Up close

For this project we used cameras on super macro to get up close to something but not zooming in. one of the challenges was finding Interesting things like insects. one struggle is if your camera has auto focus or auto super macro then sometimes it wont focus when you want it to. If i had the chance i would get an up close shot of a snake or a spider.









Super Macro

In this project, I used Mr. Fitz’s camera to take multiple photos of ordinary, and in most cases small objects up close, which increased their size and the point of view at looking at them. For some, I shifted the angle of the camera, and sometimes had to keep the camera away from the object, so that the shot would not go out of focus, or focus on something that I didn’t want to get. In order to get such up close shots, in some I had to take a new approach, such as zooming in the camera a bit. Since I was walking around in a small group, and we found such amazing things to take photos of, it was hard for us to not take the same images. I suppose if I had the materials to do so, I’d like to take an up close image of a waterfall, or maybe a drop of water sliding down a leaf.

Here are two images I took;

Here is my album; https://photos.app.goo.gl/Yvw8GvYMSfOiwbww1

Up Close

During this project it was easy to find objects to take photos of. I tried finding objects that were very colorful. It was challenging to keep objects from becoming blurry. It was also hard to to work the camera because I don’t have VSCO. If I had the time and the camera I would love to take pictures of animals and bugs. This would be really cool. My two favorite photos are below as well as the link the the rest.






Up Close

For this project, we took pictures of objects super close up (or super macro). Everything in this project worked out well and it was cool to see the detail of some of the objects. We had to take different types of pictures and not just flowers or plants. If I had the equipment, time, and ability to get a really good picture, I would take one of sand or the ocean waves crashing. Here are my two favorite photos, and the rest are in my Google album:


Processed with VSCO with b1 preset


Super Macro

I had to go really close to objects and take pictures in high focus. One thing that worked well was finding simple objects that are easy to get close to and have cool textures.  I did try something new because I have never taken a super macro photo before.  Some challenges was getting the camera close but not too close to the point where it got blury. But there was no issues finding subjects or issues with my camera. I would like to photograph a snowflake because each one is unique and they look cool.


Getting Close

In this project, I had to take pictures of objects up close. It was challanging to get the the picture to be focused and clear. If I had the perfect amount of time and equipment, I would try to get a close picture of a baseball and see the stitches up close.Here is the link to all of my photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/EfqhmsYxobTUzW9K6 

Getting up Close and Personal!

For this project we had to find different images and take an up close photo of the details in them. Flowers and outside objects worked better than objects inside. Also using natural light was much easier then the crusty ceiling light. I have never taken a photo of something so close, so I tried something new and focused on the little details. Sometimes it was difficult to get my phone to focus on the certain spot I wanted it to, but eventually it focused. If I had the equipment and ability to get to mars or the moon, I would love to take up close photos of the different types of surfaces. I would love to take a photo of the sun but that wouldn’t end well. To see more of my gorgeous photos other than these two beauties, go to this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/uit91hJo9TW689N6A

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Up close



We had to take up close pictures of objects, we used a visco filter or portrait mode on our phone so we can see the clear details of the object. This project was hard because sometimes if I got too close it would get blurry. If I could I would like to photograph waterfalls or insects.


Up Close

This project required students to take very up close and personal shots of objects.  The entirety of the picture, or at least most of it, was filled up with a small object making it look larger.  To get this kind of photograph students needed to use the macro settings on their cameras.  This allows them to take clear, up close pictures.  This project was a bit challenging for me because of the camera I was using.  Getting super up close to an object, even on Macro, can make it hard for the camera to focus.  I ended up having to spend a very long time just getting the camera to focus on the right thing.  But once I got it to focus the pictures came out really well and I’m proud of the results.  One thing I didn’t have trouble with was finding subjects.  I went into the woods because I thought there might be some cool things to take pictures of.  I ended up seeing a rabbit, a herd of deer, a deer skull, as well as a doe that let me take photos of it for about 30 mins!  At school I also found 2 turtles.  Overall, I found a lot of wildlife during this project.  Even thought some of these pictures couldn’t be used for this project, I had a lot of fun taking them.  If I could take pictures for this project anywhere in the world, with high quality equipment and lots of time, I would go to the rain forest.  There are thousands of exotic and breathtakingly beautiful flowers, plants, and animals in rain forests!  And I know it would be EXTREMELY dangerous, but I would love to take a close up of a jaguar’s face. It would be a dream come true.  Though I will admit the bugs would be a bit vexing.

If you want to see all the pictures I took, go to this link!https://photos.app.goo.gl/8oHnr8ALiRGD23RY9



In the up close project we had to take super macro pictures or many different objects.  Everything in this project worked and I learned how to take really close up pictures with good quality.  There was no problem with the cameras but I did have a little trouble finding objects to take pictures of. If I had the time and equipment I would like to take really good up close pictures because the finished project is really cool.