7 Days

     In 7 days we had to take 7 different photos of things we are thankful for.  I took a picture of my family because they got me through the hardest times, helped me at my worst, and loved me through everything.  I took a picture of food because it stops my starvation and when I’m sad it’s there.  Also, good food is good.  I am thankful for my friends because they stuck with me through thick and thin. I took a picture of my clothes because it was a way to express myself.  I’m thankful for my school because I have a good education.  I took a picture of where I live because I’m thankful I have a roof over my head, yeah, it might not be perfect but I love it.  I’m thankful for my health and that I’m healthy.  Those are 7 things I’m thankful for.  What are you thankful for?  Click here to see my pictures.

7 Days

The first thing that I am thankful for is my family. I am thankful for them because they have always been by my side no matter what. My parents always know how to cheer me up, and my brothers always know how to make me laugh. All in all, I love my family and I am super lucky I have a family like them! 

The second thing I am thankful for is my friends. One thing I love about my friends is how caring they are. They know how to make me feel better, and included. We also love to mess around, and we have countless inside jokes from fun events.

The third thing I am thankful for is my pet cat named Moomoo. Moomoo is super sweet, and very fat too! I don’t know what it is about her, but whenever I look at her, she makes me happy! Maybe this isn’t true, but I feel like she can sense when someone is sick or sad, because she always snuggles whoever is sick or in a bad mood. All in all, I love Moomoo!

The fourth thing I am thankful for is Inessa, who is one of my best friends. Inessa and I have been best friends for 4 years, and she has always been by my side. We have had our ups and downs, but we always help each other out, and make each other laugh.

The fifth thing I am thankful for is volleyball. I have been playing volleyball for 4 years and I have always loved it. Volleyball is really fun and a great way to exercise. Me and my team always work together, so that we can win, and I am grateful for them.

The sixth thing I am thankful for is technology. Growing up with all these new models of phones and computers is so cool, and I feel like we don’t really appreciate it. I have a good education, because of all this new technology, with google classroom, google docs, and even our chromebooks!

The last thing I am thankful for is my house. I feel like I always take for granted how I have a nice warm house, because some people don’t have that. I have a nice room, a warm bed, and a roof over my head which is really great! I know this is cheesy, but it’s true. All in all, these are 7 things that I am thankful for!

7 Days

 I am thankful for my sister. She is 4 years old and in preschool. She always wants to play with me and always hugs me when she gets home. I appreciate that she gives me love and just makes me feel loved.
She always wants me to teach her how to write different words and is always eager for me to do so. I am thankful to have her as my sister. 

I am thankful for my other sister. She is 6 years old and in first grade. She always draws pictures for me and always wants to hug me and say bye when I leave to go to the bus stop in the morning. I love how she is always happy when I come to her school. I am thankful to have her as my sister. 

I am thankful for my mom. She is my favorite person in the world. I love her because she is very strong, a wonderful mother, a loving friend and overall just an amazing human being. She buys me food and clothes, and takes care of me. I am thankful that I have her as my mom.

I am thankful for the Let’s Learn students. Let’s Learn is the after school program I work at on Wednesdays. Whenever I am not there, the kids always ask about me and when I come, they are always excited to play with me. I really appreciate that the kids acknowledge me and always pose for the pictures I take. I’m happy I have these adorable kids in my life.

I am thankful for the world. I took a picture of the sky to symbolize life in general. Everyone is alive thanks to life and nothing would be possible without it. I am grateful that I exist and have family and friends that I love. 

I am thankful for music. I took a picture of my earbuds because that is what I use to listen to music. I love music, I personally believe that it is one of the best things in the world and I can’t go one day without listening to music. I am very very thankful to have music in my life. 

I am thankful for my aunt. She has been present all my life and helped my mom raise me before my mom married my stepdad. I love my aunt, she is caring, loving, funny, and always takes me places that I actually like. She is like a second mother. I am very grateful to have her in my life. 

7 Days

I am thankful for my brother Luke because he is fun to be around and always makes people around him laugh.
7 photos
I am thankful for my Tim Tebow jersey because Florida is my favorite team and hardly never
I am thankful for football because it is my favorite sport and it has always been my favorite thing to do.
I am thankful for my christmas tree because it represents the holidays and all of the fun times with family.
I am thankful for Old Bay because it represents where I live and makes every other food better.
I am thankful for my speaker because I love to listen to music and music can help me in numerous ways.

