
The project “So I Asked Them To Smile” is about showing personality. People don’t walk around smiling all the time. Some people look very scary while walking down the street. I wanted to show people that not everyone who isn’t smiling should be avoided. I asked people to smile to show that those people are actually very friendly. It was easy to take pictures because there was a lot of people. It was hard to find good lighting to get the best picture. When I saw the difference between the person smiling and not smiling I felt more comfortable around them when they smiled. 


For our photography class we had to take a picture a student smiling than keeping a completely straight face and than see the huge difference between the face. I did a total of 14 students and family members and the difference was insane it was amazing to see the transformation of how the whole face even the way you see the person changes for example when I took a picture of my brother I thought he looked like a jerk with his straight face, but than when he smiled I viewed him as a nice and sweet human being. Here are some examples Enjoy!!!!!



For this project we had to ask random people if we could take a picture of them smiling and then another one of them not smiling.  During this project I learned that there are a lot of stereotypes just based on weather you smile or not when someone takes your picture.  For example when someone makes a straight face it makes them look sad or scary, but when someone smiles it makes them look happy.  What worked was comparing the differences of when they smiled and when they didn’t.  What was challenging was asking them to take the picture and just walking up to them without knowing them.  My opinion of the person I took a photo of did change when they smiled and when they didn’t.  To me when they didn’t smile they were not friendly and scary, but when they did smile they felt friendly and nice.


This week in photography, my class and I did a project where we took two different pictures of the same person. The first picture was before we asked them to smile, and the second picture was after. Some of these pictures are of people that I didn’t know before this project. It was challenging to go up to these new people because I had no clue who they were. Sometimes people said no, when I asked to take their picture, and then I had to move on. The rest of the project was fairly simple. These pictures help me realize that you shouldn’t judge someone on the way they look, or on their first impression. I had to apply this while taking pictures of people. In the before pictures, the person looks less friendly, and less approachable.  But, in the after pictures the person looks like a very nice person. During this project, I learned that a smile can change your whole appearance for the better. 


This week in photography my class was required to take photos of people smiling vs a straight face. We took 30 photos of 15 people. First, I asked them to keep a straight face and then I politely asked them to smile. Some of these people I knew some of them were strangers that I had asked over winter break.  Some challenges of this project were asking people I didn’t know to smile, otherwise it was easy to take two simple pictures. I can tell why some people can view others a certain way before getting to meet them, because of their appearance. Some of the people In these slideshows have appearances that come off to be judgy, in a standoff way. Others continue to look happy even when they are not smiling. 

My job as a photographer is too come into taking pictures is to have a clear mind and not judge people by the way they look. Sometimes, you can see the story in people’s eyes, and others not so much. I learned a lot from this project and I enjoyed it. 


During this project I realized many things. For example, I saw how stereotypes affect the world. When people don’t smile it makes them look scary or someone you might not want to approach, but when people do smile it makes them seem friendly and someone you would want to approach. Also, I found it was very awkward asking people if I could take photos of them since I didn’t know them. I realized when I saw them I made assumptions of who they might be and many photographs do that when taking photos and can make them look a certain way. In this world today many people judge and this project is a great way to see what a person can be and who they are vs. what they look like. Here is the link for all of my photos and my favorite photo.



This was one of my favorite projects because it shows how different someones smile can change the way you think of a person. I took pictures of people I would never talk to if I hadn’t seen them smile. I think people smiling can totally change the way you think of them in the first place. It’s my job as a photographer to capture the difference between people smiling then not smiling.  Smiling can a make a huge difference in the world. I hope when you look and see all these pictures of people smiling, you will notice the difference! 







When I see someone not smiling it makes me feel like there not approachable, but when they do smile I definitely get different vibes on how they live and act.  It is my job of a photographer to represent the things your might not see at first.  I liked this project because I got to reaction of people when I asked them if i could get a photo of them.



This project was about taking two different pictures of people one smiling and one not to challenge the stereotypes that comes with it. It was kind of weird to go up to people and just like question them if i could take there people. Some people said no probably because they thought I was creepy. It got better when they smiled because I felt more comfortable being around them and thee tension was lifted. These are all of my photos in a slide show…

Some people totally changed.