Objects in Motion

For our project “Objects in motion”, we had to take photos of objects in motion, but there wasn’t supposed to be any blur. For the photos I took outside, I set the shutter speed to the shortest time possible, and it worked because there was so much light outside. When I took pictures inside, I had to lengthen the shutter speed because of the lack of light inside. Moral of the story, take the pictures outside with the sun. I would want to photograph professional baseball because of how fast they can throw the ball. Check out my photos here.

Second photo with logo is in the google drive folder because Photoshop doesn’t want to open it.

Catch the Action

                  This project was very mesmerizing and simple at the same time. Our goal was to take 8 to 10 pictures of people and/or objects in motion. I had a lot of fun taking pictures of my friend moving around and of my sister in the spooky, foggy woods of Sugarloaf Mountain. To take pictures of them in the middle of their action, I set my camera to manual. I also set the ISO to 100 (400 in the mountains) to get the perfect lighting and the shutter speed to 1/640 to get the clearest image outcome. If you’re trying to do the same, I advise pressing the push-button right when the object/person is at its highest point (when jumping, in mid air, etc.) If the action is running/moving across (not in mid air), then try to take a picture by following the rule of thirds (see post for more information). In the future, I hope to take pictures of people in action during sports and other activities.                                                                                                      -Marie Valouiski

Link here for the rest of the photos.

Catch The Action

For this project I had to catch people doing things while in motion. What I did to take good moving photos is to keep the shutter speed fast than slow. A tip is to do it in good lighting. Also, do it in a large space. A sport I would like to photograph is definitely soccer or basketball because there is a lot of moving involved which gives great pictures. For the rest of my pictures click here.


In this project I titled “motion” we were sent outdoors to take a picture of someone or something moving. I have chosen 2 photos that represent motion. I chose one person and one object. The object was challenging because I had to let other people throw the object while I took the picture so I had no control over how the object (leaves) were falling. Taking a picture of a person was easier because I could move them to a spot that was convenient to me. This project was a good way to test angles of how I could take a quick picture of movement without it being a low quality, blurry photo. In conclusion, this project helped me appreciate how fast things can happen and how hard it is the capture the speed of them. 

For more pictures click here

Quinn’s 7 Days

For this project we had to take 7 photos of things or people we are thankful for. The first photo I took was of my dog. I’m thankful for my dog because he makes me happy and helps me when i’m stress. The second photo is part of my family. I’m thankful for them because they help and support me for everything that I do. The third photo is of my friend, i’m thankful for her because she always makes me laugh and smile. The forth photo is of my ukulele, I’m thankful of it because it helps me get out stress and if I had a hard day I would just play some tunes. The fifth photo is of my phone. I’m thankful for my phone because that’s how I Face time and text my friends and family.  The sixth photo is of New York City. I’m thankful for New York City because that’s where my aunt lives and I love seeing her. New York City is like my second home. Lastly I’m thankful for my brothers. I’m thankful for them because sometimes we hang out when we aren’t fighting with each other. If you want to see my photos there down below. 

Catch The Action

The project, Catch The Action is about taking cool photos of things that are in motion while trying to keep the object of focus in focus and the background not in focus/ or not distracting from the thing in motion. I timed my photos so when the car or bike or whatever was moving by I got a good shot of it. If you are trying to take an action photo, it takes lots of tries and make sure to not be too late or too early when taking the photo. If I could take a picture of any sport, I would do football. I would do football because players get hurt all the time and if you timed a photo right before someone got tackled it would look really cool. To view the rest of my photos, click here

7 Days

I am thankful for my phone because I use it a lot. I also have lots of pictures on it and memories. Without my phone I wouldn’t be able to talk to my family who lives far away. I am also thankful for it because I am able to talk to my friends when i’m not with them. 

I am very thankful for my dog Logan. I am thankful for him because I have had him since I was 2 and have a lot of memories with him. Also I love taking him for walks and playing with him. 

I am thankful for New Smyrna Beach Florida. I am thankful for New Smyrna because my grandparents, aunt, uncle and 2 cousins live there. I go to New Smyrna a lot and have a lot of fun memories from there. 

I am thankful for lacrosse. I am thankful for lacrosse because it is one of my favorite sports and I love playing it. I have been playing for 4 years and have made so many new friends and memories from it. 

I am very thankful for field hockey. Field hockey is another one of my favorite sports. Even though I haven’t been playing for very long I still really enjoy playing field hockey.  

The next thing I am thankful for is my sister, Annabelle. My sister and I are only 3 years apart so we are really close. I love spending time with her and we always have a lot of fun together. 

Lastly I am thankful for my parents. My parents love and support me no matter what. I am very thankful for them and dont know what I would do without them 

Catch The Action

     For this project we had to take 8-10 photos of any sort of action. This doesn’t mean though that the background had to be blurry, but there just had to be some sort of action going on. For these pictures we set the camera to manual mode, so that we could manually adjust the camera to the best settings. The one big thing we had to change was the ISO to 1/800, so that it could capture all the action. To set up most of our shots, we planned out what we were going to do and at what angle the picture was going to be at, in order to get the best photo possible. For many of our photos, we had to take multiple in order to get a good shot. One big thing that helped me capture the action, was to take my photos in a burst so that you have a greater chance of getting a good photo. Finally, if I could be at any sports event to take a photo, personally  I would be at a football game because there is lots of action and opportunities to take good photos.

To view the rest of my photos click here

Catch the Action

For this project, we had to take 8-10 photos of people or things in motion. One thing that really helped me take these photos is using the “burst” on my phone so I could get multiple photos of the action. This allowed me to have multiple options. I recommend to anyone that wants to attempt this project to use the burst as it is very helpful. I also think a great idea would be to use the live photo option on the IPhone. You can edit it and choose a part of the live photo to make the main photo, if that makes sense. One sport I really want to photograph is football as there are so many things going on at once. The ball is in action, the players, and even the crowd. Below are 2 photos I took in action. You can see the rest of my photos here.