7 Days

I am thankful for my mom and my stepdad because they always support me. They always give me advice and always helps me whenever I need it even if they are busy. My mom is very loving but can also be strict. My stepdad is very friendly and funny. I am very thankful and lucky to have great parents.
I am thankful for my dad. My dad is very funny and always makes me laugh. He is also really nice and helpful. He gives me good advice whenever I need it. I am very happy that I have a great dad.


I am very lucky to be able to have a phone. I am able to contact my family members that I don’t see often. I enjoy having a phone because I can texts my family and friends. Lastly, I like having a phone because I can take pictures whenever I want which is very convenient. 
I am very thankful to have an amazing sister because she is very supportive and is very funny. She is a always nice to me even when she is mad or annoyed at me. My sister is a thoughtful person and doesn’t get on my nerves too much. I am very happy that I have an amazing sister. 
I am thankful for all of my photos from my phone or my Polaroid camera. I like having pictures all around my room because they remind me fun memories. It also reminds me of the great places I’ve been to such as Barcelona and Paris.
I am very thankful to have a piano. I like practicing whenever I have free time. I am also thankful to have a good quality piano because it has lasted me for many years, and it still sounds great.
I am thankful for my Polaroid camera because I think it is really fun taking pictures that print immediately.  I think it is convenient to be able to take it anywhere. I always use it during the summer and put my photos in an album. 

7 days

This is Joann, she is probably one of my best, best friends. I took this photo when we were both walking home. But i’s very thankful for Joann shes there for me and i’m there for her. And if shes having a problem, you can guarantee i’m right there beside her. I’m very happy shes in my life.
This is Tien, another one of my friends. I h.ave to say me and Tien were good friends in 6th grade but then we faded. In 7th grade i don’t think me and Tien talked at all. But now in 8th grade me and her are getting closer everyday. I’m thankful for Tien.
This Ryan, he is my sisters god-son. Ryan just turned one. I’m thankful for Ryan because i’m pretty sure he makes my sister happy. And this might actually be cheesy but, if my sister is happy then i’m happy. Also i’m pretty sure Ryan love me too.
Alexis is my like best friend, because she has been there since 7th grade. At first Alexis was very quiet and I think that i helped her become more social. I’m thankful for Alexis because she kind of taught me what a real friend was 
This swing means a lot to me because whenever i go to my grandad’s house i swing on this swing and i kind of reflect on myself because i’m  just outside swinging and just looking into the distance. I swing on the swing for a good five minutes everyday that i’m with my grandad.
I’m not sure why this tree means a lot to me, but it does. I always see it and it’s always there. Kind of like a friend,so when im away i like to sit by this tree and focus on whats around me. And that works for me because this tree is in the middle of a neighborhood away from all the city noises.
This is Litcy one of my friends she is like so enthusiastic. She can literally make your whole mood change from sad to happy really quick. So im thankful for her because she
 is kind of like my end of the day smile.

7 Days

I am thankful for volleyball because it is my favorite sport and I love playing with my team and going to tournaments. I am thankful for my brother because he is very supportive and caring. I am thankful for my friends because they are fun to be around. I am thankful for school because it makes me educated. I am thankful for Mr. Fitz because he is so cool and awesome and I wish I could have him for every class. I am thankful for trees because they provide oxygen. I am thankful for water because it keeps me alive and i am fortunate to have a lot of water.


During Thanksgiving we all say what we’re thankful for.This break instead of just saying what I’m thankful for I’ll show it. I took 7 photos of everything I’m thankful for.

This is my dog, He’s named Spot. I’m thankful for him because he always makes me feel better when I’m sad even though he doesn’t know it. My dog also teaches me about responsibility. Without him I wouldn’t be the same.

One thing everyone needs in life is food.Food often goes under appreciated and I think it deserves thanks. That is what this fridge represents.

Out of all of the things I’m thankful for my family is number 1. No matter how annoying my sister’s singing gets or the cheesiness of my dad’s jokes I will always love them. My mom keeps me responsible, my dad keeps me working, and my sister keeps me in competition but all of them keep me happy.

Something I really would like to thank is my bed. My bed keeps me comfy day and night, summer and winter. In seriousness I’m thankful for shelter and the roof over my head.
I’m thankful for football because it’s something I love watching. My two favorite teams are the Vikings and Seahawks.
This.. interesting photo shows that I’m thankful for soccer. It’s a sport I love to play for fun and seriously.
The last thing I’m thankful for is education. Even though it might not be my favorite thing in life it teaches me new things every day.

