Last project!

This semester was really fun and educational. I learned a lot about techniques and how to take better photos. We did various projects over this semester including 7 days, Getting Close, Set in the Street, and many more. My thoughts about photography have definitely changed. Before I came to this class, I didn’t realize how important photography is in society. When we visited the Newseum, my friends and I spent a lot of time looking at the amazing Pulitzer prize pictures. I haven’t really changed the way I take photos, but now I know about the rule of thirds and I use it in taking pictures. My favorite project was the Getting Close project. I loved learning how to use VSCO to take pictures. I also enjoyed going outside and finding small/tiny things to take a picture of. Photography definitely interests me and I will continue to do it in high school. I love taking good quality pictures and learning different techniques for how to take better pictures.


This whole semester has not been the easiest. I thought that photography was merely just taking a picture, but I learned that you have to put a lot of thought and effort into it. The way that I take photos have definitely changed, but not very drastically. My favorite project was the light graffiti because it looked really cool afterwards. I do not think that I would ever start a career in photography or even keep going with it in high school. This is just because it is not a passion of mine, even though the pictures come out very nice. My favorite photo is below.

#Pro Level

This whole semester I learned so many new things about photography. 24 colors, I learned that it’s not that hard to find things that match with each other. 5 angles, I found out about angles that make you look tall or short. 7 days, I was giving my thanks to 7 things in my life. Action photos, I learned that a picture doesn’t have to be blurry to be in action. Black background, I learned how to take a good picture with everything behind you being black. Portraits with an infinite background, I learned how to get rid of these ugly squares and make a photo have just white in the background. Smile, people love to smile and it makes you feel happy seeing someone smile. Rule of thirds, I learned about the three lines. Those are the different projects we had, photography was full of finding ideas and enhancing its beauty in a picture. My thoughts have not changed on photography. No, I have not changed the way I take my pictures. My favorite project was light graffiti because we got to creat designs with glow sticks. Photography does not interest me as a career. Yes, I will continue learning about photography next year because it’s fun and you see different perspectives. Down below, is my favorite picture.

Last Project!

This semester has been really fun taking photos. We did so many different and interesting projects that I enjoyed. It was a great class to start 8th grade. My thoughts have changed about photography because in the beginning, I thought it was just taking pictures. But after this class, I learned that you can edit photos in so many different ways. I have changed the way I take photos because this class taught me different ways on how to take photos like up close, and in motion. My favorite project was the light graffiti because it was so cool seeing that if you leave the shutter open, you can paint a picture. Photography doesn’t interest me as a career. But, I would like to continue learning in high school because I enjoy taking photo

Last Project:)

This semester has been been very fun, and very educational. I learned many different ways to take pictures, making them look more professional or just making them look cool! Photography has changed a lot in my eyes, because I used to think it was easy. Photography is anything but easy! There are many factors that make photography hard such as how good your camera is, the lighting, the angle and the subject. Sometimes pictures are blurry, or not cool enough, or they don’t look like how you wanted them to look. I have definitely started taking pictures differently. I always think about the angles i’m taking, the lighting and the background. I also learned many new ways to edit the picture on my phone to make it look bold, colorful or even more clear. I think my favorite project was probably light graffiti, because of how creative it was. I also really enjoyed the last project, and my results. Photography does interest me a lot, but more as a hobby. I think I will take it in high school because I want to learn more strategies and ways to take pictures. This was my favorite picture:

Pro Level

I have thoroughly enjoyed this semester of photography class.  We have done so many different projects and each of them has shown me something new about photography.  Many of them were collaborative projects, like Light Graffiti for instance. I didn’t even know that it was possible to draw with light using a camera before this class.  I have had fun with all the project I’ve completed and they drove me to take pictures outside of school. This class completely changed my outlook photography. It is so much more than simply taking a picture, a real photographer has so many different techniques and angles at their disposal.  I had never really thought about what it takes to be a photographer and to take good photos. It is much harder than I would have originally imagined, but also more entertaining. I think that it is really fun to use these techniques to improve my photography. I now use what I have learned when I’m taking any photo and it has definitely improved my quality of work.  I think out of all the projects, Up Close was by far my favorite. During this projects my brother had a baseball game right next to the woods, so I ventured into the wilderness in search of a few good pictures. I know I embarrassed him when I was lying on the ground in front of his team, trying to get just the right angle. That was a good laugh. I had a lot of fun with that project and I think I got some really awesome photos in the end.

Photography interests me as more of a hobbie than a career.  From what I gather it is very hard to become a successful photographer.   While this is not something I aspire to be professionally, I would still like to look into photography.  It is definitely an enjoyable pass time for me and it’s a great excuse to get out in nature. In high school I plan on taking at least one photography class.  It feels like this class has only scratched the surface of all the things there is to know about photography and I would like to further my knowledge on the subject.  If there is one thing this class has been successful in doing, it is intriguing me about the art of photography.

Click on this link to see 10 different comparisons of what my work would have been before and after this class.


Below is my favorite picture from this last project.  I would also like to thank Mr.Fitz for teaching me this semester.  I have had a lot of fun and I think he is a great teacher.  I will miss him and his class next year!

Final Project

This semester has been very fun. We took pictures of a lot of different things. In the beginning of the year I thought photography was going to be a lot easier than it was. I have learned how to take better photos by using the rule of thirds. My favorite project was the smile because we got to see the way people look when they are happy and sad. Photography does not interest me because it is to much work for me. I would not do it in high school because it adds more work to my schedule. This is my favorite picture from this year and the link to my scavenger hunt.


Overall my experience in photography was fun and educating. I had a good time being able to go off with my friends and take GOOD pictures. I used to think photography was easy but now I know there is a lot that goes into taking just one photo. I would consider photography as a backup career later in life I will not continue in high school because I want to try other things, but I may circle back around to expand my horizon in photography. My favorite project was the light graffiti. I liked being in the dark and trying new things with the cameras and lights.

Find my scavenger hunt photos here

My favorite photo:


This semester in photography was a fun year but it was a weird year because there are some many thing that I tried that I have never done before. My thought of photograph has not really change I thought before photography is a inserting subject that I would be average at best and I was right. Yes I have change my way of taking photo I look for angle and lighting now and before I thought any old photo was good. My favorite project was light graffiti because it was the project that we had the most creative and even though someone left our group at the most important time it was a fun project and I think my best photo were there. I have no inserted in becoming a photographer but I would continue it in high school because I rather do something i know than something I don’t know.

My photo are here

My Favorite photo


Final Project

In this semester of photography I learned a lot about taking high quality photos. I used to not care about the lighting or angle of the shot.  My thoughts have changed a lot about photography. My thoughts have changed because I think taking photos requires a lot more skill than I used to give it credit for. I have changed the way I take photos now. I try to apply techniques I have learned from this class. Like when I take photos I try to use rule of thirds to focus on the subject.  My favorite project this year was the rule of thirds. I liked that project because it is a skill I can apply to my daily life when taking photos. I wouldn’t like to be a photographer as a career. I wouldn’t like it because you have to take some photos that are hard to look at. Like the Pulitzer prize photo with the vulture and the little girl. I might take it my sophomore year in high school. I might take it because it’s a fun class where I can apply the skills to my everyday life.