7 Days

 I am thankful for ballet because it is something I have been familiar with all my life, and I enjoy it very much. I have made a lot of friends, and we have gotten very close, with classes Monday through Friday, but also through the Nutcracker and the Spring shows. I feel liked doing ballet helps me calm myself and just focus on doing my best while having fun with my friends.  

I am thankful for food because it gives me energy, but also tastes delicious. I love cooking and baking with my sister, and we especially like making vegan desserts for our cousin Phenon, who is vegan. The dessert in the picture is a vegan dessert with coconut, unsweetened cocoa powder, and sunflower seed butter. I enjoy eating food because there are many different kinds and types of food that I can try all round the world, and people are thinking of new ways to cook foods every day. 

I am thankful for my cousins, Phenon(left) and Rowan(right), because they are role models for me. Growing up, they were the only cousins I had, and I loved them to death. Even though I only got to see them about three times a year, I cherished the time we got to be together, doing things from making duct tape wallets, to doing makeovers (One of which Rowan had to dress up like a girl). Now, Phenon is in college at The University Of the Arts, in Philadelphia. I miss her a lot while she is gone, but I keep in touch, and she tells me she loves everything about where she is and what she is learning. I learn a lot from my cousins, like responsibility and politeness, but also how to love and be nice to everybody.

I am thankful for my twin sister Fiona. She’s everything I could ever ask for in a sister. Much less a twin. Even though we have separated a ton, going from wearing the same clothes and nobody being able to tell us apart, to Fiona getting highlights, and people thinking we’re not even related, I know we have a special bond that nothing and nobody can break. 

I am thankful for books because I love getting taken through the author’s imaginary world and getting sucked into an amazing atmosphere. The words that authors use are like magic. They suck you in and trap you, forcing you to make your way through the wonderful world your imagination creates through the author’s language. I love that there are so many different types of books, and that every book is unique and special.  

I am thankful for the moon because if it didn’t exist, we would be drenched in darkness at night. The moon sheds a peaceful light for people at night and helps them find their way, and they can use the light for driving at night. I like all the cycles in the moon phases, because I enjoy looking out the window and seeing a different moon every night. Also, whenever there is a New Moon, I admire nature, knowing that it will come back again the next night. 

I am thankful for my parents because they are my life. I owe everything to them, and I am thankful for everything they have taught me in life. I love knowing that they will always be there with me, in my struggles and my accomplishments, and I am very thankful for the beacons they shine to guide me through thick and thin in my life. My parents teach me to always do my best and that I can succeed at anything I put my mind to. I am very thankful that I have such awe-inspiring role models to follow through life and show me how to be the person I want to be.  

Action shots

This was a stressful project. We had to take 48 pictures in total, each picture had to have something moving in it.  We had to set the camera to manual, after we had to crop out the photos (Only 8 of them).  Something that helped was changing the shutter speed to a high setting, this helped because it made the camera take the pictures faster.  Also the positioning of the camera and the “action” mattered. You could ruin a great photo with bad angling. I would take a picture of mma. If you want to see more pics click here


For this project we had to take picture of objects (people) in motion. The project had to involve a variety of people doing different actions. To capture good pictures we had to set the ISO on 800 so the light setting would look natural. We also had to set the shutter speed on 1/800 because the objects tended to move very fast. 1/800 means that the shutter of the camera would only stay open for 1/800 of a second. This would also take clearer images of the objects in motion. We also used our previous knowledge of Rule of Thirds and different perspectives. We sometimes had to lay on the ground to take a better looking picture. I would recommend, if you are trying to take “action” photos, to stand very close to the object in motion. The camera would focus better if it was closer. Also you should take pictures outside for better light quality. If I would photograph a specific sport, I would take pictures of basketball games. Basketball games involve a lot of movement and interaction between players. Also, dunking pictures look great. 2 of my favorite pictures are shown below. The rest can be found here.

Catch the Action

For this project we had to take pictures of people in action. So we had to think of things from the background, camera angles, composition ( by that I mean rule of 3rds ), and lighting. For this project I used my phone as the camera. I didn’t do much with the camera to get the pictures but I already had the grid on my camera. When it cam to taking the actual pictures, I would tap on the screen so my camera would focus more on the person so the picture wouldn’t end up blurry. Some tips I would give someone who is trying to do this project, is to get different angles for each picture because then it would make each picture together look more better. Also, when doing this project you definitely need to be creative with this project, you don’t need to, but it definitely helps. If I could, I would want to take pictures at a baseball game when the batter is hitting the ball. Here is a link to all my pictures.


For this project we had to take pictures of random people. We would take pictures of people smiling and not smiling to see the difference it makes on there image. I learned that facial expression totally changes the whole picture. See my photos here.


On this project we had to take pictures of people or objects in motion. Everything had to be in action and the pictures where hard. Something that helped me capture good pictures was to take lots of picture (spamming) of the thing in motion to capture the right ones. Some tips I’d give someone trying to take motion pictures are: first you have to be patient because not all pictures you take will work and it will take lots of work to find and take the right pictures. If I could I would like to photograph basketball or baseball or even football because I think those sports have a lot of action in them so I could have so many motion and action photos through those sports. Down below are two of my favorite pictures I took. If you want the rest click here.

Catch the Action

In this project we took shots of people doing something that involved action. I took multiple photos of the same people doing their actions until I got the right one. When you take action photos make sure to get a good angle. If I could catch action in any sport, I would choose swimming because I could get a cooler shot of the water in it. Click here for my photos.

Action Photos

For this project we had to take pictures of people/things in action. Action could be caught in many ways but it was important for it to be caught while the picture is still visible to the viewer. The pictures shouldn’t have been hard to take if you knew what you were looking for. To take the best pictures I would’ve been able to take  had to position myself to the right spot where you could no only see the thing in movement but you could also see the landscape in the back. For someone who is trying to take an action photo I recommend them to is to have the camera focused on the thing you specifically want to take a picture of, because if you don’t the viewer wont be able to tell what your taking a picture of.  I would love to photograph a polo game because you could get the action of the horses moving while the players are also moving.  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LTri8Q39i6D9e2YWVEj7T2gACB1dTGN4

Catch The Action

For this project, we had to take a picture of things in action. To capture good images, I had to keep the camera still, while the person did what they were doing. For someone taking these pictures, I would tell them that your picture can be blurry, that is okay because that can be proof that it is an action picture. If I could, I would want to photograph someone playing basketball.  If you want to see more pictures click here.


For this project, we had to capture a moment of action in a photo. We had to go around and take pictures of these moments in motion. for these pictures we had to set up chairs and get at a good distance. If you want to take an action picture, I suggest taking it at creative angles. This helps the viewer get a good angle of the picture and it exaggerates the action. If I could photograph a sport, I would choose lacrosse. This is because there is constant movement and motion so it would be easy to capture. You can see the rest of my photos here