
The purpose of the project was to take pictures of moving objects. To take good pictures, I had to make sure I was still, so the only movement was the object. Taking action photos is difficult and it takes patience. I think it would be fun to photograph action photos of baseball or swimming.



See the rest of my photos here

What we were told to do for this project was find 8-10 things that were in motion and to capture them. We had to set the pictures up in a certain way so it wasn’t just a photo of something standing still. What I did was try to get a variety of angles with the shots so they all capture what is really happening in real life. For someone trying to take action photos, I would tell them not to stage the picture too much. If you try and get the perfect picture you will probably end up making the picture look like there isn’t any action. I am a swimmer and think that if I had the time and resources to do so, I would take action shots of people swimming, especially butterfly.

My favorite photos:



During this project, we were required to take pictures of a moving object or someone moving or performing an action.  What I did to capture a good image was I used burst mode this way I could easily follow the object/person moving and capture their movement too.  Some tips I have for someone taking action photos is to be prepared. Know and be ready to take the picture and make sure to have good focus. If I could photograph any sport I would do hockey. I think it’s amazing how players can easily thrust their body’s to get to the puck or check their opponent. I think its amazing how fast they are able to move with all the equipment on


Here are some more pictures I took down below

Catch the Action

For the most part, our subjects haven’t been in motion.  Well, we don’t just want motion for this project we want action!  With cameras getting smaller and more powerful (like a GoPro) it is easier to get great action shots.  Your goal is to photograph your classmates in action.  This will take planning an multiple tries to get the shot.  Do NOT settle.  Things to think about….. your backgrounds, camera angles, composition (rule of 3rds), lighting, and creativity.  So whether you are kicking, throwing, swimming, catching, or jumping, just catch the action.

Tips from the pros:

10 Tips for Stunning Action Photography

Beginner Tips for Shooting Action Photography


+ 10 single action photos with at least 3 non-human subjects (variety of people and actions).

+ 1 photo in your post with logo

+ Explain the project.

+ What did you do, either with settings or set up, that helped capture good images?

+ Using the tips we looked at at this beginning of this project, which tips do you think are the most important and explain why.  Include the link in your post to give the original author credit. Link:

+ What sport or action would you want to photograph if money, time, and travel distance wasn’t an issue? Why?

+ Active link to your Google Drive album