Action photos

This project was about capturing images in action. You could be doing anything and get a picture of it.The tips i give to people is if you are using your phone take your photos in burst and get the best angel you can. If i could take an action photo of any sport i would pick soccer. You can see more of my photos here.

7 Days

I am thankful for my family. Even though they sometimes get on my nerves, they are still my family!  
I am thankful for my friends because they always know how to make me laugh. I consider they like my family. 
I am thankful for California Pizza Kitchen. It is my favorite restaurant at Tysons Corner Mall.  Without this restaurant, I don’t know what I would do! The food tastes amazing here. I always get the spicy chipotle pizza and the pesto pasta. 
I am thankful for the outlet malls because that is where I get my clothes. I love to go shopping but only if it is for me. 
I am thankful for my TV because I spend most of my free time watching TV. Without TV, I would be losing my mind. 
I am thankful for food because it keeps me alive. This is a picture at my favorite Indian restaurant, Diya. I love the food here. It is so authentic. 

 I am thankful for shoes because I really like having different varieties of shoes in my closet.  This is a picture of a shoe store. 

Catch the Action!

In this project, we needed to take 8-10 photos of people or things in motion. The way we got the best photos was just spamming. When the action was happening, we would just press the button many times, which usually got us a good result. I also used the timer on my iPhone, and took some cool pictures of my self. My tip would probably be to press the button many times when the action was happening, if using a phone, or countdown to tell the person when to do the action, if using a camera. I would like to photograph a live volleyball game, because I think the shots would be really cool. These were my two favorites from this project: 

To see all my other photos, click here.

Catch the Action

In this project, we had to take photos of people or objects in motion. To capture good images, I took the picture early. This helped because if I tried to take it late, the person would already be on the ground and I needed to get them in the air. Some tips I have would be to plan out your photo so nothing unexpected happens. Also, to take the photo earlier than you think because it helps. I would want to photograph soccer because it would be cool to see someone kicking the ball while in motion.

You can see the rest of my photos here.


  1. First of all, I’m very thankful for my family. My parents are super supportive and always there for me. My sister is my best friend and I know I can count on her to make me laugh or cheer me up. My step brother and sister are super nice and i can always have a good laugh with them. My niece is the cutest baby I have ever met and her smile lights up a room. My grandparents are very admirable and are also very supportive. Last but not least, my aunts, uncles, cousins are awesome and I love visiting them!

       2. I’m really thankful for all of my amazing school friends. My closest friends are Sammy, Paige, Madison, Josie, and Mandy. They make school so much more fun and we have so many memories that I’ll remember. They can make me laugh anytime by just saying one word and are fun to be around. 

3. I’m so thankful for my dog Romeo. He is the best snuggle buddy and really well behaved. Even though he can be a brat, I’m super thankful for him. He’s also a really good listener and better than therapy.

4. I’m thankful for soccer. I am very grateful that I am able to play and i don’t have any injuries. I’m also thankful for my team and all the amazing friends I have made through playing soccer.

5. I’m thankful for calligraphy. I’ve been doing it for a year and it’s a really fun hobby that I do in my free time. I’ve done jobs writing in calligraphy and it has brought me closer to my friends who also do calligraphy.

6. I’m thankful for my best friend Bella. I can tell her anything and I know I can trust her. She’s always there for me and we have way too many memories and inside jokes to count. I don’t know what I’d do without her!

7.  I’m thankful for my other best friend Sammy. I love her so much and we have gotten so close over the past two years. I can count on her for anything whether it be ranting to her 

Things in Motion

This project was about getting pictures of things in motion. This could be anything from someone jumping to a ball being thrown. It was difficult to get the shot at the correct moment. I found that my phone was best during this project because you could take many photos in one second so there is a good chance you will get the shot you need.  We also got very lucky with the weather working out well for us to get the best photos. For people who haven’t tried taking action photos i would recommend having the best lighting and cameras take time to realize you snapped for a photo so you have to compensate for that delay. If I could I would want to take pictures of a baseball game because I love the game and there a lot of things that happen that people can’t see

You can see the rest of my photos here 

Things in Motion

This project involved taking photos of a moving person or thing.Some tips if you are using a phone is to take burst photos and focus on where the thing will be.If you are using a camera you just have to be precise.If I could photograph a sport I would photograph soccer or football because I love both sports and with both sports you could take some really cool photos.
Overall it might take you a few tries to get it right.

To find other photos click this link

Catch the Action

For this project, we had to take photos of people/objects in motion. When taking my pictures, I made sure the live settings was on my camera. This helped me capture my photo because I could edit my photos to exact movement I wanted to use. I also took a lot of pictures in order to capture the movement of certain people/objects. My suggestions for taking action photos are to take them from different angles so you can get different effects, and to take numerous pictures of each person’s or objects movement in order to catch the right shot. If I could photograph a certain sport, it would probably be either tennis or ping pong. I really want to capture the balls movement as it hits the racket or paddle. Click her to see the rest of my photos, here.

Action Shots

For this project we had to take pictures of something or someone moving. However, the object/person could not be blurry in the picture. I had to take multiple pictures while the object was  moving and try different angles this way I had multiple options and could see which worked the best. I would say that for this project you should try to make the subject of the photo move as slow as possible so it is easier to capture the image. If I could I think it would be really cool to take pictures of ice hockey players in motion. Click HERE for more photos!

7 Pictures

This is my dog Bella, she came unexpectedly but I still love her
Ah Asra, even though you’re my friend I’m still scared that you’ll attack me. But then again you’d be a great body guard! I appreciate that you haven’t killed me yet.
I am grateful for this rainbow because I love rainbows