Action photos

For this project, we had to take pictures of moving objects. What helped capture good images was setting up the shot where you can tell if the object is moving, for example, if you wanted to jump, you would take it in mid-air so you can tell that the person that is jumping is moving. A tip I would give to take good pictures is using the burst mode if your camera has that setting so you can just use the setting while somebody is doing an action and the after chose which picture in the burst works well or is your favorite. if I could take any action photo I could, I would take a picture of a waterfall.

The link to the rest of the photos:

Here are some of my favorites…


During this project we had to take pictures of people in action. In order to take good photos you had to line up the background with the photo. One tip I have For taking good photos is to take a burst and then choose the best one. I would love to photograph golf because that is the sport that I play.

Action Photos

For this project we had to take a picture of someone doing something, or an action photo. For this project it helps to take the picture looking up so it looks like someone is jumping higher. If you want to take a lot of photos I recommend using burst more on your phone to take a lot of pictures at once.I would want to take pictures of a soccer game.


In this project we took photos of our peers in action. We had to set up the shot and perfectly time the picture. I had to pick a spot where no one will interfere  and time the shot perfectly. I suggest you try and get a very good camera and time them perfectly. It will take lots of practice. I would photograph lacrosse because I love the sport and would be very easy to capture great images.

Action Photo!

For this project we had to take photos of something/someone in action. I used my iPhone and held down the button to take a burst. I then picked out the good photo. Next, I edited the photos on the computer and added my logo to my two “favorites”. I do not have any tips because I suck at photos but i will recommend Mr. Frank Fitzpatrick. His email is If i could take an action photo if any sport or thing, I would do a surfer under a wave or a football player during the game. To look at more of my stunning, beautiful bracelets, go to this link:

have a wonderful day! bye.


Catch the Action

In this project the objective was to take successful shots of people or objects in motion.  In this project I took all my pictures outside of school.  I tried during class but I didn’t like how bland and generic the pictures I was taking looked.  So I went for a different angle.  I went hiking this past weekend and got a bunch of great shots of running water.  During this project I always had to have my camera out.  It only takes a moment for an action be over, it is very easy to miss the opportunity window.  Therefore I didn’t really set up most of my shots.  While I did set up my pictures of musical instruments by telling them to play, I did not set up most shots.  This may sound unprofessional,  but I just took a bunch of pictures and hoped of the best.   Cut me some slack, I’m only a middle school student after all.  My biggest tip is to always be ready and alert, because action is always happening around you.  Take a lot of pictures, as many as you can.  A few are bound to turn out.  If I could do this project and photograph any sport, I would defiantly choose sumo wrestling.  I feel like that would be hilarious to shoot!  There is a lot of action and jiggling fat, a giant showdown of beast pinned against beast.  Who wouldn’t want to take a photo of that?

If you want to see my photo’s click on this link!








Action shots

For this project we had to take action shots, or pictures of people in action. For this project I walked around taking pictures of kids. I had to wait for the right time to take the picture. I also had to make sure that the kids were in action. I would recommend getting an app to use for action shots, because your phone camera really sucks. If i could photograph a sport, I would photograph basketball.

The rest of my pictures are here:

Catch the Action

For this project, I had to take 8-10 pictures of an object or person in motion. In order to get the right timing, I took a slow motion video in order to get the right frame. I would pause the video where I wanted it and use that frame as the picture. If you are taking action pictures on your phone, I would take a video so you get the whole action and pick the picture you want. I would like to photograph a swimming event, because you would see the water splashing, and I have a couple of pictures of myself swimming.

Google Photos Link:



What we did in this project was to take a photo that show motion. You could not just take a pose so we need a person  to do an action. Some tips to use is to take burst pictures and walking is a good subject. Sports you can photograph are football, soccer, swimming, and biking.

photo are here

Catch the action

Here is the link to all of my photos:

In this project, I took photos of people in motion. I had to get the right angles and the perfect timing for the photos to have action. Some tips I would have for people is to wait a little after the action then take the photo. Wait around .3 seconds. I would take a picture of someone hitting a baseball.

Here are my two favorite photos: