Catch the Action

The point of the project was to take pictures of someone in action.  For example, you had to catch someone running or jumping.  I didn’t really do much but I added a filter to make it darker or lighter.  I also took a lot of pictures while the action was in process.  So then I could go back and choose one that really got the action.  I also wanted the background without people.  Let me give you some tips.  I suggest to take a lot of pictures not only one.  I suggest to get a good setting.  If I could picture someone playing soccer that would be great.  If you want to see the rest of my pictures, click here.

Action Shots!

In this project we had to take pictures of people or things in action. Many things helped me create a great image. Such as, telling my friends to move or just seeing an item and thinking, this would look good in action. One things that helped me a ton was having my camera on burst so I could capture everything, that would be my one major tip. I would take a picture of a soccer match beacause there are many different action shots you could get and I understand the game very well so I would be easy for me. If you would like to see the rest of my photos, click here

7 Days

I am thankful for my parents because they support me on everything. They help me when I need there help. They also make me smile everyday. They are everything to me.

I am thankful for Netflix because every time I am board Netflix is always there. when I need something new to watch Netflix is always there. If I didn’t have Netflix than I would have nothing to do.

I am thankful for my siblings because even if they are mean and annoying they are special to me. They are funny and make me  laugh all the time.

I am thankful for my drawing book because it lets me express my feelings. I also love to draw. Sometime on my free time I like to draw with my brother and my mom.

I am thankful for having this necklace because my grandma gave it to me three years ago. She brought it from Israel, this necklace is so special to me it means a lot.

I am thankful for liking chipotle because Its my favorite food and I eat it almost every time. It’s’ unhealthy but tastes very good.

I am thankful for my education because with my education I can get into a good collage. 

Smile Project

The most difficult part of this project was trying to find people that actually wanted there picture taken or that where fine with it.  But from doing this project I noticed that people who looked frustrated we actually pretty nice when I took their photo. Being bias as a photographer could mean that if you needed to take photos of someone but you saw someone that looked mean are not very nice they could actually be nice.  I would ask them if they were fine with me taking their photo and if they were fine with it I would take there photo. You can find all my pictures here.

7 Days

This is Gabe. I am grateful for him because he is apart of my family, and he’s adorable.
This is a turkey. I am grateful for it because it gives me good vibes. However, it is the creepiest thing in the world, but it’s cool, so.
This is my mom. I am very grateful for her because she has provided me with everything that I have now, and she has supported me for ever.
This is my dad. Even though he has never really been in my life, I am still grateful for him because without him I wouldn’t be here.
This is my dog Lily. I am grateful for her because she is my first ever dog, and she means so much to me. 
This is google. I am grateful for google because when I feel dumb, I can go to it and get answers, which makes me feel dumber. But oh well it’s still really cool.
This is my friend Maiyah. I am grateful for her because she has issues like me, so we both get along. Also, I have known her since i was born, so we’re sort of like sisters.

7 Days

I am thankful for these glasses that help me see in some of my classes. 
I am thankful for my umbrella because it prevents me from getting soaking wet.
I’m thankful for the air I breathe.
I am thankful for all the pencils in the world to help all the students and I learn and have a good education.
I’m very thankful for my oven for playing an important role in my passion of baking.
I am thankful for the snow that comes each year.
I am thankful to have my own Christmas tree every year because I know some families can’t afford to have a tree.

7 Days

I’m thankful for my phone. It is always there for me when I need it. Whether it is to look something up or just relax!

Paper, a beautiful thing. Paper is always there for me. If I need to write a note, or class assignment, I always know paper will be by my side.
Books, I don’t know what I would do without you! You have shaped the way I look at the world, through all your characters and supernatural powers. Your unforgetting life lessons have taught me a lot and helped me navigate through the world, thank you!
A single pencil. Together we can achieve greatness! I use you everyday for many different assignments. Without you I wouldn’t be able to get through the school day.
“The pencil is mightier than the sword.”

Ahhh, that pure delicious sweetness! Ice cream, I couldn’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me! Your lovable sweetness is always there when I am sad, happy, sick, in pain, etc. You always make me feel better!

Yes, I know what your thinking, Pinterest? Yes Pinterest! Always, when I board, or in desperate need of an idea, you have been there. You are a cloud full of good ideas and memes! Without you many things would not be as fascinating and impressive as they are now!
Water: beautiful, delicious, calming. You keep me alive and healthy. If it wasn’t for you, I would not be on swim team. Thank you for keeping me alive and providing me with a fun sport to do!

7 Days

Even though this picture only shows my mom, I am thankful for my whole family. They always support and care about me.

I am thankful for my education because it’s very important and means a lot to me.