7 Days

               It’s the season of thanks, and what better to celebrate than taking pictures of things I’m thankful for? I am very thankful for almost everything life gave to me, and since I’m not in my high school days yet, I have time to be as happy and carefree as I can be. If I didn’t have all these things, I’m not sure how I’ll be like and what will become of me! Here are 7 photos I took in 7 days that demonstrate what I am thankful for:

A roof over my head:                                                                                                                                                     This house has greeted me since birth, literally! My parents have told me stories about how I was born a couple days after they bought the home. I have many memories there, like the time my sister and I would goof around and break stuff, and the time I spent with friends and family relaxing and watching movies. You know what they say, “There’s no place like home”.

The beauty of mother nature:                                                                                                                                        These beautiful flowers were taken in the Rio Washingtonian Center. To me, plants symbolize life and a new beginning. It’s amazing how mother nature could create not just bright flowers, but many MANY other things as well. I thank mother nature for bringing life to our Earth, despite everything humans do to hurt her.

My instrument of musical ivories:                                                                                                                                 My piano patiently waits in the living room for me to come back and play whatever my heart desires. I can play whatever kind of atmosphere or emotion I want to express! If I feel depressed, I could slowly move my fingers across the lower keys and play in minor (quiet). If I have adrenaline coursing through my veins, waiting to be let go on something, I could hop around key to key, quick paced and in major (loud). I’ve been playing since I was 7 years old, and admittedly I sometimes don’t play out of laziness, but I always come back to my beloved, loyal instrument.

Food on the table:                                                                                                                                                             Who doesn’t like food? No one! That’s why I made a spot to thank the thing that makes me happy, morning, noon, and evening: food. I also consider myself fortunate to have access to food 24/7 because of the lucky and wonderful status I’m in. Even though I may not be rich, I’m happy with what I have and couldn’t have anything better. I do consider people who aren’t as lucky and have little access to food and water. However, their strong and persistent spirits and (for some) seeing nothing is wrong, amazes me (I still donate to charity, don’t worry). Food is a major happiness booster and without it, I wouldn’t be alive, literally and figuratively.

My gorgeous and beautiful sister:                                                                                                                                 My beautiful, older sister (upper left corner in the photo) is one of the things I’m most thankful about. She’s always there for me whenever I need her and passes her experience in life to me, just like a mentor. She cares about my welfare and is willing to protect me from anything. In addition, she always finds a way to make me holler and laugh until my body aches and I happily return the favor by doing the same. We’re like two peas in a pod, not being able to separate form each other for too long. Although she does tease me sometimes and somehow finds a way to get on my nerves, that’s what siblings do. I wouldn’t ever ask for a better sibling in my life.

Modern technology:                                                                                                                                                         This may seem obvious in resemblance to me living in a time like this and ”depending my life on it” to some people, it goes way deeper than that. We all live in a time where technological advancement is at its highest point. We’re using technology to aid us in our daily lives, from getting work done to studying space and the universe beyond. We also use technology to , in a few ways, to protect the environment. Most paper and other things actually don’t end up getting recycled, thus working on assignments on computers produces no paper or waste. Technology also helps us study and receive new information about everything, and therefore advancing us even further into the distant future.  

My amazing and superb parents:                                                                                                                                   And last, but certainly not least, my golden-hearted mother and my jolly, goofy father. Where do I even start? They brought me into this world and gave me everything they could offer: education, extracurricular activities, everything mentioned above (except for mother nature), ice cream (yum), and so SO much more. They taught me many things to help me survive in the world we live in and care about me so much. But the most important thing that they, my other family members, friends, and others gave me isn’t my piano, or my computer. It wasn’t delicious junk food, the chance to travel, or even a home. It was something that made me never ask for more.  It was love.                     

                                                                                                                                                 -Marie Valouiski

Kenia’s 7 Days

My first photo is from my grandparents and I’m thankful for my grandparents they did a lot for me when i was in El Salvador, they teach me about ours culture and about church, and I miss my grandma she die when I was 8 years old. My second photo is from my aunt I am thankful with my aunt she is like my second mom she came to USA she is here and l am happy to have her in my life she is an important person for me. My third photo is from my little sister I am thankful of my little sister she make me happy sometimes. The fourth photo is from my Iphone I am thankful with my phone, because when I feel sad I talk with my uncles or friends or I look Videos from YouTube or Netflix. The fifth photo is from me making tortillas I am thankful because i can make it. The sixth photo is from the best teacher in Montgomery Village Middle school I am thankful she teach me a lot in ESOL class.  The last Photo is from Food I am thankful with food and with god because without that we can’t live.