
This semester, I learned a lot about photography. I am glad that I chose this class as one of my arts rotation options because I had a good time. I learned about different types of photos, ex: rule of thirds, action photos, close up, and more. I liked learning about new types of photos because I can use them in the real world. At first, I thought photography was stupid and boring but it has taught me that is not stupid and boring. I have had several opportunities to take photos outside of class and my photos have turned out good and almost professional-like. My favorite project was the light graffiti because I could use different objects and create art in a photo. Also, it was easier than I thought and fun to make. Photography doesn’t really interest me for a career but I hope to take photos for fun sometimes. In high school, I might take photography for fun but I don’t think that is what I want to do with my life. My favorite photo from this semester would be this one below and the rest of my pictures are in the google slides link below.




Throughout the whole semester I grew as a photographer learning new techniques and ways to take different kinds of pictures. In the beginning I likes photography and thought it was easy and I still like it but its kind of annoying because my pictures suck. I have changed the way I take photos like I make sure I take some pictures with the rule of thirds. My favorite project was the action photos because it was funny to take. No i will not continue learning photography because my pictures suck.


This whole semester, I’ve learned a lot about photography. We reviewed lighting, rule of thirds, composition, color, etc. My thoughts haven’t changed on photography, I’ve always liked it, and that’s why I chose to take this class. I’ve started to take photos with more of a creative touch and use the rule of thirds to frame the photo. When I grow up, I want to be a graphic designer, and photography is definitely part of that, so in a way photography will be my career.

LINK: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-9x8uBzg9K9GMjFZmPh2gtgc7t5Ad-PO?usp=sharing

Last Project!

This whole semester has been very interesting. I have been able to grow as a photographer and enjoyed taking photos I never knew I could take. Overall this semester was very exciting and fun to take photos to make them look more artsy.  My thoughts have changed about photography. In the beginning of this class I kind of thought this would be easy and simple and anyone can take these pictures. Though I was wrong photographers take lots of time setting up the subject and getting good lighting and angles. My thoughts on photography  now more amazed and realize all the effort that goes into taking one single picture. I have changed the way I take photos. Instead of taking a photo with just one snap. I try to add the rule of thirds or get angles where you can see things from a different perceptive.  My favorite project was the Smile. I liked seeing the difference that you could see in a person with one quick expression change.  Photography interest me s a career. I think it would be a cool side job to make money but also to do photograph’s for people. I would like to continue learning photography in high school because then I would be able to continue to grow my knowledge of taking pictures.





This semester I have grown a lot. From the first picture I took of a crayon, to the most recent picture of things I am thankful for, I have grown a lot as a photographer. I learned that photography is harder than it looks, and it takes patience and time to get a good picture. I used to take photos casually, but now I think about the lighting and other things like that. My favorite project was “up close” because I took really good pictures, and it was fun. I find photography very interesting and I would enjoy it as a hobby, but I don’t think it is the right career for me.


Out of the whole semester, these two photos are my favorite.



This semester was a pretty good one. I liked most of the projects we did and had fun while taking pictures. Overall, I rate this semester a 5/5. My thoughts didn’t really change about photography, because it really is just taking pictures. I have changed the way I take pictures, because now I look at lighting more and i try to use rule of thirds more when I take pictures with other people. My favorite project was close up because we got to go outside and take pictures. Photography doesn’t really interest me as a career, but I probably will take it again in high school.

The rest of my pictures are here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uksnxNEKM2xh0AniaCEL64kRL4B0a5ZSkkTl6vX9b48/edit?usp=sharing

Last Project!

During this semester, I have learned a lot (isn’t that surprising). I have learned many new techniques and methods on how to take photos. For example rule of thirds, black and white backgrounds, and many more. After taking this class, I have grown to like taking photos and learning different ways on how to take them to make them look different, special, or just flat out stunning ya know. If you look at a photo from the beginning of the year and now, the photos are very different and I think I have definitely improved. my favorite project was probably the close up photos. It was fun to look at the little details after the photo was taken of the object and it wasn’t very hard. Although, that was my favorite, I did like all of the other projects too. Photography in the future does not interest me as a career but I would like to take it in high school so i can learn more about it… even though you do lots of writing in that class too lol. I do like taking photos and editing them with different apps and websites, but I don’t think I have a future with it. For this last project we had to take two different photos (one good and one bad) of 10 different things. It was really easy to take the bad photos and a little difficult to take good flicks because we didn’t have much to work with. Here are two of my okay photos from this semester in PHOTOGRAPHY:

To see all of my photos go to this link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BddmC42gKQ70xHNND5C0bab1oUMsJJ6ybmWEktBUOl8/edit?usp=sharing

sorry this is long, you are probably falling asleep now. Have fun next year dealing with the annoying soon to be eighth graders!


Final post

My favorite project  was the Light Graffiti because a more creative project cause the things that we mad were cool to make it look like magic around the person. My thoughts about photography  have changed to me now you can make a good picture out of other things.  Yes because now i know that theirs  still different mode to take photos .  I would take photography as a career and i would continue taking it in high school if possible  because of the excitement.


This Project is about what makes a bad picture and what makes a good picture. So we took pictures of a bunch of different things and we took a bad picture and a good picture of those things. I dont think that a bad picture is completly bad cause you can always change it and make it better.


You can see my photos by clicking here.


The whole semester was definitely a time killer it’s like we just came back to school yesterday and our “HQ” was in the TV studio room, and not the computer lab. This class was definitely one I looked toward to, because it’s an easy going class. My thoughts before photography was it was boring it’s not really special. Like an old lady sport. Now,  I see why photographers chose their careers.  It’s fun, and you can create art out of photos. When I took photos I just took it to take it if that makes sense. I didn’t really understand why photographers grouped people and moved them. I understood it made it look better, but I just didn’t see the point. It doesn’t take much effort to make it look better using techniques like the rule of thirds. My favorite project was the light graffiti. Everyone else probably favored it too, because of the outcome of the photos and how special it looks. Photography doesn’t interest me in a career because it’s more a skill to me. If there’s a class in high school for photography I might debate taking it depending what other classes they offer.

Even though this photo isn’t the best appealingly it was the behind the scenes the makes it my favorite.

Pro Level: https://photos.app.goo.gl/4yhgMAkAJupOxgJc2