I am thankful for sports because it’s fun to watch and play. My favorite sports are soccer and tennis.

I am thankful for food because it gives me energy. Also, because it tastes good and it’s yummy.

I am thankful for my bed because it’s comfortable and I can relax at night.

I am thankful for computers because they keep me entertained during a boring day.

I am thankful for holidays because it makes me happy and I like spending time with family.

7 Days

This is my dog Bella. I got her when I was very young. She has been with my family through a lot. Bella is 11 years old and has a hard time moving on walks and  around the house. I am thankful to have as many years as I have had with her and I will make the best of it with the remaining time she has. 

I am thankful for shelter. I spend almost all of my time in this area of my house. My living room is where my siblings and I eat every night and do various activities in. We play board games and hangout with my extended  family in this very living room. A lot of memories have been made in this part of my house. 
I am thankful for warmth. In the winter season when it gets extra cold I love to sit by the fire. Sitting by a warm fire after a long day is the best feeling. Without a fire I would freeze so I am very happy to be able to have something to warm me up. 
I’m so thankful that a few years ago my sister and I got this camera to share. Originally she got it to take photos for photo shoots but now she uses it to make YouTube videos. It is very high quality really fun to mess around with, with my friends, on a walk, etc. I am so happy I have this camera to experiment with. 
I am so thankful for food. I love food because not everyone gets to have the privilege of eating 3 meals a day. I got to eat dinner with my family and have a blast on Thanksgiving. Not only am I thankful for being supplied with food, my mom made a home cooked meal for the whole family to enjoy. 
This is my extended family. recently we have not been able to see or visit them because they moved to New York. My family and I were not planning to be able to see then on Thanksgiving but it worked out that they could visit. It has been a tradition in my family that every year my cousins come and eat our family dinner with us and we catch up on what has happened since last Thanksgiving. 
This is my dad. My dad and I have gone through a lot together and we have made it through rough patches. He always inspires me by staying active and healthy. I hope to be like him and all that he has achieved when I grow up. I don’t know where I would be or what I would be doing without him. He always plays cards and other board games with my brother and I and when seeing him we never fail to have a terrific time. 

7 Days Of Black & White

For one week ( seven days ) I took pictures of objects, and people that mean a lot to me.

The first picture I took is of my dogs. I’m thankful that even though they can’t do everything a normal person can, they still help me feel better whenever I’m down. They tend to always find a way to be around me which I always found funny, because they love attention just as much as me so  don’t mind one bit. My first dog, Lola ( a Boston Terrier ) is special to me because my mom and I have had her since I was in second grade, so whenever we had to move to a different state, she would always be there, and she’s been through a lot with our family. My second dog, Loki, ( a French Bulldog ) is also very special to me because even though he’s just recently joined our family and has probably the most problems any dog has probably ever had, he still makes me laugh anytime of dog.

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The second picture I took is of my cheer shoes. I’m thankful for me being able to do cheer in general because before I even knew competitive cheer existed, I didn’t have a lot of things or hobbies that I was that into, I may have done soccer, gymnastics, and cross country, but I wasn’t really looking forward to those activity’s during the beginning of the week because it just wasn’t something I was passionate about. And even after I did a couple activity’s I would take a brake which ended up being longer then expected. I thought I would never find something I was happy and passionate about doing but when I was pushed to start doing competitive cheer, I don’t think I could ever stop doing it.

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The third picture I took was of my mom. I’m definitely thankful for my mom because she helps me a lot in general. We may have had a few fights or “disagreements” as I like to call them, we always make up in the end because we can’t stand being mad at each other. She helps a lot with my homework and doesn’t just give me the answers, and even though I get mad about that, I know she’s just doing it for my own good. She’s even the one who pushed me to do cheer, which I could not be more happy and thankful for. 

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The fourth picture I took was of my friend Julia Willimann. I’m very thankful for her because she’s one of the few friends that understands me and me with her so I think that’s why we get along so well. We tell each other pretty much everything, and I like how we can joke about stuff that other people would find weird.

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The fifth picture I took was of food. I’m thankful for food because first off you kind of have to eat to survive. My parents think I’m a picky eater which used to be true but now I love to try new foods everyday.

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The sixth picture I took is of my house. I’m thankful for my house, even though it might seem weird I truly an thankful for it because my family tends to move a lot considering my parents are in the military, so this is the first house my parents have actually owned which I’m not used to so its a great change for all the houses and apartments we’ve lived in before.

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The seventh picture I took is of hair ties. I may sound silly but being a girl with long hair you tend to put your hair up a lot. They make it easy to put your hair up and they’re easy to use which makes them good to use.

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