
During the second semester of 8th grade I took photography class. It was very fun and interesting to see how the different styles of photos can change your whole perspective. I still think that photography is something that is not for everybody but I see that it is very important to learn about different styles of capturing images. I have changes the way I have taking my photos because now I think about the rule of thirds and much more. Photography does not interest me in a career because I have already found what I want to do when I get older. I will probably not take photography in high school because i still think it is not for some people such as me because it requires a lot of patience.

Link to all  photos:


my favorite…

7 Days

For this project, I took pictures of the things that meant the most to me so far in my life, I took pictures of my pets relatives and some places that had helped me through the years. This project was 7 days long and it made me think about what I am most thankful for.

  1. My second dog, George, is the most important thing in my life. We adopted him from a shelter that would have put him down if he could not find a home. So we adopted him at the age of 4 and now he is 10. He means so much to me and he helped bring me and my dad closer than ever.
  2. A picture of my first dog, Teena, she was adopted before I was born and passed away 3 years ago. I was very upset when she went, but she made my house feel more like a home.
  3. A box of Teena, my dog’s ashes, and her collar. We kept it so we can remember her forever. It stays in the middle of our house so we can all feel close to her.
  4. My dad, he helped me through rough times and helped me keep motivated when I was having trouble inn school. I am most thankful for him because I would not be able to be the person I am without him.
  5. My house. This placed was a last resort when my dad could not find a place to move into when my parents split up. I was so happy to find a home close to my old house so I could stay near my friends and go to school with them.
  6. My bed. It helps me get to sleep at night and it is one of the places that makes me feel safe. When I wake up in the morning, I see my dog next to my bed and it always makes me feel happy and ready for the day.
  7. My bike. I helps me get to school everyday on time and I can always count on it to get me places close by. I rely on it a lot every day and this is one of the things I am most grateful for.

Action photos

For this project, we had to take pictures of moving objects. What helped capture good images was setting up the shot where you can tell if the object is moving, for example, if you wanted to jump, you would take it in mid-air so you can tell that the person that is jumping is moving. A tip I would give to take good pictures is using the burst mode if your camera has that setting so you can just use the setting while somebody is doing an action and the after chose which picture in the burst works well or is your favorite. if I could take any action photo I could, I would take a picture of a waterfall.

The link to the rest of the photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/vpt9PEExcVAONmCl2

Here are some of my favorites…

Up close

In this project, we had to take pictures of up close things. What worked well for these pictures was using super macro and taking pictures of a single object. The new thing I tried was taking pictures up close of plants that I would usually just ignore. If I had the ability to go take an up close picture of anything, I would take an up close picture of  drops of water reflecting of of something to make the drop of water colorful.

This is the link to the rest of the photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/GrSE6XV6smPr2iN12

Smile Project

This project was easy because all you had to do was ask someone to “Smile”.  The changes that I see in the 2 photos that I took was that the picture with the person smiling seemed way more friendly and nicer than the other photo. Bias can affect me as a photographer because it will make me decide what kinds of people or things I would want to take a picture of. The questions I would ask my clients would be what makes them happy and how do you want people to see you when they first meet you.

Here is a link to the rest of the photos: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1O6E5zMpmVdDeYAfe_vanwhLB6-5eO9rfV_Vf0iadOnA/edit?usp=sharing

Light Graffiti

For the light graffiti photos, We used a dark room with flashlights to make streaks of light. For the camera to capture these pictures, the settings for the camera need to be Bulb Mode, ISO 400, F8 and Manual Focus. For the photo to capture the light, the shutter speed to 8 seconds so people have time to draw with the light and then exit the photo. What worked was using a dark room to take the photos and using strong flashlights. What didn’t work was putting the light too close to the camera because the you could not see anything. It was frustrating when you had to stand very still in the photo or else you would mess the photo up. To take this project to the next level, we should light up different objects that we can find.

active link to photo album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/WuT8yIJ2kpXkf8oG2


Newseum Post

The Pulitzer Prize photo that was taken in 1972 by Huynh Cong Ut called “The Terror of War” was a photo taken when planes dropped napalm in South Vietnamese, and shows a naked girl on fire screaming,”Too hot, too hot, please help!” while running in the street. This photo made me feel sad and sorry for the children in the photo. Another Pulitzer Prize photo that was taken in 1948 by Nathaniel Fein called,”Babe Ruth’s Final Farewell.” was a photo taken that shows fans cheering for Babe Ruth as he struggles to stand up while leaning on his bat because he is violently ill. This photo made me upset because babe Ruth was sick and ended up dying 2 months later.

If I was the one who was taking these photos, I would be able to separate myself as a photographer from being a human, this is because I would want to witness the struggle of other people and be in their shoes. The struggles of being a photographer is see all the sad thing and having to take pictures of it so others around the world can see what is going on. I do think there are rewards to this, such as being able to see what other people’s lives are like outside your own.

By favorite 2nd exhibit is the Don Bolles Story. what made me like it and find it interesting was that the man who died was a photographer who had made many enemies along the way. This exhibit fit into the Newseum very well because this reporter sacrificed his life for the new. This exhibit was very interesting because it shows the car with the bomb under the seat that he died in.

Rule Of Thirds

I had to take photos using the rule of thirds. What worked was putting the main subject of my photos on one third if the whole photo so people notice it. What didn’t work was taking a whole picture of one thing because there was nothing else to focus on. My thoughts on the rule of thirds in the beginning was that it was not important but after the project I know that the rule of thirds helps the photo stand out. I used the lines in the photos to separate the important subjects in the photo apart from each other so people notice every aspect of the photo.

Link to rest of photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/9eRGM2RfPHeySxcq1

White Background

The way we took our photos was with a white background and changing the settings of the ISO, Shutter speed, and F-Stop. Some of the photos did not need to be edited since they were fine the way they were. What worked was shining a bright light at the background when we took the picture. For the white background, we used a different shutter speed than the black background. The black background was much easier than the white background. What didn’t work was standing to close to the white background because we could see the shadow of the person.

Link to the rest of the photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/np8KGUucf1L35RXJ3