24 Colors

24 Colors is about finding colors in your everyday life that you can match to the colors in a 24 pack of Crayola crayons. I walked around school, home, and a few stores to find all my colors. I found that M&Ms colors match crayon colors perfectly! But sadly many of the colors are not in a M&Ms bag. The biggest challenge in this project for me was finding colors that matched each crayon. I found that the blues and the purples gave me a hard time. All the blues in the box look the same! I could hardly tell the difference between them! Once, I dropped my crayon box and all the crayons fell out. I didn’t know what blue was what! This project was mostly a challenge. But, one easy thing I found was putting my logo on the two photos down below. This project made me realize that finding colors from a crayon box is very hard! But, the challenge was fun! ( I would not want to do it again)  You can see the rest of my photos here.

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24 Colors

For this assignment, we had to get a box of crayons and take a photo of each crayon with something that was the same color. One of the challenges was finding something the same color as some of the crayons, like the oranges, or some of the greens. I found it easy to not get my hand in the photo. You can find the rest of my photos here.

24 Colors

The assignment is to get a crayon box of 24 crayons and find those specific colors around the world and take pictures of the crayons next to the color. The challenges of the project were when I had only 6 crayons left, but each was a very similar shade of purple/blue. I found taking pics of black, white, gray, and different shades of green to be very easy.

View the rest of my pics here

24 colors

 For this assignment, we where told to buy a 24 colors box of crayons. Mr. Fitz instructed us to take pictures of objects we found around the school and neighborhood that would match these crayons. I faced a lot of challenges during the making of this project. One challenge I faced was when you wanted to take a picture of a crayon and a object on a wall, you can’t get your finger in the picture. It was really hard to hold the crayon and take a picture and not get your finger in it. Another challenge I faced was how we were suppose to get the crayola sign on the crayon in the picture. In certain positions, it was really hard to make the crayon stay with the crayola sign facing toward the camera. I found matching the objects to the crayons easy. Even though this project wasn’t easy, it was really fun!! Click here to see the rest of my photos here.

24 Colors

For this assignment we had a box of 24 crayons and we had to go around (school,outside,etc.) to find places to take pictures of the crayons that matched the color of the crayon. The challenges of the project were finding a color that matched the crayon color. Some of the hardest colors for me to find were all of the oranges, blues and peach. The easy parts for me were taking the photos because we could use our phones which made it convenient and knowing which colors I had already taken photos of because once I had taken a picture of a photo  I flipped the crayon upside down so I would not use it again.

To see the rest of my photos, click here 

24 Colors

         For this assignment had to take photos of all the crayons in a crayola 24 box. The challenges of this project was finding colors that look exactly like the colors of a crayon. What I found to be easy was taking the photos and uploading them to drive. For the rest of my photos come here.

24 colors, Period 1

In this assignment, we used 24 different colored crayons, and matched their color to a certain object or background. This project was pretty easy because the school, and my house has many different colored things. It was still hard to choose all the places I would put my crayons, because I wanted everything to match as much as possible. It was also hard to find a way to position the crayon so that it would look like it was part of the background. Here were my favorite two photos in this project:

Check out all my other photos here.

24 colors

In this assignment we had to take pictures of crayons all around the school and outside. The pictures had to match one of the 24 crayons in the box. This project was super interesting to actually see the different colors in a new perspective. Although, there was definitely some challenges such as finding a color that would complement what we were taking a picture of. This project wasn’t just hard, there was definitely some ease to the project. Such as being able to take a picture of pretty much anything that matched one of the 24 colors. Down below there are some of my favorite picture. If you want to see the rest of the photos, click here.

24 Crayons

For my first photography assignment I had to take pictures of 24 crayons with each of them next to their own color. Not only was it just taking pictures of crayons next to its color, It also showed me all of the colors around us. One Challenge was finding a color for every type of blue and purple, Finding each shade was very difficult. It was also difficult to position the crayons so that they wont fall. If you use tape on the crayons it could be noticeable by the glare of the tape. Some things that I found easy was finding brighter colors such as green, yellow or white. You can find my photos Here