24 Crayons

We were given an assignment to take a piture of 24 different crayons where the crayon matched the background. This project is challenging because its hard to fine colors for the backgrounds that match. NOTHING ABOUT THIS WAS EASY. 

24 Colors

The task of this project was to camouflage a crayon to something that is the exact same color. In order to complete this project we needed crayons and a phone /camera.  The most challenging task of this assessment was to match the color of a object.  The easiest part of this project was taking the picture. I’m really  good with angles so that was easy. Down below are my 2 favorite pictures  that I took click here to see the rest of my pictures.

24 Colors

For my first 1st project I had to take 24 pictures of 24 colors in a box of crayons.I went around my neighborhood and my school to find colors that matched colors in my box of crayons. What I have learned from this project is I am starting to notice the colors around me a lot more than a couple of weeks ago.Also One challenge was finding the different shades of colors.Colors like the lighter blues and the darker ones and the darker purples,reds,oranges and the lighter ones.Also making the crayon stay still was very difficult.I tried to not to use tape as much as possible because sometimes if you take a picture it shows a glare.What I found the easiest about this project was finding more of the brighter colors also taking the picture on an actual camera and making the angles right and the lighting to.You can find the rest of my photos here.   

24 Crayons

For the 24 Crayons  project I had to take one box of 24 crayons and take pictures of different things that matched each color in the box. I took some of my pictures in my school and other places in my neighborhood. I found that this project was actually challenging. I thought that finding each individual color was hard to do. Especially holding up the crayons on the wall and then getting a good picture. The easiest part of the project was finding the basic colors.

These are my two favorite pictures that I took. To find more you can click on this link.

24 Crayon

Our second assignment was to buy a box of 24 crayon and take photos of each individual crayon. I found that finding the colors was easy. My two favorite photos are displayed below. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

24 Colors

My Assignment was to take 24 crayons find the same shade of the crayons and take pictures of it. This is one of the two that I posted 
and also my favorite. One of the hardest parts of taking theses pictures was sometimes were to high and i need to have a friend help me. one of the easiest parts was to find the basic colors.You can see the rest of my photos here.

24 Colors

In this project, I took 24 crayons and found objects around me that have the same colors. Some challenges of this project are when I found something I wanted to take a picture of, and finding the right angle to take the picture. Sometimes, it would come out weird, because some objects were in front of windows, making everything in the background dark and hard to see. Another challenge was making sure that similar pictures and colors did not look alike, and making the pictures look interesting. What I found to be easy in this project was taking the actual pictures. I found that part fun too, because I liked looking for cool ways to position the crayons on, in, or next to the objects. I really liked this project, because it was a fun challenge to find 24 objects to match the crayons I had. To see the rest of my pictures, click here

24 Colors

In this project, I had to take 24 pictures of 24 different colored crayons that matched the objects around me. Some challenges of this project if finding the exact color, knowing which angle was best, when and if I want flash, and reaching things that are in high spots or corners. Sometimes, the picture would come out weird if I was taking it next to a window or when I was taking it with a background that was farther away. What I thought was easy was finding things I wanted to take a picture of, and I got ideas easily. I really liked this project because it was really fun and challenging.  You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.

24 Colors

In this assignment we had to use a 24 box of crayons and match it was objects. It was really fun but it got so stressful finding some colors. I went to Micheal with my friend and we spent almost 2 hours finding colors that match the crayons. It was challenging because I would find stuff with the same color but on camera they looked different. Also I kept dropping the crayons and broke a lot of them like I accidentally dropped a box of crayons in a flower pot when I was taking a picture, but luckily I was at Micheal so I just bought a new pack. It was easy to take the pictures and to edit the photo because they didn’t need much editing. Overall, this was a fun project and a good start for this class. HERE