Portraits with an Infinite Background

So to take the photos we had to put the camera to manual, we had to hold a light too.  The background was a white paper.  To edit the photos we had to go to Adobe Photoshop but not to photoshop but to change the light settings.  I added a picture I took and messed with the contrast and the background lightness.  So I made the background lighter and the person darker.  Then I cut the edges because it was yellow.  I would say the person being color than just grey is better.  What didn’t work was the contrast of black and white.  If you want to see the rest of my photos, click here

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this week’s project we had to find three objects and take 5 shots in different angles.  The challenging part of the project was to find different angles.  The hardest object to photograph was the white board because the white board was hung up and it was huge.  This project helped me learn about different angles I didn’t even know about.    If you want to see the rest of my 15 pictures then click here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment I had to take 15 pictures of 3 different objects. For each object I had to take 5 pictures at different angles. A challenge of this project was trying to find 5 different positions of the object that looked interesting. Taking pictures of my pencil was the most challenging object to take pictures of since it was a very small object. This project helped me learn how to take pictures of objects at different angles instead of just taking them in one position. My favorite picture is displayed below. You can find the rest of my picture here.

1 object 5 shots

For this project, I choose three different objects and took five different angled shots for each. A challenge for this project was trying to find different angles that show the whole object. My hardest photograph was of a person because it was hard to make them stay still. This project helped me see things from different points of view. A link to get to my other objects is here

5 Angles

For this project when we had to take pictures of objects and one person from five different angles. A challenge for this project was having to find an object that you would be able to find different angles of, and the angles wouldn’t be the same. The hardest object for me to take a picture of was the trash can because it’s a round object all around, so it would be hard to find different angles. This project helped me learn what different angles are and what angles are similar. Here is a link to all my images.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In This assignment we were told to find 3 objects/things and (one of them must be a person) and take 5 different pictures from 5 different angles. This project was difficult because it was very hard to find 5 different angels to take a picture of. The hardest thing to take a photo of was the person(Carrie Filler) mostly because it was hard for her to stay in the same place/position. This project helped me understand the importance of photo taking and finding different angels. You can see the rest of my photos here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this project, we were asked to pick three objects, one of which was a person, and take photos of it from 5 different angles. One challenging part of this project was when I had to take pictures of a human (Dom Popa). She was not cooperating for some parts but we ended up finishing. The highlighter was the most difficult because i couldn’t figure out 5 different angles. This project helped me understand the importance of angles when taking a photo. You can see my photos here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment, you are required to find three objects (One of them has to be a person) and take 5 shots in 5 different angles. One of the challenges in doing this project was finding someone that wanted to take pictures. To be honest, neither of the photographs was that hard to take you just needed the right angle with the right amount of lighting. This project helped me realize how to take pictures in different angle instead of just right in front of the object.

To see all of my photos for this assignment, click here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In the project we had to change our perspective and learn to see the object in a new way, a way that we haven’t seen it before. We had to chose 3 objects (one being a human) and take 5 different pictures in 5 different angles. This project was pretty simple but, the hardest part was honestly just finding different angles that everyone could understand the new angle. The hardest object I had to take a picture of was the human because there is only so many angles that would make someone look good. Also, just getting the angle was hard because sometimes to had to lay as flat as you could or stand as tall as you could, just to get the perfect shot. This project helped me see new perspective and to look at all angles of an object. If you would like to see the rest of my photos, click here.