7 days

in this project we had 7 days to find 7 things that we’re grateful for. I chose materialistic objects becuae i think its corny to say I’m thankful for my parents

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Things I am Thankful For

     My first photo is a picture of, most of, my friends. I am beyond grateful for these wonderful people. No matter what, when I am having trouble with something, at least one of these people will be there for me. My friends bring laughter, and happiness, into my life. I am so fortunate to have people like this in my life, and hope that I continue to have this bond with my friends.

     My second picture is a photo of my mom, with my cat. My mom does everything for me, and I know that I am so lucky to have someone like that in my life. My cat is always there for me to pet, hug, play with, and do whatever I want with him. I am so grateful for these two loved ones.

     My third picture is a picture of my dad, my other cat, and my brother. They always are a constant source of entertainment & care. Even though I get in fights with them sometimes, they are always there for me to have a good time with.

     My fourth picture is a picture of my camp friends, and I. Not only am I thankful for these people, I am thankful for the place that I go every summer with them. Laying under the tall green tree, and starlit night, I feel at home. My camp friends are always there for me, and I can always trust them, because I have created an everlasting friendship with all of them. The memories I have with them will last a lifetime.

     My fifth picture is a picture of my dance studio. I am very thankful for this place because I have met so many new people here, and created an amazing bond with a few instructors. My dance studio keeps me active, and helps me become a better dancer.

     My sixth, seventh, and eighth pictures are a picture of nature. I am very thankful for the environment in America, and all of the life around me. Animals, and nature, bring joy into my life, which I am thankful for. I am also thankful to have 2 beautiful places I can go to for a vacation. My grandparent’s houses in Long Beach Island, and Florida, are place where I can have a good time at the beach with all of my family.



7 Days

I am thankful for my family.  They support me with everything I do and teach me lessons so that I can succeed in life.

I am thankful for my house.  It gives me a place to rest and feel comfortable.

I am thankful for food.  It gives me energy to strive and achieve everything I do throughout each day.

I am thankful for my dog. She gives me love and can always make my day by just being herself.

I am thankful for nature.  It gives me oxygen so that I can breath and thrive and it gives me a place to feel relaxed and alone.

I am thankful for my soccer team.  They teach me new soccer lessons and let me get better in soccer while making it a good time.

I am thankful for my friends.  They can always brighten my mood and we can do activities to keep me occupied. 



7 days

I am thankful for my family for many reasons. One reason is that they are always there for me and they never let me down.  They are very supportive and caring. My family is loving and I am very thankful for them.

I am thankful for my soccer teammates because they are basically my second family. We win and lose together and no matter what we are always there for each other. They are very supportive and never bring me down if I make a mistake. They are who I spend a lot of time with and I am thankful for them.

I am grateful for my friends because they are always there for me even when i’m feeling down. They are hilarious and always make me laugh. I love being with them because they are caring, funny, smart, nice, and fun to be around. 

I am grateful for my dog because she is adorable and always ready to cuddle. She goes right to me when I get home and gives me a ton of “kisses.” Even though she barks whenever we eat dinner I still love her because she makes me happy and brings more love into our family.

I am grateful for the beach. I am grateful for the beach because it’s very relaxing and it’s wear I spend time with my family and friends. I have tons of fun at the beach and I never get bored. There are endless amounts of things to do and there all super fun! The view is also always amazing! I am thankful for the beach because it makes me happy and gives me time to spend with my family and friends.

I am thankful for nature. I am thankful for nature because it brings color into our world and gives us fresh air. It always looks beautiful and smells amazing. Without nature, our world have no color and be dull and boring. Nature brings excitement into our world and allows us to have fun and have a beautiful world. This is why I am thankful for nature.

I am thankful for my house because it provides me with shelter and keeps me warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Another reason is that it’s wear I spend quality time with my family and make tons of memories.

Thankful Epic

I am thankful for my family especially my mom because she always helps me and supports me in everything I do. She is always there for me and always makes me happy. I love her very much and I could not image my life without her.

