I love my hockey team so much. I love the new bonds that were created between and the strong friendship we share. I could never ask for a better team! I am so thankful for them!

7 Days

This is a picture of a fish tank. This picture symbolizes my loves for marine or aquatic creatures. In this example, it shows a clown fish which I meant to take the photo as soon as the fish looked towards the camera.
I am thankful for all of my birds. One of the many animals I enjoy keeping as pets are birds. The fact that birds can be small means that you can learn to be gentle. 
This is a picture food. Although this is not just any food, this is my mom’s cooking. I took this photo because I thought this could show how much I love my parent(s) cooking. Although it is not everyday that I think this way. Sometimes I think the food is okay.
This is a picture of sticks shaping a heart. I am thankful for this because whenever I look at it, it always puts me in a better mood. It also motivates myself to always treat one another with respect and always be responsible.
This is a picture of a crystal kind of rock shaped like to hearts. This symbolizes the love my family have for each other. Whenever I look at this, it reminds me of how much we care for each other and how much we support one another.
This picture saying “I think you are MAGIC” is one of my many motivations to work hard everyday. This picture symbolizes my thinking of how much I can change in order to achieve certain goals.
I am thankful for all of the fun times my family and myself had during a trip to the beach. All of the wonderful trips stopped my sorrows and made everyone happy. There are some people who does not like to go outside, so they won’t know what it feels like to have fun in a nice outdoor weather.

7 Days Of Black And White

I am thankful for my beautiful dog. He brings joy to my life and I love him a lot. His name is Finn

I am thankful for my cool sister. She will always play a gem with me and I have a special bond with her. 

I am thankful for my dad. he helps motivate me to get good grades in school. And he will play video games with me. I love him a lot.

I am thankful for all the delicious snack and food my parents buy. Every day after school, I always have something to eat. 

I am thankful for this cool house we get to live in. It provides shelter and it also feels like a good nice home. 

I am thankful for LPMS. I love going to this school almost everyday to see my friends and my awesome teachers.

I am thankful for this awesome library. I like going to this library often to read the books my dad has collected over the years.

Smile Project

For this project I had to ask strangers if I could take pictures of them and in one photo they would smile, and in the other they wouldn’t. I noticed that when people aren’t smiling they look a little intimidating.  When they do their tone softens and they are more approachable. that you cant judge a person by how they look.It was difficult to get good  backgrounds for my pictures since most pictures were taken in the school halls. My perspective of the people I photographed changed when they smiled because my first impression of them disappeared. Bias can affect your job as a photographer because if you know the person you won’t judge them based on how they look and take different shots and angles.                        click here for my pictures

7 Days

I am thankful for my cousins Phenon(left) and Rowan(right) because when they are with me, we always have a boatload of fun and we have a great time.  They are fun to be with, because Phenon goes to the University of the Arts, which is a college for acting, so she is super expressive, and it’s fun to watch her pose for pictures.
I am thankful for food because I would starve to death if there wasn’t any. Also, I like how there are different varieties of food you can try and make. It is very important to be grateful for food because there are some people who don’t have any and they have to live without having the experience of eating good food.
I am thankful for books because when I read them, it transports me to another world, and I don’t have to worry about anything happening in the real world. I love books a lot because there are so many different types of books, that it’s a new experience every time you open one up and start reading.
I am thankful for music because whenever I listen to music, it always makes me feel happy inside. I sing in a choir at my church, and it always makes me happy when I get to sing or listen to the music being played on the piano. I also know how to play the guitar and piano, so when I get a song just right, I feel really good inside.
I am thankful for nature because it makes the world super pretty, and it always adds an extra touch to everything.Nature is also really fun to be around because you can see new things in the smallest of cracks, and you can have new experiences everyday.
I am thankful for my fish because it reminds me to be thankful for not having severe allergies. My dad is allergic to every animal with fur, so we can’t have a dog or cat as a pet. This fish reminds me that I need to be grateful that I will be able to have a dog or cat as a pet instead of a fish.
I am thankful for my religion because it’s like a part of me, and everybody isn’t the same religion, so we can all be unique in expressing ourselves with our religion. I also like my religion because I think it is important to have one so you can be a part of a community not everybody is in.

7 Days

I’m thankful of many things in my life. First of all, I am thankful for my amazing, wonderful parents. My mom and dad have always been so supportive in everything I do. They always give me useful advice when I need it and I always know that they are always going to be there for me. They care about my education and they always push to do my best. 

Next, I am thankful for not only my best friend, but my sister. She makes me laugh like crazy and she is so kind. Even though sometimes she can be a brat, she always finds a way to cheer me up. I can trust her with anything and I can literally tell her anything.


I beyond thankful for my Jewish faith. Being Jewish and becoming a bot mitzvah is such a big deal to me and my family. Over this summer, my grandma took me to Israel where I connected and learned a lot about Jewish history and Jewish culture. I am so thankful for that trip and I will always remember it.

Even though I am faraway from my camp friends, I am so thankful for them. I’m so thankful that I can go to sleep away camp. There, I met my life long best friends. We all are so close and we can tell each other anything! I’m so happy I met them,without them my summer wouldn’t be same. 

My grandparents have made such a big impact on my life. I’m so thankful for all the hard work they have done for my bot miztvah and I’m so thankful that I can visit them almost every holiday. They are so kind, generous, and they always check-in to see how my life is going. I am truly thankful for them.

Makeup is a big deal in my life. Makeup makes me happy and I love experimenting with different colors. I am very passionate about makeup and I want it to be my career. I love making tutorials and videos on makeup. I am so fortunate that I can afford makeup and have the opportunity to experiment with it.


The beach has big influence on my life. Our family loves going to the beach and we even make it a tradition to go. The beach to me is so calming and makes me forget about all my worries. Our bot miztvah was even beach themed. I’m beyond thankful that I have the opportunity to go to the beach.

Click here to see the rest of my photos, here.

7 Days

I’m so grateful for my soccer team. My soccer team is pretty much my second family. we all are so supported to each other and we work together really well together. I know most of my team mates for 2 years but some i been on the same soccer team scene 1st grade. 

I’m really thankful for apple and there products like I phone. I am normally spending lots of time on my phone and apple products are so advanced in technology that they can do so many things. 

I am really thankful for trees because they produce oxygen which helps us breath. without trees i wouldn’t be able to get fresh oxygen in my lungs. 

I am thankful for my friend Hope because she makes the classes we have together more fun. We have 3 classes together, gym, photography and Spanish. 

I’m thankful for food because without food I would be dead. Also food taste so good. Food also gives me energy to do activity’s like soccer and basketball. 

I’m thankful for Lakelands Park Middle school because it helps me prepare for high school. School also teaches me very important stuff i will need to use in the future. 

finally i’m thankful for my family. My siblings are always there to make a funny joke about each other and my Parents are always supporting me in different activity.