5 Shots

For my project I was assigned to take pictures of 1 person and three other objects(five photos each).One challenge I faced was taking pictures of the red stairs on the stage in the cafeteria.The difficult part was the lighting and the way I had to position the camera and get angles that looked nice.Also finding interesting objects to take pictures of was also difficult.This project has helped me position my camera in ways that I didn’t even know was considered an angle.Overall this project was generally pretty.I have learned a lot more about cameras.You can find the rest of my photos Here  

5 Shots

In this project, I had to take pictures of 2 objects and 1 person. I had to take 5 different pictures of each object, from 5 different angles. The challenge of this project was finding angles that did not look similar. In some pictures, they look similar enough, even though they are from different angles. The hardest object to photograph was the person. I didn’t want to make the pictures look very similar, even if they were all taken from the front. This project helped me to realize that there is not just one way or angle to take a picture and make it look interesting. To see the rest of my pictures, click here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this project we had to find 3 objects, and for each object take a photo from five different angles. A challenge for me was getting an angle from below or a low angle because it was hard to make sure the picture was good while holding the camera low. A person was the hardest to photograph, because it was hard not to get an angle that looked weird. This project helped me learn how to get good shots in ways I didn’t think of doing before. You can find my photos here.

1 object 5 shots

For this project we had to take five photo’s of a object from angles most wouldn’t look from. We had to use 2 objects and 1 person. The challenging thing for me was to take 5 pics of a person. I couldn’t find anyone to help me out. This project helped me take photo’s from a cool new angle. These are my fave pics:

My little brother

The rest of my pics are here.

5 Shots

We had to take pictures of 3 objects, but each with 5 angles. The challenges of this was trying to find a 5th angle, because I would get 4, but would have to think about the 5. Also, it was hard getting pictures from the bottom. The hardest object to photograph was the grass, because it was hard getting on the ground and getting quality pictures. This project helped me understand that there are different angles than the common facing forward.  You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.

24 Colors

For my first 1st project I had to take 24 pictures of 24 colors in a box of crayons.I went around my neighborhood and my school to find colors that matched colors in my box of crayons. What I have learned from this project is I am starting to notice the colors around me a lot more than a couple of weeks ago.Also One challenge was finding the different shades of colors.Colors like the lighter blues and the darker ones and the darker purples,reds,oranges and the lighter ones.Also making the crayon stay still was very difficult.I tried to not to use tape as much as possible because sometimes if you take a picture it shows a glare.What I found the easiest about this project was finding more of the brighter colors also taking the picture on an actual camera and making the angles right and the lighting to.You can find the rest of my photos here.   

1 Object 5 Shots

For this assignment I was tasked with taking one object and taking 5 pictures of it from different angles. However there were some problems  were, taking the last few angles as it was hard to think of more angles to shoot from. The most difficult object to take pictures of was the sharpener because it was attached to the wall and I couldn’t get any pictures from behind it because of that.This project helped me find other angles to take pictures from. You can see my photos here

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment I was tasked with taking 5 different photos of one object from different angles. One of the challenges of the project was finding different angles to get the pictures, as some objects don’t have much variety. The hardest object to photograph was a person because you need to find very clever angles to make the pictures seem different. This project helped me develop my creativity. You can find my pictures here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

The point of this assignment was to pick 3 objects, including one person, and take 5 different photos of the object, in 5 different angles. There were a few challenges in completing this project. Figuring out 5 different angles to shoot from was a real obtstacle that made this assignment a little more difficult to complete. Taking a picture of a person was the most difficult and gave me the most trouble. Making sure I take pictures in different angles rather than different sides of the person, was the most difficult. This project gave me the chance to be creative by trying to come up with different angles. It really tested my brain. Here are 3 of my favorite pictures I took. Click here to view the rest of my photos.

24 Crayon

Our second assignment was to buy a box of 24 crayon and take photos of each individual crayon. I found that finding the colors was easy. My two favorite photos are displayed below. Click here to see the rest of my photos.