Then I Asked Them to Smile

In this project, it was difficult to take the pictures and make sure that they didn’t look like photos for a license. It shows how much a change of emotion can change your thoughts about a person. Bias will not give you the full effect of this project, as you know how the person is. If you’re taking a picture for a client, you should ask about their personality.

If you want to see my photos, click here

Smile Project

Getting the pictures and having to talk to 15 strangers was difficult. I see how intimidating people can be when they are not smiling. You might be intimidated or scared when trying to photograph strangers. You could ask what their favorite color or animal is. See the photos here

smile :)

Then they smiled! At first some people seem unapproachable and angry. The most difficult part of this project was having the guts to go up to people and ask “may I take your picture?”. Overall I see some changes in facial expressions can determine so much about a persons mood. However, it does not change the type of person they are. I would ask my clients 4 questions. Hobbies? Talents? Memorable life changing moment. Likes and dislikes. I can determine what kind of a person they are by knowing all of these things. I feel that any sort of bias is only made when talking to people, stereotypes can create bias and therefore impact my job as a photographer in that way. Here is the link to all my other photos! 

Smile :)

In my opinion the hardest part of this project was to get people to take a picture.  The change I saw were people looked brighter.  Also, when a strong, scary person smiled they didn’t look scary anymore.  Bias can affect your job as a photographer because if you don’t like this person, you might not try as hard to take a good picture of them.  But, if you like the person you‘re going to try to make them look good in the photo.  When hired you should ask question like “how was your day?”, “what do you like to do?”  Things to make them feel comfortable or maybe you could tell jokes to make them smile or laugh.  Just say whatever will make the person comfortable.  See my slideshow here.


Then I Asked Them To Smile

 The most difficult part of this project was finding people to take pictures of and keeping a serious face when I go up to ask someone if I can take their picture. I am a person that laughs and smiles a lot so I can never keep a serious face. What was also difficult was finding different poses or positions. Also finding good lighting. Some people had major changes from their facial expressions when they smiling, but others didn’t have much of a change in their photos. When people would smile the first thing you would think about them is that they are friendly and nice so most likely you go talk to them.When they were not smiling you would think that they are mad, mean, or just having a very bad day. If I was a photographer I would ask my client if they feel comfortable with me taking their photo. You can see the rest of my photos Here


In this project, I found 15 different people and took 2 pictures from each of them. One picture was a straight face, and the second was when they were smiling. What was difficult about this project was finding people to take pictures of. I am a shy person, so asking random people if they could be a part of my photography project was a challenge, but it paid off. Some changes that I saw were how it seemed like the person’s face lit up when they smiled. It transformed their face when they went from serious to smiling. Bias could affect your job as a photographer because you could judge somebody for what they look like or how they act, and decide not to take their picture, when their smile/picture could be one of the best. When hired, photographers could ask their clients questions about themselves or how they would like people to interpret their pictures, so that the photographer knows how to take the picture and how to make the client look.  What I liked about this project was seeing the difference in people’s faces and attitudes when they smiled compared to when they didn’t. To see the rest of my photos, click here

The Smile Project

This project is called the smile project. We had to take pictures of 15 different people, one picture of them smiling and one picture without a smile. Something that was difficult was placing them in the right spot for the picture, because we needed good light, and we needed to incorporate the rule of thirds. Also, sometimes it was hard asking for the pictures. Some changes I saw in the pictures were how relaxed their faces were when they weren’t smiling, and then how exited they looked when they did smile. Bias could affect being a photographer because you don’t want to offend the person by taking their picture differently than someone else because of where they are from or because of what job they have. When you take a picture of someone, a way of taking “fair” photos is by asking the person where they want to stand or how they want their pictures taken. You can see my pictures HERE


For this project we had to take photos of fifteen people, one where they’re smiling and one where they’re not smiling. the difficult part of this project was asking people to take their picture. The changes that i saw between the photos of people smiling and not smiling where smaller for some people, and bigger for others. Some, the person looked almost mean and very serious in their non smiling photo, but then looked very nice and a good person in the smiling photo. Bias could affect someones job as a photographer in many ways. They could miss some good opportunity’s because of bias against a certain type of people. As a photographer. you should ask your clients, or people you photograph, about their life, interests, and views, so you can make a fair judgement on them, good or bad, and take fair photos. most of all though, you should try and stay as neutral as possible. The link to my photos is here.

Smile Project

It was difficult to find a lot of people I didn’t know anything about and capture their best image. I saw changes in their personality when they changed their emotion because it was like they were a different person. Bias could affect my photos because I could see them as a totally different person then they really are. I didn’t ask many questions, but I probably should have asked them something about their background. Click here for slideshow.