
We did a project called Action. We had to take pictures of things in motion. Some things that we had to do was make sure our background was pretty, and not invaded with other people. We had to make sure there was enough natural light for our pictures to be bright enough. We had to change the shutter speed so it would capture the moment of the action, and we had to change the ISO so it would be very light sensitive.  A tip I have for someone doing this would be to keep taking pictures until you get the right one instead of sticking with an OK picture. If I could, I would take motion pictures of figure skating, because they can do so many tricks on the ice and it looks really cool. You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.


Catch the Action

For my project i had to get a picture of some one or something that is in motion. this was a little changeling because we had to get the person or thing in the air. For me it took four times to get right because it would come out blurry or i didn’t get it at all. The easy part was to get the position of the person. I hope you enjoy my pictures. you can find more here.

Motion Pictures

In this project, you had to take a picture of an object in motion and have the background be still. I made sure I had a still setting and took a burst of pictures of the object moving. To take pictures make sure it’s moving and the background is still. If I could photograph any sport it would be volleyball because I play volleyball. The rest of my photos are here

Catch The Action

In this project I was tasked with taking photos of people or objects in motion. What helped me capture good images was rapidly taking pictures of the thing in motion (In this case I used my phone). My tip is that you have to make sure the object you are taking a picture of, is the main subject of the photo. If I could photograph a sport, I would choose basketball because it is a fun sport. You can find the rest of the photos I took here.

Catch The Action

For this project we had to take photos of people or things in motion. The photos had to be mostly clear and couldn’t be super blurry. It also had to be clear there was an action going on, and it couldn’t be staged. What I did to get good pictures is I used the burst feature on my phone. If something didn’t work, I would try again, and maybe in a different angle. Some tips I have for this project is to pick out a few good photos of an action so you have options and can better decide the best one. Another tip is to take photos outside. The photos always came out less blurry when they were taken outside. I would like to photograph people dancing or doing cool gymnastics tricks if I could. You can find the rest of my photos here.

7 Days Project

This ice cream turkey was a mix of caramel and cookie doe ice cream and it was grate.
This is my house and I am thankful for shelter during the night, cold, and rain.
I love to drink hot chocolate and eat marshmallows they are delicious.
This is a painting my brother made when he was 3 and I am thankful he was able to go to school and be able to create this painting.
This is my bus stop and the structure protects us from the rain when waiting for the bus.
This is my favorite food to eat during thanksgiving and i am tankful to have food.
This is a Christmas display in my house and i am thankful that my parents can afford to get presents on Christmas.

Action Pics

For this project we need to take pictures of objects in motion. We also need to make sure it comes out good. The subject cant be blurry. Some tips to take AWESOME action pictures (Like mine) is to know what you are taking a picture of. If I could choose one sport to take pictures of, it would be football. The game is violent and never boring. 

Haven’t finished all pics yet, I will update and add link when I do.

Action Pictures

For this project, we had to take 8-10 pictures of a person or a thing moving or in action. To make this project easier,  I used the burst setting on my camera which allowed me to get multiple pictures of the full action and choose the one that looked the best. Definitely use burst and make sure you have the right angle if you plan to take action photos. If I had a chance to photograph any sport it would be golf. I would take it of the swing.  To see the rest of my photos, click here

Action Pictures

In this project, we had to take 8 photos of motion without them being too blurry.  I took my photos with my phone. Although the photos weren’t in the best quality, I was able to take burst photos and all I had to do was choose the ones that looked the best. The best tip I have for the best action photos is to stay patient and don’t settle. If a photo doesn’t look good or is too blurry, retake the pictures until you get the perfect one. If I could photograph any sport I would take photos of NASCAR racing. I think this would be cool because the cars are moving at such a fast speed. I would also need to have a much better camera though to catch the perfect shot.

Click to see the rest of my photos here

Quinn’s Action

For this project, we had to take 8 to 10 photos of people or things in action. The people can be jumping, running, kicking, etc and  you have to take a photo of them when they are in the middle of doing that action. Or, you can get a picture of a object dropping in the air.  The thing that help me get good images was counting down from 3. So, when I said 1 the person would do their action or they will drop the object.  This help me to know when to take the photo.  My tips if you want to take action photos I would count down, and make sure the camera still as you take the photo. The actions I would have done if I could would be skateboarding, kicking a ball, fencing and swimming.  If you want to see the rest of my photos click here.