I am thankful for my friends. They always make me laugh and never fail to put a smile on my face. They also never let me down and have my back.

I am thankful for my dog. He always comforts me and always makes me laugh. Whether it’s him being stupid and running into a wall or chasing a squirrel he will never get.

I am thankful for soccer team and my coach. My team always supports me and has my back. I am very thankful for my coach because he  always pushes me to be better and helps me and teaches me new things.

I am thankful for my house because it provides me shelter and a safe place to go. It is also where I grew up and have lived my whole life.

I am thankful for the beach because it is the one place that also makes me happy every time I go. No matter what it is always there

I am thankful for my school and the people that work in it. First, my school helps me learn new things. Also, it help prepare me for high school and challenges that I may face ahead.

Thankful Epic

I am thankful for my Mom because she teaches me many things. My mom shows me how to be strong and independent and shows me to always be kind to everyone. She is a huge role model in my life because of everything thing she does and how she never gives up.

I am thankful for my friends because they bring joy into my life. They always make me laugh and have a good time, no matter when. They are kind, smart, and always helpful to me.

I am thankful for my dog because he never leaves me. He is always there during tough times and always makes me smile. Whether it is chasing squirrels or playing fetch he makes me happy and shows me to always have a good time in life.

I am thankful for the beach because it is my happy place. I love relaxing on the beach, seeing the sunrises and sunsets, and playing in the water. My family and I always go down to the beach to have a good time and vacation.

I am thankful for quiet nights and good books because it is a good time to relax. This is a good time to just take it slow which is important to me.

I am thankful for soccer because I love playing goalie and having great friendships with my team. Playing soccer makes me happy, especially when playing goalie.

I am thankful for my home because it is where I grew up. This is one of the only places I have know for my whole life. I have learned so much from neighbors and love everything where I live.


7 Pictures I am Thankful For

I am thankful for my school. They teach me life lessons and help me grow and learn. I could not be as smart as i am now without school.

I am thankful for my house. It keeps me warm and helps me go to sleep at night. I am able to be safe when bad weather happens with my family.

I am thankful for food. It gives me energy and keeps me happy when I get sad. It also keeps me in shape and so I do not go to bed hungry.

I am thankful for America. Where we can make out own decisions. We are not ruled by one individual and we can make are own choices and decisions.

I am thankful for the capitals. Even thought they lose a lot they bring me joy when they win. I am happy when they win and they can give a distraction from life.

I am Thankful for My friends. They are cool and they are funny and they keep me company. I have lots of fun with them so I am not bored.

I am thankful for my family. They give me support and gives me positive vibes. They help me become a better person and understand life lessons.


7 Days (Sort of)

This class has been designed around “viral” photo projects.  One of the most popular to hit the web was the “7 Days of Black and White”.  The “rules” are no people, no explanation, regular life, has to B&W, and then tag a friend.  For me personally, my social media feeds are now filled with interesting (some better than others) black and white photos. Even if the pictures that are on my feed aren’t great, it’s been a nice break from news from around the world that can easily get you down.  With the end of your middle school career coming in a few weeks  this seems like the perfect day to include a “7 day challenge”.  However, let’s break some of the “rules”.  Here’s what I would like to see, it’s ok to call this a little cheesy.

  • 7 photos that show what you are thankful for in your life.  This can be tricky, but I really want you to think about it.  There is so much negative around us, let’s try to think positively.
  • B&W is preferred, but you can use color
  • You can have people and pets in your photos.
  • A photo can be made up of more than one photo.
  • Explanation of each photo.  If you’re thankful for a person in your life, tell us (and them) why.  It might just be what they needed.
  • Use what we have practiced….. composition, color, backgrounds.
  • Write a better than “8th grade” quality post.
  • 7 Days is the number of days you have (including the weekend) to collect your photos.
  • Post it in the category “7 Days”.